Why did we start?

Hi all,ive been over weight since i was 20ish,its always bothered me but its never stopped me from over eating,ive tried sw and ww many times and managed to do it for a couple of weeks,i lost 2stone a couple of years back but put it all back on plus more ,then i was diagnosed with leukaemia when i was 26,and oh my god i ate for england(ireland ,scotland and wales),i was very low and the only thing that helped me cope with it was food,anyway im in remission and have been for nearly 18mths,so i thought id better get my butt into gear and try and get as healthy as i can,
luv kat:)
Jesus chocdrop you have been through the wars.....You look after yourself and eat healthily!
I know and treated a few people with the disease.

Hope you ok now though xxx
Ruthy xxx
Great thread!

My turning point was my elder daughter, she has always been a healthy size ten, however i noticed she has started to eat little at home but must be eating junk when she is out and consequently her weight has crept up to a size 12/14 (not big I know), but i spoke to her and tried to explain that been big had affected my life and made me unhappy with myself for years and i didnt want the same to happen to her. I asked her if she ate junk out of the house, because healthy food was always on offer at home....she replied mum, you have been on a diet ever since i can remember and you are now bigger than you have ever been... so i turn the question 'What unhealthy stuff do you eat in secret mum?' mmmm she had a point i am the worlds greatest 'secret binge' eater!!!!!

Well, no more... I have joined slimming world and this time i wont cheat myself. Why? because me and my kids deserve better!!!
I was bullied at school for being fat even though I wasn't but I just believed that I was as I was bigger than the other girls. I am average build and most of the girls at school were skinny so I guess I must have looked fat to them. I got bigger in my teens and food was always my crutch.

When I started working on the trains I would come home with bruises on my hips where I couldn't fit properly between the seats and would bash into them whilst walking through the train! It took a month to sort out my uniform as it never fit properly so I ended up with mens size 44" trousers and size 20 shirts and size 22 waistcoats and jackets. I was disgusted with myself as I was only 23!

The lowest point came one day when I was getting ready for work and couldn't find a clean pair of trousers to wear. The only other clothes in my wardrobe were 'fat' stretchy clothes that I wouldn't have got away with wearing to work. I ended up crying my eyes out and calling in sick as I was in too much of a state to go in. More than that though, I was ashamed of myself.

A friend joined SW and lost a stone very quickly so I decided to go along one night. The rest, as they say, is history.

My uniform is now: Trousers size 16 (or mens 36), Shirts size 14, waistcoat and jacket size 16. My waistcoat jacket and trousers are too big but I don't want them to be too tight!

Good thread guys. My turning point was well I have always been big (not really big) but big enough for the taunts at school. I have 2 girls age 12 and 7 . My eldest was chubby but the youngest very slim, my eldest started senior school in september and has gone down 2 dress sizes :D is now a size 6-8 which is great. I do not want her to go through what I did.:(
Last year I was picking them up from school and a gang of youths in a car shouted out of the window hey fatty have you tried "SLIMFAST"? I ignored them and came home then cried my eyes out. I knew I was big but only size 18!! I joined cd lost 2.5 stone but unfortunately put it all back on.:mad:so I am now being sensible and doing sw and it is coming off slowly....I hope to see them horrible lads one day and hold my head up high.:D;).xx
great thread,

not that i'm saying its great that everyone has had horrible experience but it is nice to share them now they have.

i can't believe how much bullying goes on. i was bullied at school too and didn't really any friends at all until i was 14. i can't believe kids can be so nasty and shallow! i've comfort ate all my life and really am trying to break the cycle - still! becuase all the horrid girls at school were thin i've always said i don't want to be like them and therefore stayed big. now i'm older i realsie that not everyone is like that but still comfort eat when i'm stressed or down. i just like eating which is why i think me and sw get on as it doesn't stop you eating.

anyway as for the quesiton - my turning point. i've had several of ther past few years, fingers crossed now i've got a bit more support i'll stick with it till i reach my goal (and beyond). i can't really put my finger on the exact point, its been on my mind past few weeks and i'm turning 30 in a few months... i've always thought that if i can't sort myself out by then then i never will. now is the time!!! that is puttting a lot of pressure on myself so hopefully i won't explode! i also want to be thin when i get married (no ring yet but hopefully soon) and don't want my kids to grow up overweight, with overweight parents like i did. your parents are your role models, if they overeat chances are you will!

anyway enough from me.... that's enough of diggingin into the soul for one day!

thanks for reading this if you have, i hope i haven't bored you too much. it certainly is good to "talk"...

K x
Just hate the way I look

I have been thin in my thirties, then when I turned 40 I had some really serious family problems and also lost some of my hearing. I piled on nearly 5 stone over the last 4 years. My problem was I could never decide on what diet to do, so I would lose a bit get fed up and put all the weight back on and more!

My turning point has been that I went clothes shopping with a university friend last week she is 30 and a size 10 and looked gorge in everything she tried on, now I know I will never be 30 again:tear_drop: but at least I can look nice in clothes and actually look in a full length mirror again. I have also stopped being a party animal and started staying in - I will be knitting next lol. So this is it the start on a new me - or getting the old me back again:)
I have been overweight for as long as I can remember, and also dieting on and off since I was about 16 (i'm 33 now). I have done really well in the past and got near to target, but never actually reached. Each time the weight has gone straight back on - and some!

