why do I blow it

pos bird

Full Member
Why oh why when I am doing so well I go and pig out on all the wrong foods. Doing it at home and lost 9lbs so far. Done so well today, everyone at work ate "dirty sandwiches" from the van, I had chicken salad and felt so proud as I really did not want a sandwich. Got home from work and made chicken dinner with oxo roasts and then just gone and blown it with 2 chocolate digestive bars and 6 biscuits. Feel really crap now. It's almost as soon as I get that sugar rush I want more. Need to control it.
pos bird said:
Why oh why when I am doing so well I go and pig out on all the wrong foods. Doing it at home and lost 9lbs so far. Done so well today, everyone at work ate "dirty sandwiches" from the van, I had chicken salad and felt so proud as I really did not want a sandwich. Got home from work and made chicken dinner with oxo roasts and then just gone and blown it with 2 chocolate digestive bars and 6 biscuits. Feel really crap now. It's almost as soon as I get that sugar rush I want more. Need to control it.

I'd just add up the total syns and try and deduct them from your weekly total if it makes you feel more in control.

I think with binges ( and I'm def guilty of them) you need to address what happens when you start, how about deciding to wait 15 mins in between each biscuit, then seeing if you really do want it after that time?
I can relate to this - although I currently have an iron grip on it! It's almost like I start stuffing my face in a trance like haze and then feel terrible afterwards.

I suppose the only thing you can do is practice vigilance at all times. Distract yourself with a nice bath, a book, a walk or a chat with a friend when you feel the urge to over eat. And keep telling yourself that you're not hungry . This has nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with some sort of emotional void which could be anything from boredom to habit to feeling upset.

I sympathise though. It's hard
That sounds like an idea. Just beating myself up as been so good with temptations. So far I have declined cakes, samoas which have been brought in by colleagues and two visits to the greasy spoon van. Felt good about that as really didn't feel tempted. Well, best get my but on my treadmill in the morning.
Think it just I am in relax mode. Done my day at work, kids all bathed and I am chilled and relaxed. Need to get myself organised and have my low syn treats handing.