Yo-Yo's Diary

Oh wow, you look terrific! This may sound silly, but your shoulders and arms look great (as does the rest of you), have you been working out?

My lunch was gorgeous - it was much more gorgeous than the "unallowed" breakfast that I had t'other day that was rank!

Ate quite a bit last night that I shouldn't have. I'm off out to watch City again tonight so I wont have the opportunity to scoff, and scoff and scoff.

Can someone please reassure me that the law of nature states that if I don't eat more energy than I am expanding I will not gain weight.

Unofficial weight 10st 8.6lbs
YAY - 10st 8.6lbs again, this is the same as yesterday and yesterday I managed my eating, no snacking!
It's a long hard slog this management malarkey! It's surprising how long it takes to unravel all the years of thinking of things in terms of 'good' or 'bad' or 'allowed' or 'not allowed'. It wasn't until after management, when there were no rules to follow anymore, that I started to realise just how strict and rule-bound I was with myself and it's getting more and more apparent to me now how much those rules led to my weight gain in the first place.

In theory now I can say that I do not deny myself anything. If I want it I will have it or I know it will lead to a binge later if I don't allow myself in the first place. But sometimes it still leads to a binge anyway, and it's not until a day or a few days later that I realise that I was bingeing with the view that I would allow myself to do it that day, but not the day after or so on. So, even just the thought that I will not be allowing myself something tomorrow, or the next day, or so on could very well lead to a binge today. It's so difficult to unravel this ingrained way of thinking but I do believe I'm getting there.

It's such a liberating feeling knowing that I can have anything I want, anytime I want and now that I've truly truly started living that, I am able to have what I want but not binge on it. Why binge if you really can have it every day for ever and ever and ever. You don't need to binge if it's not off limits! I never thought I'd see the day I could just have two biscuits and say I'm completely satisfied but gradually that new pattern is emerging.

I've stayed stable at 9st4lbs for about two weeks now. I'm still a size 10. AND I've eaten chocolate, crisps, biscuits, all sorts of cakes, dairy and pastry, bread, butter, pasta and had some alcohol too - you name it, I can now manage it. I'm also enjoying gorgeous fruit smoothies almost every day made from fresh fruit, soya milk, nuts and seeds and soya yogurt, fresh salads, lovely stews full of thousands of veg and lentils or beans, baked potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The most interesting thing is that I can't remember the last time I stuffed myself so much on anything 'good' or 'bad' that I've ended up feeling bloated, queasy and sick. Knowing that nothing is off limits now means that I enjoy everything until I'm satisfied, which is normally a few mouthfuls, and then I actually feel really ok about saying 'I've had enough now, more would make me feel sick and then I wouldn't still be happy. I want to stay happy and satisfied so that means I don't want any more'.

Anway, just wanted to get that off my chest. I haven't sat down and had a re-coup of my thoughts, achievements or how far I've come in a while. That felt good.

With regard to my toned arms - yes, I go to the gym. But the great thing is that I really don't work all that hard at it at all. I do the toning machines but I do the lightest, or second lightest weights on everything and hardly even work up a sweat. That was also something I had to re-learn - not to punish myself at the gym because of overeating. I wanted to make the gym very easy and very enjoyable so that I would keep going back. And it's worked. I can't believe that I got such good results on my shoulders and arms from lifting nothing much heavier than air!!!
I've come to the sad decision that I have to stop doing LL. Unfortunately funds have ran out and I am bled dry and simply cannot afford to do the 11 weeks of management I have left.

I do have numerous packs leftover thanks to the early days when I was never hungry so would only have a couple of packs each day so I could theoretically still do 2 packs + 2 meals per day and start week 3 of management.

I've gained 0.3kgs, which equates to just over 0.5lbs since last week, and I have been eating and snacking and certainly not following week 1 of management.

I have been pleased with the way I have eaten this past couple of days, I have really managed my eating with no snacking, I'd love to be able to eat this way forever. A girl at work was trying to encourage people to have a McDonalds at lunch time with her, but I was more looking forward to my salad! Also someone brought in buns and cakes, which I ignored. I've also been taking a piece of fruit to have with my salad, and today I had a 10-calorie sugar free jelly, which I really enjoyed.

