Yummy Mummy weightloss thread!

Annoying that's what my DH like last night I sat and had a WW macaroni cheese and they had pizza :/ smelled so nice but will be worth it when I'm thin haha x
Yeah do x I looked in Tesco yesterday too and they were all huge or ugly looking haha x
I need to get organised for July 1 st I think I will have the 26 pp a day and 49 weekly but don't wana touch them il have the ww meals for 3 weeks I think that b better than the Cambridge diet I hope il loose a stone of baby and 1 stone of. Pregnancy induldance lol I can't even look in the mirror at the mo I look disgusting x
I'm losing lbs every day Jessie I weighed this morning unofficial and lost another 2lbs so I'm in the 13s now well happy, I won't count til Friday but it's 15 days after iv had him and lost 21lbs all together and it's going down faster than iv ever lost weight before, Cas has lost similar amount so it will drop off and I ate crap the first week too xx

Hope everyone having a nice weekend we got some water guns from pound shop today lol Gunna play in garden with Jesse and making hotdogs for tea, got a bottle of wine to share too but I'm not having much Gunna mix with diet lemonade too and then everything will be in cals!

So good calorie counting can have whatever you want and still lose weight, I seem to have chocolate about 3 times a day every day and still losing its great :)
It wont be long till ur be joining us Kimmy! wot diet are you planning to do? x

Jessie I saw ur bump pic and your such a yummy mummy! ur going to do brilliant wiv ur weightloss!

Didnt get any sun hats, only nice ones I saw were from next and just to big! as they dont do newborn sizes.

A good day calorie counting, 1300 so far im really proud of myself went to mc donalds wiv family and only had a chicken deli sandwich wiv diet coke! normally wud have big mac meal or chicken mc sandwich wiv fat coke.

Well I'm wantin to do exante eventually but gna put that on hold til I have finishd breast feedin. So I'll either do weight watchers old points or calorie countin, more than likely WW as had success with that before x
Well done resisting mcdonalds Cas I did too yesterday DH got mcflurrys and I got a sandwich from m&s instead was proud of myself!

Your welcome to join us kimmy will be good when there's a few of us, we're just waiting on these new babies to arrive now! :)

I was Gunna do WW but having to work the points out is just so much hassle when I've been cal counting for so long it's easy just look at the packet! I have an app I only paid about £2 for on iPhone what works all WW stuff out for you, easier the buying books and cheaper than joining or going to a class! I might do WW in a few weeks to change it up abit, at the moment I'm happy cal counting cus it just fits in so easy with life, and I need something that takes no time
Learning to deal with 2 kids haha xx
When I get my new phone I mite get that ww app sounds really good. I am enjoying my calorie counting it doesnt feel like im dieting just cutting bk slightly. I resisted a takeaway tonight too I cooked us an omelette instead, will have a treat next wkend as its emily's birthday. Ms sandwiches are gr8 idea when out and about will do that next time as those deli sandwiches were about 500 calories but really filling x

Cant wait for all these new babies to arrive! went shopping today it really motivated me looking at clothes and burning off calories walking around the shops!
Subway is a good one when your out too quite low cals for what it is, much better than you expect, meant to be going for lunch and cocktails with my sister next weekend so will prob have one day off but still be as good as I can, that's why I like Friday weigh in can have a day off at weekend and it does t affect so much x
I always get turkey, i am but only a few feeds so I'll just express before I go out and then wait to feed him prob won't drink that much anyway!
I'm knackered, too hit tryna keep myself awake feeding teddy!