
Amazing how something as simple as being able to sit in a chair can mean so much!

I bet it has meant a lot to him today as I can tell it has to you too. Another milestone, there will be so many more to look forward to aswell.

:hug99: to you both.

Dizzy x
Great news about Wayne being able to spend time in his wheelchair Sonkie!:D :D :D
that's great news Sonkie, hopefully it will just get better and better from here on in.

glad to hear! x
hugs all around !
thats really fab news Sonya, mentally these seemingly little steps can make the world of difference & once he masters the manouver he's one more step closer to going home :clap:
Apparently Wayne was in good spirits at the weekend, he was outside waiting to see which of his visitors turn up first.
He is getting on well, still got to master sorting himself out !!!!!!If you know what I mean (bodily functions)
Otherwise he fighting on. Looks like this is as far as his physical progress will be, still paralysed form waist down and no feelings or sensations. He seems to have his head round this though he knows he will probably have his days where he is angry, resentful etc but I told him its all part of the process and not to feel even more down on himself for these feelings as they are normal.
Wise words Sonkie, we all feel that way sometimes even for the tiniest of reasons and Wayne has more reason than most to have his bad days, but it sounds like he's more than capable of being able to put those feelings aside instead of dwelling on them and wallowing. There's a lot to be said for a positive outlook:D

Will he be able to have counselling if he asks for it? I know from experience that talking things through with someone who isn't so closely involved in my life makes all the difference because they can be non-judgemental and see things in a different light to, say a parent or close friend.:D

Oops! Just seen the time, got to get ready for work:(
Part of his rehab has included talking to psyche`s there are a few different ones involved in the mental wellbeing forgot what they are but all begin with "psych"....lol. As he is in a spinal injuries unit they have all the relevant people the patients may need to talk to, though they all have an initial chat then continue to have meetings if needed.
I think this has helped a lot, that and talking to people in the same situation as him.
ttHi Sonkie

Wayne seems to be made of similar stuff as you.

He'll be making the most of his new life. I guess his life could have very easily been taken altogether that night!

Glad he has his big sis watching out for him and bet your Mum is too.

Dizzy x
I heard that Wayne was not feeling too good over the weekend, he has been in pain again and therefore back in bed.
I have been trying to ring him since last week and text him but he has not answered.....:(
Just rang the hospital and they say he is ok, I told them I have been trying to get hold of him so they were gonna make sure he has his phone on.
All I want is a message to say he is ok and of any progress in his care.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother, he obviously doesnt want to speak to me:sigh:

Well when/if I hear from anyone ! about how he is getting on I will update the thread.
Im sorry Waynes having another bad spell. Try not to take his non replies personally though. I know it must be so hard for you. He probably actually appreciates the fact youre always there for him but if hes feeling down its probably hard for him to respond. I suffered from depression a few years ago and I know at that time my close friends and familys' texts and calls were what kept me sane. Very often they didnt get a reply but even in my darkest moods it helped knowing someone was thinking about me and loved me :)

Hang in there *HUGS*
Hi Sonkie- I'm sorry to hear that Wayne is having a bad patch. I have only recently picked up on your thread, and have been reading the story- Wayne is lucky to have you! I am writing because I wonder if you know about a charity called Aspire- they work with people with spinal injuries and help people to enjoy activities that you might assume someone with paralysis can't. Last year my OH and I swam the channel distance in our local pool to raise money for Aspire (over £1000 between us), and they run this channel swim event every year- anyway, just for info in case you are interested here is the url ASPIRE

Sorry to hear that Wayne is having a rough time Sonkie. Try not to worry about him not replying to you, he'll come around soon for sure - he's probably feeling really low and doesn't want to talk to anyone at all. It must be really hard for you though. Sending you both the very best wishes and cyber hugs. xxxxxx