One thing that's made me really angry, I was expecting to go to a management GROUP this week, but what I got instead was a POP-IN, so I have paid £49.50 to be weighed. I'm sorry but I dont think that is acceptable. I have never missed a session in foundation and don't expect to be fobbed off with just a weigh in. My LLC is on holiday and it was a locum this week who said she didn't think my LLC had a management group as there were none for her to cover. My LLC is back next week though so I will have to ring her to have a chat about my wanting to stop, and the best way forward.
Perhaps you could try going to the other Management group you mentioned before? You could attend for free as you still have all those packs.
My Management group ended up a whole load of nothing, with hardly anyone turning up. Then it went from weekly to two-weekly. 2 weeks ago was the first group I've ever missed so basically I didn't go for a month. So I popped in on Wednesday and found out that there no longer is a Management group.
I'm just glad it happened now, rather than earlier, as I feel ready to go it alone now at long last. Now I just have to make sure I continue to take responsibility for my eating and its consequences.

Looking at your ticker, you've done so so well and you're happy with how you are now so the only thing you need to do now is to stop beating yourself up about every tiny snack that you eat and start being kinder to yourself. It'll be much easier for you to maintain if you continue to put yourself first and consciously be nice to yourself.
Perhaps you could try going to the other Management group you mentioned before? You could attend for free as you still have all those packs.
My Management group ended up a whole load of nothing, with hardly anyone turning up. Then it went from weekly to two-weekly. 2 weeks ago was the first group I've ever missed so basically I didn't go for a month. So I popped in on Wednesday and found out that there no longer is a Management group.
I'm just glad it happened now, rather than earlier, as I feel ready to go it alone now at long last. Now I just have to make sure I continue to take responsibility for my eating and its consequences.

Looking at your ticker, you've done so so well and you're happy with how you are now so the only thing you need to do now is to stop beating yourself up about every tiny snack that you eat and start being kinder to yourself. It'll be much easier for you to maintain if you continue to put yourself first and consciously be nice to yourself.

Oh you are such a lovely person and have been a big inspiration for me. I suppose I could go to the Ilkley class IF the LLC would let me get away with not paying. Perhaps my current LLC would allow me to stay with her and not pay - I will have to ring her this week as she is back off her holiday now. I hope she does let me stay. I did think about joining the local weight watchers class again too. I did think about joining SW and doing the red days but then I thought it might encourage me to eat too much and when I am not hungry, and my problem has always been eating when not hungry and big portion sizes.

So, I am just gonna try and follow the Paul McKenna rules,
1. Eat only when hungry.
2. Eat Consciously.
3. Eat what you want.
4. Stop when full.

Unofficial weight today 10st 8.2lbs
Funny, I was just talking with a friend about Paul McKenna the other day. His weight loss stuff never made sense to me until after doing LL. Now it all makes a whole load of sense! I may even get his cd off my friend. Thanks for reminding me.

Also, some people on here were talking about a book called 'Eating Less - Say Goodbye to Overeating' by Gillian Riley. I strongly recommend you get it. It's been a real help to me and to others when back to eating.

Thanks for the compliments by the way. Half the time I just feel like I'm badgering you so it's nice to know I'm not :)
I've re-joined Weight Loss Resources (after I was talking about how to try and manage my eating now I am not doing LL). I've been a member before and found it really helpful.

I'm really gonna try my hardest to fill in the food diary truthfully every day.

I'm only gonna weigh myself once a week because deep down I do know that fluid levels fluctuate massively each day when you are eating normal food, and I don't want to get disheartened.

6st - funnily enough I have ordered the Gillian Riley book from my library as it has been recommended before, and it's been on order for AGES and AGES and AGES!! Lord knows what is taking it so long!
Weight Loss Resources reckons I need 1820 calories to maintain my weight.

Yesterday: 1626 calories.
Protein: 19.5% (15% rec)
Carbs: 49.9% (55% rec)
Fat: 30.5% (30% rec)
Water: 2.5 litres

Just had an oops moment when I made my eldest son some toast and he then said he didn't want it. I should have thrown it away - it's two slices of bread in the grand scheme of things, but I ate it. However I did ignore the shortbread biscuits and rocky road chocolatey things at work!