yoga? pilates?....have you every done/tried this before?

ive been thinking of going the local centre to do yoga.

I go through patched of trapped nerves and a stiff neck and thought yoga would be good to lengthen myself and relax after work

Has anyone had a go?
what did you think of it?

Has anyone tried pilates?

opinions please

I used to do pilates classes and you really really feel it in your tummy area. Was meant to be going back yesterday but the snow put a stop to that - will have to dig out the workout dvd's. I have a Yogalates one which combines the best of the two :)
I used to do a yoga video to try and aid my dodgy back and it really helped with that. Now if I get the odd twinge or pull it there are a few 'moves' I can do to ease it, which are very useful!
I was planning on starting pilates this week but it got snowed off...i'd be curious to know what has it helped with - have you found it's toned you up / better than / good as weights...are you shrinking?!
When I used to go to Pilates once a week I definitely felt my legs and stomach toning up. I also used to suffer from back pain and that all disappeared when I kept up with it regularly!! Think the general thing is you won't necessarily lose weight but it will help with toning and shaping your body. I tried Yoga once but didn't have the balance to keep the positions hehe!!
awww thanks guys

im hopfully going next week to my first class
