WW Panic Button

Ohh no I need chocolate! Must resist!!
been very poorly this week. Finally have my appetite. Weigh in tomorrow. Sneaky peek this morning told me I've lost 2lb and I'm really very almost close to RUINING it!! I'm thinking Dorito's, a packet of randoms and a pint of Strongbow. In any order. Don't let me do it!!!!!!!!
im doing awful..just cant stop eating ..ill be good all day then at night ill binge..help!

Ah hon. I'm like that too sometimes. I try to plan out my day along with a nice snack at night and that can help because I don't feel I'm missing out on nices and less likely to binge. Other times I just let the binge happen and try to count it all and move on.
Is it emotional eating hon or why do you feel like binging? X
Boredom i think mostly..im always like oh it wouldnt hurt if i had this bar ..sit there and keep thinking about it till i have to have it then i break the diet..i wouldn't mind if i stick to it i always do really well..heres hoping i can do it today and planning really does help x
Hello im new. i am doing ww too. i am getting married in October. i am doing ok I've lost 15 lbs but need to lose many more. this is exactly what i need someone to talk me out of my addiction to bacon fries for example.... i have started running and am trying to earn extra unused pp by doing it but like so any of us its the evenings that are the killer. and Wine.......I miss Wine.!! So can i annoy u when i need someone to say OI STOP PUT IT DOWN !!!!!
Hey Delzie,

You should use your weeklies for wine. Thats what I do and still lose if I use all dailies and weeklies! only a problem if i go over both ha x
I started off my week so well! I made a zero propoint soup..ate healthily then boom! Had a drunken night out with a friend and ended up picking up a bar of chocolate and a packet of mccoy's crisps for the journey home..this really put down my spirits and so I ate rubbish for the rest of the week. I'm at my wits end here. I'm so desperate to lose this weight but I can never stick to anything. Years ago I was brilliant at making healthy choices and in turn lost 3 stone..but now I loose the effort after a few days..I don't know what to do. :(
Hope you don't mind me jumping on board ladies. Im coming back to WW again next Wednesday and past record has taught me that im an angel for the first few weeks, then bad habits start kicking in and sweety cravings around my period time and they are horrendous. Im sure at this time I can quite easily double my food intake lol.

Weekends and nights are my worst times. The weekends and nights I can plan for, its the attack of the munchies I cant.
I am panicking after date night last night with Hubby. I planned my meal well at the Indian restaurant and stuck to what I put in my ww app but then I had a few lagers (28pp). Now I only have 8 weeklies left lol! Weigh in is on thurs, whats the best thing to do to rake things back to being good please. xxx