In early Janary this year I developed a really bad rash all over me. It got worse and worse and I was in pain all over. It then changed and I had pinprick spots all over me and I really thought it was something serious. Luckily it wasn't but it really scared me. I am sure it was not weight related but I thought about what I am doing to myself and how I am not fit enough to run about with my young children and I straight away started eating healthily. A week or so later I joined SW online and feel so much better for it.

Although I have failed so many times in the past I do really think that something has clicked this time (or at least I hope it has). I've even been exercising which is quite something for me :)
you guys are all doing soooo well :D

This time round, I'm not really sure what made me diet again but I am the only fat one at work since another girl lost 8 stone on slimming world, Also I was having really upsetting awful nightmares about hubby having to explain to my children why I had died etc etc, I even got to the point where I have written them a book each with advice for their first kiss, wedding day, fallouts with hubby etc:cry::cry:

I lost 10 and a half stone on lighterlife about 5 years ago and I am mortified to say that it has all bar a few pounds gone on again:cry:

So in short, I needed to get myself healthier, fitter and a lot lighter so that I am still around to see and help my children grow up.
MrsB that is a sad story! You WILL be healthy and fit enough to give all that advice to your kids in person and when you stand with them on their wedding day you will look stunning in your size 10 Mother Of the Bride/Groom outfit! x

As a lot of us have had a rubbish April (me included) I thought this thread may spur us on again!!
I missed the thread first time round, but did post in another one in a different forum... but will add to this one.

I want to wear what I like, not what fits,
I want to be able to find knee boots that fit my calf's,
For my boyfriend to be proud of me,
For me to believe that he means what he says when he tells me Im gorgeous and sexy,
To not feel that people judge me on my size,
To be a good role model for my children...... all 30 of them (Im a teacher not a parent!)
To feel healthy and be fit,
To love what I see in the mirror,
Blah blah blah - the list goes on xxx
Thanks Louise for bumping this up, so easy to forget!!

and Rainbow, you ARE gorgeous!!

Thanks Louise for bumping this up, so easy to forget!!

and Rainbow, you ARE gorgeous!!


Aw thanks Steph - thats really lovely of you. Dont get me wrong I don't think I'm ugly, but I find it hard to see how I can be georgeous when Im fat if you know what I mean - but not fat for much longer xxx
Im gonna make a wee list of all the reasons why I want to lose weight tomorrow when Im at work:character00148: shows how busy I am lol. But thought Id add this quick:

A few months ago I was away for the night at a lovely hotel with a guy from work (long story). Im usually quite "fit" in that dept, legs round the neck job but I was bloody knackered. Thought to myself, im 25, divorced and wanna have a bit of fun and should be able to keep up with a 49 year old man!!
Im gonna make a wee list of all the reasons why I want to lose weight tomorrow when Im at work:character00148: shows how busy I am lol. But thought Id add this quick:

A few months ago I was away for the night at a lovely hotel with a guy from work (long story). Im usually quite "fit" in that dept, legs round the neck job but I was bloody knackered. Thought to myself, im 25, divorced and wanna have a bit of fun and should be able to keep up with a 49 year old man!!
That really made my morning!:rotflmao:

Reasons I want to lose weight:

*I love the summer and I don't want to spend any more of them covering up and not having as much fun as I want to have

*I want to be able to wear the clothes I like and not the ones that I can 'get away with'

*I want to look and feel sexy

*I want to have the confidence to walk into a room full of strangers and not worry what they think about me

*I want to be able to buy food, ANY food, without feeling like I'm being judged

*I want the real me to be free

TIP When I used to wear a lot of skirts in the summer I would get deodorant wipes (don't know if you can still get them but roll on will do) and put on my thighs in the morning to stop them sweating so much and it really reduces the pain. Also use roll on under boobs to stop them sweating
I want to lose weight for health reasons (have been ordered to lose at least 5 stone by my doctor!).

No more sore knees
No more sore hip
No more sore thighs
No more waking up several times a night gasping for breath
No more hiding from the camera and not looking at myself in mirrors or windows
Being able to fit into nice clothes again instead of slopping around in track suits all day long (I work at home so don't have to get dressed up for the office)
No more putting off doing things to the garden as it seems like too much of an effort.

Well, that's the plan, anyway - even if it takes over a year to achieve.:)
My reasons why IM GOING TO lose 8 Stone:
  1. My health, PCOS and Blood sugar levels all over the place
  2. Flippin yukky infections cause I have a roll of fat on my tummy, cant believe ive admitted that!
  3. Im constantly tired
  4. Im fed up being a size 22
  5. I want to go into a cheapy shop and be able to by something other than a handbag
  6. Im really fed up with Evans
  7. I want to be able to go swimming, its been 6 years since I have.
  8. I want to be fit enough to go for a run
  9. I dont want to be fat, I want to be normal
  10. I want to prove my Ex Husband wrong, he said I fail at everything
  11. I want to find a nice guy and not settle for second best
  12. I want to have kids and not be the size of a house before I get pregnant
  13. I want my boobs back, they look smalled cause my tummy is bigger
  14. Im 26 this July, I WILL be 2 Stone lighter
  15. Im 27 Next July, I WILL be a healthy weight
  16. Im Walking the Race For Life this year
  17. I will RUN the Race For Life next year
  18. I want to do this for me