Search results

  1. P

    wanting to lose 7lbs?

    Hi guys Ive done slimming world in the past, years ago. But let it slip and the weight has crept back on. Im only looking to lose 7lbs and im finding the calorie controlled diet too restrictive so im back here. Can slimming world work for a short amount to lose? I feel like going from eating a...
  2. P

    only wanna lose 7lb?

    I just want to lose half a stone. Is it possible to do this with slimming world when your not particularly over weight but just want to be a bit lighter? With the amount you can eat I find it hard to believe.
  3. P

    Small amount to lose, why so hard?!

    i know how you fell I only have 7pounds to lose and I can't do it. I start off they day with good intentions but end up eating all the wrong things. I have given up weighing myself as I know I have put on not dropped weight. XXX
  4. P

    Just found out im 5'7" not 5'6"

    I have been calculating my weight as 5'6' not 5'7' so im not as over weight as I thought, acording to the height/weight chart, yay! XXX
  5. P

    Cant think of breakfast ideas

    Can anyone help me with breakfast ideas, im sick of weetabix and egg on toast. Im so unimaginative, I would appreciate any help. XXX
  6. P

    AAAHHHH!!!! Just pigged out!

    I cant believe it. Im supposed to start my diet today (again) and I have just eaten chocolate cake and ice cream. It wasn't loads but im such a pig. The pounds will be creeping up not down at this rate. What an idiot. XXX
  7. P

    Question for Iris!!

    Thanx Iris. You are so right. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you the obvious, especially from someone who has gained results. A quick fix is not the way to go and life is short so you do have to enjoy yourself everyday. Thanx again. Your daily menu sounds very satisfying without...
  8. P

    Question for Iris!!

    Iris, you have done such a fab job on losing weight and maintaining it I justed wanted to ask how you did it? Whats your typical daily menu? What foods do you generally eat? Im so rubbish at this I keep falling off the wagon but when it comes down to it I still don't know how calorie count properly.
  9. P

    Diet menu plan ideas?

    Hi guys, Im trying to lose half a stone to get to my ideal weight but im finding it so difficult. I have tried slimming world but I love bread too much. Anyway im am going to do a calorie controlled diet of 1500 cals a day. I don't mind losing slowly as long as it comes off. But I can't find...
  10. P

    I keep binging!!!

    I manage to keep myself on track for most of the day. Then some evenings or weekends I say what the hell and binge eat. I always regret it afterwards and feel sick. I don't know how to stop this, does anyone have any tips. Im never gonna lose weight this way and am actually putting extra on...
  11. P

    How any bites size shreadies is 28gram?

    Thanks yasmine-samara. So basically I would have to use 2 heb for one bowl. Not really practical.
  12. P

    How any bites size shreadies is 28gram?

    Does anyone know how many bite size shreadies make up 28grams roughly. I don't have any scales. Thanks guys
  13. P

    Filling up on carbs???

    In the evening, after I have had a large dinner, I seem to get hungry again. I usually fill up on pasta or rice instead of chocolate and crisps, like my husband. Does this sound ok to do?? Its all free food (I do green days) but feels like im eating a second meal. Does anyone else do this?
  14. P

    Slipping already

    Thank you for the support. I will enjoy myself tonight but not go crazy. I have saved all my syns and both heb for the meal so hopefully that will help. Im just finding hard to believe the amount of free foods you can eat and still lose weight but im gonna stick with it.
  15. P

    Slipping already

    Im only on day three of the plan and Im starting to think I cant keep it up. I feel guilty for eating too much free food such as a whole tin of spaghetti hoops and a mug shot (green day) as a snack as well as a huge plate of rice with dinner. Also so far I have used 15 syns a day, dont think I...
  16. P

    General SW queries....

  17. P

    General SW queries....

    Heathy extras? Im doing sw at home alone but im confused by how many healthy extras im allowed. Im gonna do mainly green days. Is it 2 A and 2 B or 1 A and 2 B???
  18. P

    SW rules?

    Well Im gonna start the diet tomorow. Xmas is gonna be hard so I may have to have a few days break and seriously start next weekend. Anyway I shall see how I get on without the classes, just posting things on here and getting lots of supoort and advice from members. Thanx for all you tips guys. XX
  19. P

    SW rules?

    Thank you for your replies and help. I will consider going to the first class to get all the info. Its also nice to have all the support from the members on this site.
  20. P

    SW rules?

    From looking at various diets I have decided I really like the look of slimming world, not a great time to start a diet I know. I can't afford to go to the classes so im gonna do it from home. But I really need to be pointed in the right direction for the green and red day rules. I have done a...
  21. P

    Need diet plan

    I don't know where to start when it comes to dieting. I need to lose about a stone but I need help on putting together a diet plan. If anyone can advise me on what kind of things to eat for breakfast, lunc h and dinner please let me know. I know it should be common sense but I feel so confused...