Hi everyone, I'm Ruthie. 27 years old, two kids, interior design student, from London.

Over the past year I have bloated from a size 12 to a size 18 (UK). My tummy pokes out more than my boobs, which is never a good thing. I get out of breath easily. I have no energy, my clothes don't fit me, refined carbs make me fart like a percussion instrument, I feel invisible, I eat a big bar of chocolate every night, and I feel mentally fogged :cry:.

Every time I stand on the scales the number goes up, but I have made no serious attempts at getting skinny again. Its time to get serious, ladies (and possibly gents).

I have done some healthy food shopping, and I plan to eat an average of 1200 calories a day. Going to do a tiny bit of exercising in the morning as well. Just to get into the habit. There are no excuses not to do a 5 minute workout, and excuses are my speciality, somewhere above making apple crumble on the list.

Going to have a snoopo around everyones diaries now, and I hope to get inspired :D
Hi Ruthie, Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will feel so much better when you get things under control but don't try to do too many things at once...sure to lead to failure otherwise. However, I do wish you all the very best in your have come to the right place for lots of support and encouragement.

Thanks for the welcome Emmaline :D I will try not to push myself too hard, but I do want a really good start, with at least 21 good food days.

I think the hardest thing for me to do will be to cut out sugar. I am actually addicted to it. I measure the amount of sugar I put in my teas and coffees in centimetres, not teaspoons :) Even sugar on its own doesn't taste quite sweet enough any more... I remember when I was successfully dieting before just the the thought of something really sweet, like a french fancy, put my teeth on edge. Where I had cut out most salt, even a packet of crisps was too salty. Like an addict, you become accustomed to whatever baddies you are eating, want more and more, and soon it isn't even a treat, its just normal, and you need that energy rush just to feel normal. I can easily get through 2.5 big bags of sugar a weeks, and that isn't counting cakes, sweets and biscuits!

I have lost weight twice now. When I was 20, I went from 13 stone 3 to 9 stone 13 (which was a small size 10- I am quite tall at 5 foot 8.5). I kept it off for two years. For most of the time I was losing weight, it didn't even feel like a diet. My lifestyle and attitude changed. Then I discovered cooking, and every week my fridge was filled with creams and cheeses and butter to make calorific dinners. I was at home all day and seemed to boredom eat more, and I slowly gained the weight back. After I had almost gained the whole lot back I went through a stage of eating three jam donuts for breakfast every morning, as well as biscuits in the afternoon, and chocolate in the night-time. I put an extra two stone on. At my heaviest I was 14 stone 13 (209 pounds) A year and a half ago, I went on another diet. This time it was a struggle, and my heart wasn't in it. I did lose 45 pounds in the space of about 6 months, but then started regaining straight away, and now I weigh 204 pounds, or 14 stone 8. I can't believe that I am back here again!!!

But its no point mulching over the past. What's done is done, what's eaten is eaten.

I feel so old! I know I only have three summers left of being young, and I don't want to spend them feeling fat, with my thighs rubbing together. I know that the interior design industry is quite superficial as well, and whether people admit it or not, companies are fattist. Fat people are perceived as being more lazy, and less intelligent, apparently. And whilst I am both a bit dippy, and horrifically lazy, I don't want them guessing that ;) When I lose weight, my face looks a lot different too. I am never going to win any beauty awards, but I am uglier when fat, because my lower cheeks look very chubby, and my double chin is appalling.

The crazy thing is, that I love healthy foods, I am just addicted too takeaways. I am spending so much money on them. 5 times a week we have takeaways, normally pizza with all the trimmings, or chicken and chips. But the thought of eating a pizza agaion is just urrrggghhhh. I am sick of pizza. One of my favourite things to eat is oven baked Mediterranean vegetables, with garlic and herbs, but I just can't be bothered. Even making a sandwich feels like haute cuisine to me at the moment :)

So, the healthy shopping is in the fridge. And I can't wait to get all that yummy, vitiman-y goodness inside of me. I want to wake up feeling fresh. I want my kids to eat well again. When you are not cooking healthily for yourself, of course the kids eat less goodness as well. I just thank god their school breakfasts and dinners are so healthy, otherwise the poor ******* might be malnutritioned. I felt so proud of myself when I was eating well before, we all used to cook dinner together, they would eat anything I cooked, and they were happy to have dried fruits and nuts as a snack. I feel like a bad mummy for not keeping up their healthy eating after my diet had fallen down the wayside.

