Yummy Mummy weightloss thread!

Ah thanks Teri, how are you feeling today?

I like ur plan :) I couldnt think about dieting when I was at ur stage just wanted my section over and done with!

I will have a look on the babycentre website I started off around 1700- 1800 cals that was a mth after birth, now im having 1500ish, im not exclusuively b/f she basically has more formula than breast milk but she starting to prefuer the breast more now-think its a comfort thing.

I dont know about you but when im on a diet Im really moody and irretable but Im not this time so maybe 1500 is plenty. There has been a few days when ive eaten less, last wk I had under 1400 most days and I had a good loss but im going stick wiv 1500 dont want to feel like im on a strict diet and I be miserable I rather the weight just comes off slowly x
I find if I'm being strict after a few days I'm in a better mood and more motivated cos I'm in the swing of things. I love my food though, better enjoy it while I can :)
I'm feeling much better today, just starting to get on sciatica pain bad again but it's because I've been sat on sofa all afternoon and had a power nap.
I've had such a bad belly again today, had it all last week, was perfectly fine Saturday and Sunday now bad again. Must be something I'm eating and on. realising. I think your doing really well on the calorie counting, I think it's the best way for me too when I start. I'm not really thinking too much about dieting it's just I'm so bored of waiting for labour and I know it could be another 2 weeks or so so I'm just trying to think of other stuff :) x
Thanks girls for that info I rekon I been having 2300 cals I will start at 1700 then 1500 then 1200 Cas I'm the same not thinking about it u just want section over with now crapping my self !
I have no more than 1680cals which is to lose 1lb a week but I've been losing more, I struggle to get up to that amount though and more often it's between 1200-1400, I have been up and down with moods lately and tired so think I might try to stay more at the high end for a week or so! My iron still very low so that's probably part of it x
Yes deffo I'm
Going to drop to
1500 cal then 1200 then after 6 weeks do ww I'm not bf either so won't need more r u cal counting r u doing food diary ? X
I had 1500 calories this wk and loss 1lb and last wk I was having 1200 and lost 3lbs, I might aim to have between 1200-1500 cals, ive got food diary in the calorie section with Becki I write my food diary everyday just to keep on track hun. I know 25lbs is good but im not going be happy till ive lost 40, then I wont be to far off target!

I think ur do well with ww x
Il join u both I there next week hun I hope to drop a few pounds as I'm having 2300 at the mo ! So dropping 1000 cals a day should b lots x
Well done ladies. Well needless to say I never weighed this week. So I'm going to join you on here next week to weigh. I'll see how much I've lost from baby. Then I'll set myself a goal for the following weeks x
Hi can I join you lovely ladies please?.

My bubba is 7 weeks old tomorrow and i started back at slimming last week.

My starting weight was 230lbs, current weight 226lbs and my target weight is 146lbs.

Thanks x
cant wait to start this too,i still havent,weighd myself since i had ameila two weeks ago,i have been eating well though and i can defo tell ive lost some.need to weigh myself