wisdom tooth


Silver Member
Has anyone ever had a wisdom tooth out whilst doing this diet? I've gotta have mine out soon and just wondered if anyone's experienced this. I remember having a filling and obviously having local anasthetic for it and the dental nurse made me drink a cup of glucose stuff because I hadn't eaten anything before hand so I know from this that you need to eat before local anasthetic, also the bleeding part of having a tooth pulled out worries me, dont wanna end up fainting coz I havent had any food before.

I dont know whether to just lie and say I've eaten or if my shake will be enough. Either way I dont want to eat!! Is this dangerous? lol I havent a clue what to do xx
I have had so much dental work done in the last couple of months from root canal to fillings.. have not had a tooth taken out but they inject you now with local anasthetic for that too which i had about 7 sessions of local anasthetic and i didnt have to drink any type of drink the conversation about have i eaten didnt even come up im on ss and i felt totally fine not even slightly ill after. But this is obviously from my experience it could be different for you or someone else.
Last time I had local anasthetic I was ok.. Think I might just say I've eaten if they do ask lol.. Gonna ask my consultant what she thinks on wed I reckon x
Im sure you will be fine but yes its prob better to ask her just to make sure having a tooth pulled is bad enough without getting ill after.