I think I can do this and lose weight. I want to be a size 10 for the summer. Whether I can keep it off, I don't know, but its better to have lost and regained, than to never have lost at all.

Starting measurements-

arm- 15"
chest- 44.5"
waist- 36"
belly button- 45"!!! Yus, I am an Apple.
hips- 44"
thighs- 26"

I will take a undies only fat photo tomorrow eeeek. But no-one will be seeing it till I am at my goal weight of 10 stone 5, which is 145 pounds :D
Hi, just wanted to send you buckets of luck.
I'm also 27 and a mum (only the one for now though) and started dieting in March weighing 210lbs, I've now lost 60lbs and I'm aiming for 70 (75 but ssshhh that's a secret!).
You've done it before so you know yourself the hardest bit is sticking with it even when you really cba!
Look forward to seeing all of your successes :)
Hey Laura, oooohlala, you look HAWT girl :wow:! I read half of you diary last night and you are doing fab. Like the sound of JUDDD, don't know if I could do it tho, sounds hard, but its obvs worked for you! I've just got up to the part where you've overcome your phobia of trying on size 12 jeans :D When my waist is down to 28, I will know I have made it! Will catch up with your diary later when I have a bit more time.

Thanks for the good luck wishes! How do you feel now you've lost all that weight? x
Awww shucks, you're too kind :D
I wouldn't bother reading the rest of my drivvle, nothing exciting happens in my diary, no drama or cliffhangers like some of them!
I'm feeling good, mostly, lots more confidence and better clothes! Still hard to 'see' it though and always wanting to lose a bit more. And a bit more...
What's this about only having 3 summers of being young!!!! TOSH!!
You're as young as you feel..I should know at 78 m'dear..and even tho' I can't hop, skip and jump like I used to I'm still young at heart methinks.. :rolleyes:
AND..stop beating yourself up about your wee ones. You sound so full of angst so getting a better view of the future and being happier in yourself is what will have a better affect on them.
I have been slim 3 times during my lifetime and can well remember how wonderful I felt about myself. Each time I vowed I would not put it all back on again... but life's like that.
The top of my bucket list is not to die fat... :giggle: .. how's that for a goal?!
Awww shucks, you're too kind :D
I wouldn't bother reading the rest of my drivvle, nothing exciting happens in my diary, no drama or cliffhangers like some of them!
I'm feeling good, mostly, lots more confidence and better clothes! Still hard to 'see' it though and always wanting to lose a bit more. And a bit more...

Oh yes, I totally know how you feel. When I was a size 10 I still wasn't happy as parts of me (Like my inner thighs and tummy) had a small layer of fat. But now I take the tape measure and make it in a 27 inch circle, and I think god, my waist was so teeny! How could I ever have thought I was still fat! Enjoy flaunting it ;)

What's this about only having 3 summers of being young!!!! TOSH!!
You're as young as you feel..I should know at 78 m'dear..and even tho' I can't hop, skip and jump like I used to I'm still young at heart methinks.. :rolleyes:
AND..stop beating yourself up about your wee ones. You sound so full of angst so getting a better view of the future and being happier in yourself is what will have a better affect on them.
I have been slim 3 times during my lifetime and can well remember how wonderful I felt about myself. Each time I vowed I would not put it all back on again... but life's like that.
The top of my bucket list is not to die fat... :giggle: .. how's that for a goal?!

I wouldn't have guessed you were 78 :) You sound young, so you must be young at heart :D

:) Yes, you are right. I will not be so down on myself.

I wonder what happens to people who die when they are hugely overweight... Can just imagine a fork lift truck going down the aisle of the church :eek:

A good first proper day today :dancing_snowman:. I took the kiddies to the circus, at winter wonderland in hyde park, which smells beautiful. Donuts, and hotdogs, and candyfloss, and mmmmmmmmm. Not one corner escaped The Smell of Lovliness. I had a glass of mulled wine, because of the antioxidants of course, but I thought I would strengthen my giving in muscle, and just say no to it all. I didn't even eat my kids leftover chips, thats how serious I was about getting this diet off to a kick ass start!

