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  1. I Shoot Nikons

    Welcome to Newbies 2013 - Say Hello here!!!

    Hi guys, I totally forgot about this place, probably more out of shame at my previous failures than anything. I started SW 11 weeks ago now and earned my 3.5 stone award last night, hoping that I can pick up some tips and tricks to keep the ball rolling in the right direction. :)
  2. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Things went pretty far off the rails for me for a while there. However I started attending Slimming World 11 weeks ago to see if the pressure of weekly weigh ins could keep me motivated. My starting weight was 22st 11lbs and as of last night weigh in I am now 19st 4lbs I'm glad that I finally...
  3. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Food wise I'm going strong. Just really want to get up and about now.
  4. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 8/56 Feeling pretty good today after the weigh in yesterday. I know it's working, so hopefully that helps me keep on track!
  5. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Neither is mine usually, but I'm sick to death of being so huge lol
  6. I Shoot Nikons

    Day 1

    Well done on resisting the temptation! :)
  7. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Thank you! :)
  8. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Blood glucose is still not great. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to use this just to lose weight and that the BG won't start dropping until I can use my leg again.
  9. I Shoot Nikons

    anyone watching supersize vs superskinny?

    The show is interesting, but it also annoys me. It seems to tar all fat people and skinnies with the same brush. I'm a pretty massive guy and there's absolutely no way I could eat one of those huge portions as a once off let alone three times a day plus snacks!! I'm sure not all skinny people...
  10. I Shoot Nikons

    New to the site and gotta shift 10 stone

    Hello, good luck with everything!! :)
  11. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Starting to struggle with ideas for making my veg allowance more interesting. Looks like it's soup again.
  12. I Shoot Nikons


    The problem I find it's that there's so much stigma attached to being type 2 in the media and broader society that you feel embarrassed and ashamed to suffer from it. Then of course you see people a LOT bigger than yourself who don't have diabetes and resent that too. Like everything in life...
  13. I Shoot Nikons

    April Challenge

    I guess my huge expanse just got the shock of it's life this last week is all.
  14. I Shoot Nikons

    My 14 week challenge!

    Takes a lot to come back after a blip, so well done for that mate! Keep going!
  15. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    There was a time when a day like yesterday would have made me give up the ghost and stop in my tracks, but I'm glad to say that I just shut up and got on with everything! Today was my first weigh-in and I've dropped 13.2 lbs, a pretty good start. Hopefully I can keep chipping away.
  16. I Shoot Nikons

    April Challenge

    13.2 lbs off. aesir22 9lbs..... 3.5lbs lost - 5.5lbs to go Meredith 14lbs...... 0lbs lost - 14lbs to go Annya 6lbs....... 0lbs lost - 6lbs to go little_star 7lbs....... 0lbs lost - 7lbs to go kirklean 7lbs....... 0lbs lost - 7lbs to go Ross 14lbs 13.2lbs lost - 0.8lbs to go Jenifur 8lbs...
  17. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 7/56 Just had my first weigh in, dropped 13.2 lbs.
  18. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Tonight isn't great. Feeling pretty down that I'm stuck in this blooming house all the time. Little things like a walk in the woods shouldn't be too much to ask for. :(
  19. I Shoot Nikons

    April Challenge

    Nice one, well done!!
  20. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Today has been really tough! It's been snowing with intermittent periods of sunshine. I'm sat here absolutely gagging to get out in it with the camera or even just for a walk. Pretty pissed off.
  21. I Shoot Nikons

    Tony's "Grand Plan" Progress Diary

    Well done for getting yourself back up on that wagon mate!
  22. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 6/56 Still going strong despite ZERO support from my family. My BG reading this morning was 8.8 which is fairly disappointing, but I can't do as much exercise as is required with the leg so I can't really expect miracles. I'm just going to have to start strength training again and a bit...
  23. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Thanks Tony! I hear you, it's the evening that nearly gets me too. Time for a new hobby, I thnk!!
  24. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Cheers mate, I'm just letting myself get frustrated again. Will need to wind it in before I grind to a halt.
  25. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Well done mate, great loss! Feel better soon!
  26. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Today hasn't been too bad. Wish I could do some quality exercise to get the full benefit from this though.
  27. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 5/56 My strange tuna-based craving has thankfully passed. I've had a couple of moments where I've been close to crumbling, but they have passed quickly enough. Pseudo-stir fry for supper this evening.
  28. I Shoot Nikons

    April Challenge

    Well done you two! :)
  29. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 4/56 Still holding out. Last night was really hard, but I didn't fold which is the main thing.
  30. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Hopefully it will. I've been seriously craving a nice tuna steak for the last 2 days. Good luck with your new plan!
  31. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Thanks, I hope so! :)
  32. I Shoot Nikons

    April Challenge

    Thank you kindly, Annya! Good luck everyone! :)
  33. I Shoot Nikons

    April Challenge

    Can you add me too please? I'm hoping to drop a stone.
  34. I Shoot Nikons

    My 14 week challenge!

