Yummy Mummy weightloss thread!

I'm sure your going look gr8 for the christening! im bk on plan today so far had 450 cals, still hoping to sts this wk as its my birthday the day b4 wi and we having an indian. Have you got anything in mind to wear for the christening? I think the christening is really helped you to stay on track x I'll have a look at ur calorie counting diary might start one myself x

Just to let you ladies know alpen bars are on offer in asda a pound box just brought myself a few packs x
I got some Alpen bars in asda too yesterday, I get them b&m too. X

I found a dress I liked but not too sure now if it will be practical, thinking I might just get a blouse and wear jeans, be easier with the kids to run round after then, Gunna go shopping next weekend I think and find something x
Im sure your look gorgeous wot ever you wear, im terrible at shopping it takes me so long to find something that im happy with. Started a diary too, hoping its going to encourage me to stay on track if other people are reading wot im eating im less likely to be naughty! heres the link http://www.minimins.com/calorie-counting-diaries/279500-my-diary-xxx.html xx
I'm sure you'll look fab, and as long as your comfortable too, you'll enjoy yourself more x
We're doing good teddy will be 4 weeks old on Friday can't believe it! Not long now and we'll have some more new babies to coo over!

Teddy getting big now!


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He's so gorgeous! He still looks tiny, by his face anyway.
There's a batch of babies that could come any day now, I think there's 5 or 6 of us! ,x
He was 7lb 5oz last friday he's getting weighed tomorrow or Thursday I can't remember when she's coming lol,
He is long but really skinny Jesse really short donuts really different!
My sister baby sitting on friday were going to watch 'the pact' at cinema! Gunna take my own popcorn though so I don't go over x