That not-giving-in-muscle is the most important one to stengthen when on a healthy eating plan, methinks. Iron strong will is what it gives you if used repeatedly. I don't know how some people can say "Just this once, because -a very important reason, that really isn't important at all". If you think ts okay once, it will be okay twice, then it will be okay every day, and then you will be fat again. So yus. I am going to Just Say NO. Maybe the day will come when I'm stronger, and I really feel like it will be okay to eat badly for a day, and then get back on the diet train. But it will not be any time soon. I feel completely bereft without my giant bedtime chocolate at the moment. Sob.

Cornflakes with lots of sugar
tomato soup with 1 1/2 granary rolls with butter
Ryvita thins with lots of peanut butter
White melon and grapes
Lots of sugary teas.

Jerk chicken and vegetable cous cous with a lump of potato salad 500ish
Big corn on the cob with a brushing of butter 200ish
Glass of mulled wine 120ish
Chicken and sweetcorn soup 200ish
Big Tropical fruit salad 190
5 coffees, with half the cup full fat milk 300ish.
Hello hello! Just popping in to subscribe to your diary! Sounds like you're in a crappy place weight-wise at the moment but you've done the right thing by coming here and starting a diary! It feels great to type it all out, even if you feel like no one is reading it!

Best of luck for this week. Take it in small steps. Even by cutting out takeaways and cooking meals instead, you will drop a lot of weight! Not easy with two kiddies, I know! I only have one and it can be hard to be organised! The first few weeks are hardest and then you get into the wing of things, with a routine of dinners that you can throw together.

And I turned 30 this year and have honestly never felt better. I still feel like I'm in my 20's but just much more confident in myself. I don't really care what others think anymore! I'm sure the weight loss has helped ;)

Hi guys, I did actually post a long diary entry last night. I pressed the post button, and it said it needed to be approved by an administrator! Don't know why, but its SO ANNOYING, it still hasn't come up, arrrggghhhh. I'll save this one in word!

I will say it all again but quicker-

Laura- I agree, even when I was really skinny last time I still thought I needed to lose more weight. Looking back at my old clothes, they look like childs clothes. I was so skinny but didn't even appreciate it! Flaunt it, baby, because you have GOT IT!!! Accept that everyone has bits of themselves they don't love as much as other bits. It doesn't mean you need to lose more weight. Just keep an eye on your bmi (Oooh, rhyme!), and don't let it go below 20!

Anorexia is not being able to see your weight as it truly is. And we don't want to go there!!!!

Emmaline- Wow, you write so much younger than 78. I want a cool nanny like you :) Not to die fat?! What sort of a bucket list is that, madam! I want to see a couple of fun things chucked in there as well! How about a bath filled with peas?

I agree with you that its your outlook on life that makes all the difference. I cannot tell you how stressed out I've been recently. I am finding it real;ly hard to sleep, which affects everything really.

I can see lots of posts by you, but not a diet diary :( If you have one, could you send me a link please.

Squishy (Aka dishy)- Yay a subscriber! I would offer you rtea and biscuits, but instead, I will give you and apple and some mineral water.

You're right... Only three weeks till this becomes normal. Most diets do end within that three weeks, but the most important thing is to push through that, and realise that the cravings don't last forever.

The thing is about my age, and feeling old, is that I love going clubbing and dancing like a lunatic to house music. There are not many women over 30 who go clubbing like I do. I feel absolutely invisible when I go out atm, but thats a different story. It saddens me that I am going to have to give that up soon. Plus my knees have already gone a bit saggy, and I won't be able to get away with a miniskirt for much longer :( I have grown in confidence with age tho, and hopefully there is more of that to come.


I took the kiddies to winter wonderland in Hyde Park. We went to the circus (which was great), and the fair, and mymymy, every single corner of that place smelled of deep fried and fatty deliciousness. I resisted all temptation, didn't even steal and of the kids leftover chips. I have woken up this morning feeling amazing :D Woohooo, no mental fog!!!! I cannot believe I have an energy rush this soon into a diet, it feels amazing.


Jerk chicken and veggie cous cous with spoon of potato salad
Large corn on the cob brushed with butter
Chicken soup
Large tropical fruit salad
3 sugar free milky coffees, 2 sugary teas.
Oh I would never say no to a cuppa but would politely decline your offer of biscuits ;)

Well done on resisting the food stalls yesterday! I find temptation like that an absolute killer! It great to feel so virtuous afterwards though- go you!

Menu for the day sounds yum!
Keep it up lady. X
Oh I would never say no to a cuppa but would politely decline your offer of biscuits ;)

Well done on resisting the food stalls yesterday! I find temptation like that an absolute killer! It great to feel so virtuous afterwards though- go you!