    Awesome loss so far this week, keep it up mate!
  35. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    At least 2 stone, but ideally I want to get to the 20 stone mark. Hopefully I can get off the diabetes medication too.
  36. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    I've just had my afternoon shake and a couple of cherry tomatoes. It seems to have filled a wee hole.
  37. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 2/56 Last night was pretty awful, especially when the rest of my family were tucking into their tea. That really isn't fun. Today has been surprisingly good so far . . . Setting myself up for a fall?
  38. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Thanks very much mate! :)
  39. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    It's type 2. I was just in for a routine operation on my arm, but like everything it seems to be complicated by the diabetes. Healing time also goes through the roof unfortunately. Thank you very much. I only wish I could stop falling off it!! :)
  40. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Yeah, it's pretty dire isn't it. Hopefully they'll bring back some of the features of thew old layout.
  41. I Shoot Nikons

    8 Weeks

    Day 1/56 Today is my first day on the Newcastle University Diabetic Diet. I was going to start next monday, but in my experience next monday never comes. So, today it is. I can already tell that it's going to be a bloody hard slog, so I'm starting this diary to hold myself to account and...
  42. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Today is the start date of my new plan too. It's just an 8 week job, but I can tell already that's it's going to be tough to get past even the first few weeks.
  43. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I'm good cheers guys. Had a wee stay in hospital and didn't get around to logging in when I got out. My weight keeps going up since I've been on these new tablets for my diabetes, so I'm going to have to try and really reign things in. I'm now tipping the scales at 317.5 lbs which is heavier...
  44. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Yeah, you don't realise how much you really use it until you can't use it.
  45. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    That is incredible mate! *applauds*
  46. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Hi mate, I'm still at it. Some workies spliced our broadband cable so haven't had the net for a few days until it was mended.
  47. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I kinda expected it tbh since I have pain when cross training or using the stationary bike too. I'm not sure what else I can try if the GP doesn't think that the link I posted is a possible cause of the pain. There's only so many times you can hit a heavy bag for cardio.
  48. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    That's exactly the attitude that's made you so successful this far!!
  49. I Shoot Nikons

    13weeks smoke free

    Well done!! I quit in June 2010 and it's so, so worth it!
  50. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    A friend gave me a swimming lesson today, and the pain was as severe in the water as it is out. At one point my mate had to rescue me. It's funny now but let's just say at the time I soiled my good name!! :ashamed0005: So it's pretty apparent that it doesn't matter if the exercise is weight...
  51. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Awesome stuff buddy!
  52. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Nice one! It just goes to show you don't have to follow one of the faddy diets to succeed!
  53. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    That's for sure mate! Are you still doing things the same as before or have you had to swap things up as you've gotten smaller?
  54. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I'm doing ok on the food front for the most part. I still have the odd stumble in a fit of boredom during the day, but such is life. It's like a packet of crisps or a dunked biscuit with my tea now rather than many packs of crisps etc. Not ideal, but not too bad I guess.
  55. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I suppose if I'm not taken seriously this time I could always chain myself to the leg of his desk. :)
  56. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    It hasn't been considered by the doctors, no. Whilst the pain during exercise does occur, the other symptoms are not present. However I will mention that to the doc next week too, so thank you very much for your post!
  57. I Shoot Nikons

    Optifast in UK?

    That's a good point. I'm seeing my GP next week, so I will talk through it with him first. Hopefully he'll get on board! It's my biggest love in life. Sadly I don't get out much these days. :( Always nice to meet a fellow Nikonian though! :)
  58. I Shoot Nikons

    Optifast in UK?

    Thank you so much for such an in depth reply. I will be sure to have a wee read through the other VLCD forums. Very well done on your brilliant results!! I'm in the same boat you were; 4 Metformin and 1 Pioglitazone and would love to get off them asap!
  59. I Shoot Nikons

    Optifast in UK?

