Wii Fit Club

im not speaking to my wii fit ever again :) said id put on a lb when proper proper scales say i have lost 2!
Go with your scales hun, those Wii fits have a mind of their own - I only listen to it if it tells me Ive lost weight which I'm still waiting for :D
LOL bloody thing.
that's a VERY polite way of putting it :D
Mine was nice to me today. It said i lost a kilo. Haven't checked the bathroom scales as it's sure evil. I put my loss down to day 1 of low carb yesterday..
Just finished:
10mins:Free jogging 3385m
10mins:Free step aerobics
3mins:Hula hoop 427
Jogging plus (short distance)
20reps Jackknife (abs)
Way to go Mary, you're putting me to shame LOL x
my wii board said i lost 2lb. it lies. bathroom scales still the bloomin same!:(
supa hula 759 spins, unlocked 6 minutes yay
free step 20 mins
long distance running 58%
ski jump 374 metres, highest score so far :D
penguin fish catch 100 points
table tilt 60 points.
Travis stopped play as was playing with his cars on the board while i was trying to do my thing! must find a new home for the kids lololol
Oh boy, you're all making me tired - guess I'd better go and get it over with LOL :D
How do you do longer then the timed exercise on the wii do yo just repeat it again? What games are you all playing?
Done it! :character00115:

Step plus scores of 543, 604, 609, 612, 622, 632

Super Hula 10 mins scoed 3199

Running (ugh) short - burn of 163% whatever that means!
Running long - burn of 103%

Table tilt x 2 scored 60 both times

Shower time :0bathtime:

Yes, you just repeat the exercises hun, some will unlock longer ones though like the running and the boxing after you've done the short ones :)
ta hun :beer8:NOW LOL
Good news is my age has gone down from 64 to 39 so I'm at -5 years now :happy036:
But it says I've gone up a pound :mad: saying that I had had 3 pints of water LOL
Caz, you and Linz are putting the rest of us to shame. Ive tried to get mine going today but Mark has plugged his PS3 in and messed up all the wiring so im going to have to wait for him to get home 1st. Im going to do some sit ups on my fit ball instead.
Caz, you and Linz are putting the rest of us to shame. Ive tried to get mine going today but Mark has plugged his PS3 in and messed up all the wiring so im going to have to wait for him to get home 1st. Im going to do some sit ups on my fit ball instead.
oooo he is a bad boy. invest in another tv. i have 3 in my living room. one for my wii, one for ps3 that we play rock band and singstar on and one for hubby's xbox which i dont touch coz cant stand it lol :D
Wow how big is your living room then? We do have another 2 tv's I could use but i still wouldnt know what to plug in were. Will do my sit up's after lunch and get him to sort it later.
We have playstation tv in the front room (love singstar!!) wii tv in the kitchen, kids tv in the playroom... oh & ours up in our bedroom which is by far the best one!
We have playstation tv in the front room (love singstar!!) wii tv in the kitchen, kids tv in the playroom... oh & ours up in our bedroom which is by far the best one!
pm me your ps3 name and will add you as a friend, thats of course if you are online with it. all our scores got lost coz our ps3 broke so got a new one.
i have a very large living room. my pole is in it too. also have a dining table and a little tikes kids playhouse, oh and not forgetting a mountain of toys lol.
my best singstar score was 9998 on medium. and 9708 on hard. we love it
Id love to learn how to use the pole, the lessos are so expensive and due to work i cant go every week. Bit of a waste for me. I think it would be a fantastic way to tone up though
Id love to learn how to use the pole, the lessos are so expensive and due to work i cant go every week. Bit of a waste for me. I think it would be a fantastic way to tone up though
it is a killer, can only use it every 3 to 4 days as every part of me aches. slowy getting used to it though.