Menu for the day sounds yum!
Keep it up lady. X

It was so hard! I forgot to mention that I did have a glass (well, styrofoam cup, actually) of mulled wine. But red wine is a health food, isn't it, plus its simmered with fruit, so that didn't count. I think its important to say no. It strengthens your just-say-no muscle that is lurking in the recesses of everyones brains. The more you say no, the stronger your iron will, kick ass diet mentaality grows stronger. So thats what I am doing. Hopefully.

I have thought about food a lot today, but I have been very lazy. Not a true laziness, where you are just happy to sit there, because you genuinely have nothing better to do, the frantic-minded laziness where you know you are just procrastinating a hundred and one million things, and you want to do them, really you do, but there is just a huge mental block stopping you, and the **** is going to hit the fan tomorrow sort of lazy.

I am also in a bad mood.

I thought it might be a pain in the a*se taking underwear-only before photos of myself, so I did a webcam video instead. IF THIS DOESN'T MAKE ME STICK TO THE DIET, NOTHING WILL!!!!! Oooh, its so easy to kid yourself you don't look too bad when your in well fitting and flattering clothes. It really is. But when you are fat, in your underwear, in front of the monitor, seeing what you look like to someone else, in 360 degree glory, you cannot deny the truth. The awful, horrible truth. I would reccomend to everyone who is overweight do it. Even if you delete it after, the image will be branded into your mind forever more! I am going to do the same thing at the end of every month, and hopefully in only 6 more videos, I will have a figure I am not totally ashamed of :D.

Mini cranberry eat natural bar, and large tropical fruit salad.
Small serving of mediteranean veg pasta
a chicken breast fajita (with fatty sour cream), with a medium sized salad.
8 very milky sugar free coffees.
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Ps... Think I am going to go down to the bookies tomorrow and place a bet on me losing 4 stone in 6 months!!!!!! I think I am going to put £500 on it, or as much as I have in the bank eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk.

I just read this article Gambler Peter Heeks wins £10k bet for 100lb weight loss in a year | Mail Online this guy got odds of 100 to won, and got 10k back from his hundred quid bet. I will be really happy with odds of 3 to one... And with the almost 2k that I could potentially win, I will spend it all on an amazing holiday, and flaunt my skinny bod there :D

Fingers crossed! This idea is so exciting! I just hope that a betting shop lets me do it!!!!!!!
Ruthieovertherainbow said:
Ps... Think I am going to go down to the bookies tomorrow and place a bet on me losing 4 stone in 6 months!!!!!! I think I am going to put £500 on it, or as much as I have in the bank eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk.

I just read this article Gambler Peter Heeks wins £10k bet for 100lb weight loss in a year | Mail Online this guy got odds of 100 to won, and got 10k back from his hundred quid bet. I will be really happy with odds of 3 to one... And with the almost 2k that I could potentially win, I will spend it all on an amazing holiday, and flaunt my skinny bod there :D

Fingers crossed! This idea is so exciting! I just hope that a betting shop lets me do it!!!!!!!

Well it's one way to make sure you stick to it...
I think I lost 4 stone in roughly 7 months and I haven't always been 100% so I reckon it's doable.
Do you think a betting shop will let you? I've never set foot in one so know nothing about it all!
Be careful of putting too much pressure on yourself though, I can only speak for myself but it always seems to makes me crack! X
Well it's one way to make sure you stick to it...
I think I lost 4 stone in roughly 7 months and I haven't always been 100% so I reckon it's doable.
Do you think a betting shop will let you? I've never set foot in one so know nothing about it all!
Be careful of putting too much pressure on yourself though, I can only speak for myself but it always seems to makes me crack! X

Laura- I think I will up the time to seven months then :) I went into two betting shops today, and they said no, so I rang up William hill, and they said that as its a speciality bet, I will need to write in. The offices are only a bus trip away from me, so the letter should reach them quickly. I found someone a few months ago that got odds of 25/1 with a maximum £50 bet, which is not bad at all! That means if I get the same odds, I would get back £1250! After they decide if they are going to let you do it or not, you need to go to the doctors, get weighed, and get the doctor to sign something saying that it is a safe amount of weight to lose, then you send it back,and the bet it on! It seems like a really long process, and its a shame I didn't think of it a while ago, as obviously you lose the most weight in the first few weeks. I am not going to let it halt my diet tho... But I do feel a large chips, smothered in salt occurring before my doctors appointment lol, so I weigh more :D I have already lost two pounds in the first two and a half days :) Thats probably mainly water. So it isn't cheating getting water back!

I have also changed my mind about spending the possible proceeds on a holiday... If they are only going to let me put a £50 bet on, I think I will put my other spare £450 on a holiday deposit. We have never been on a family holiday abroad before :D That way, I will know I am going to go away whether or not I lose weight. And its added extra motivation.

I seem to perform my best under pressure :D I am much more focused and productive.

If I do lose weight , and cash in, I will spend the money on a much needed tummy tuck, in Prague, with the highly praised Dr. Cerna :D

I am beating myself up today about regaining all my weight again. I just can't believe it! I was only 1.5 stones away from true skinniness, why did I eat so much *****, why do I not hate myself sooner? Do I never learn? Arggghhhh.

I suppose I should start counting calories soon. I'm very resistant to the idea, but its only 10 minutes a day, so I don't know why I don't want to!

Mini eat natural bar and red apple
"Souper greens" new covent garden co. soup, with granary roll with real butter
Big handful of grapes
5 ryvita thins, with 2.5 tablespoons of peanut butter
2 sugary teas, 6 coffees
You're on the right track though so don't beat yourself up about it because we have to move on. I do know what you mean though I do often think why did I eat it all because now i'm having to diet but it's a life style change isn't it? Keep going though.
You're right, lets not make the same mistake AGAIN!!!

I have been reading some of the old diaries on here, people starting out with so much belief in themselves, and then all that enthusiasm dwindling to nothing... I am starting to wonder if I will end up like that. I do hope not.

I had a lucid moment when I was at my lowest ever adult weight, on the scales in Tescos. I thought "This is the slimmest I am ever going to be", and it has always stuck with me. I believe I can get to a size 12/14 again... But not to a 10.

I had a super size bowl of fruit and fibre tonight. I did eat hardly anything today though, so I'm not over calories, what worried me was the desperation to eat something, and searching the cupboards.
Hiya Ruthie!

You need to believe in yourself that you can get to a size 10 again - it's 100% possible.

When I was at my heaviest of 12st 6lbs, I was a size 16, and I remember trying on an old pair of size 10 shorts, and I couldn't get them up past my thigh. It was an awful moment and I thought to myself, even if I lost weight I'll never be able to fit into these again, it's not possible for me to loose that much. But guess what? This morning I tried them on and they fasten (not perfectly, but I reckon with another couple of pounds...)

Just keep at it, and honestly there will be times where you do loose the motivation, and you might slip up here and there but just remember how far you've come, where you're going and where you never want to go back to x
Well done Tweeked :party0019:

I hope I can find it from somewhere.

I really didn't want to come on here and say I ate chicken wings and chips last night eeeek. It was a small portion, but I do feel quite ashamed of myself. Today and tomorrow are going to be perfect food days :D

Yesterday I had really bad cravings for sugar all day. I think it was because when I am normally craving sugar, I drink a cup of tea filled with it, and that satisfies me. But the real sugar has run out, leaving only sweetener left. I am trying to see these cravings/obsessions/longings as a sign that the sugar monster inside me is screaming and dying. They are not my thoughts. They are the thoughts of the sugar monster, who is controlling my brain.

Food guilt is back, HOORAH!!!!!

I have to work super-hard today to get up to date with my uni work. I might ban my self from non-uni related internet browsing, as I can get so easily side tracked. I will deffo be back tomorrow evening to catch up with everyones diaries, and write down what I have eaten tho. And I WILL BE GOOD!!!


Big bowl of fruit and fibre
2 plums
chickpea and tomato cous cous
Butternut squash soup
2 fried chicken wings, and a large handful of chips.
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You've started well :D.

Reading your first few posts we started off roughly the same weight and I can totally understand your takeaway problems. I was having about 5 a week as well the past few years. Now they are just a treat rather than a major part of my intake.

Just never lose focus too much, have a glance at my diary I have been up and down a fair few times since I started but have always kept being healthy in my mind somewhere and still made some 'good' choices even on bad weeks. What I have learnt (still learning) is not to beat yourself up over a slip up, just put it in the past and then keep going. You probably know all this but here to follow your journey :)