    Hi guys, I've been reading up on the Newcastle Uni diet for diabetes and was wondering if anyone knows where to get Optifast in the UK? I seem to keep drawing a blank. Thanks
  60. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I think I definitely will next week! The only thing I can think of it that when I see the doctor my leg has been resting on average for about 20 mins in the waiting room, so he never actually gets to see the problem first hand. I guess somebody with a bit of a limp the doc can actually see is...
  61. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Since it seems that my GP isn't taking me seriously or simply doesn't believe me about my leg I have been doing my own research into what could be the likely cause. I have looked at everything from REALLY bad shin splints to a fallen arch to a trapped nerve in my spine and today I came across...
  62. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Yeah I suppose it's better safe than sorry. Just seems an awful waste of time and money.
  63. I Shoot Nikons

    21 and a half stone to 13 and a half. 110 Lbs later.

    Well done mate! Inspiring stuff!!
  64. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 10 stone at the very least!

    Hello and welcome!! :)
  65. I Shoot Nikons

    x BrAnD nEw x

    That's awesome, well done you!! :)
  66. I Shoot Nikons

    Share the most recent photo you took

    Here's one from Glen Etive. It seems I only take pictures from right outside my mate's car these days . . . bloody leg!! :cry:
  67. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Just received a letter telling me I have to go for a sleep study on the 14th. I only have a touch of high blood pressure and so far I've been sent for a renal ultrasound, an echocardiogram and now this. Slight overkill me thinks. I only wish they'd put this much effort into dealing with my leg...
  68. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Indeed, well said mate! It's just getting used to spotting the warning signs!
  69. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I can definitely see the benefits of that now. I just need to try and get out of the mindset of clamming up when these things happen.
  70. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    That's very kind mate, but your story is all the inspiration someone needs to try again. Amazing mental strength to keep chipping away week by week!!
  71. I Shoot Nikons

    Just getting into photography

    Nice one. When you've got it all up and running post up a link for us all to have a wee peek at. :)
  72. I Shoot Nikons

    x BrAnD nEw x

    Good luck this evening!!
  73. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I was just over 240m when I had to stop.
  74. I Shoot Nikons

    Who's on Flickr?

    It's been a good while since I've spent some me time looking through photos. So how about a wee thread where we share our Flickr albums? :)
  75. I Shoot Nikons

    Just getting into photography

    Hey Vixter some cool shots!
  76. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Pain forced me to stop today. Really peeved.
  77. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I guess it's time to man up and inflict my daily dose of pain upon myself. In an entirely non-masochistic way I hasten to add!!
  78. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    It was a great shoot out! Slightly embarrassed that both ex Rangers men missed though. Well done on the loss mate!!
  79. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Yeah, no worries. I saw a neurologist and he said that it sounded like Peripheral Neuropathy (a complication of diabetes), however my GP is adament that the diabetes is recent so he's not so sure, otherwise it means that I've had it for years and they didn't spot it. So I'm waiting to see what...
  80. I Shoot Nikons

    Diary of a Dreamer CHAPTER II

    Thanks! :)
  81. I Shoot Nikons

    Diary of a Dreamer CHAPTER II

    Good luck with everything! :)
  82. I Shoot Nikons

    Newbie and it's all coming off..

    Loving your attitude!! Keep at it and I'm sure the weight will start shifting again!
  83. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Another km completed. This one hurt badly the whole time. Think I'm going to have to call it quits for the day.
  84. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Just did 1km. Took me too long to complete and my leg was killing for most of the second half, but it's early days yet, I suppose.
  85. I Shoot Nikons

    x BrAnD nEw x

    Best of luck with your journey and huge congrats on the wee one!
  86. I Shoot Nikons

    Hi everyone!!

    Well done on your loss so far, great stuff!!
  87. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Oh I know that feeling, it's miserable. So much for the easy, excessive lifestyles we're supposed to live!!
  88. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Awesome stuff mate!
  89. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Thanks hannata, it's very nice - if not a little painful - to be back! :)
  90. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Last couple of days haven't gone too well. Managed just the 1km yesterday before my leg gave out and only got to around 3/4 of a km today.
  91. I Shoot Nikons


    It's a bit rough and ready but mine is I'll pop over to have a wee nose at your the now.
  92. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Well the wheels well and truly came off the bike. I had a pretty bad experience with the leg and reverted back to my old ways so quickly it really hit me for six. I was doing well but every time I went outside to try any form of exercise I was receiving 'good spirited' put downs from people my...
  93. I Shoot Nikons

    Treadmill Advice

    The treadmill arrived yesterday. The delivery driver and his mate couldn't get it off the back of their lorry, but thankfull my brother had come round for a cuppa so we got it off the lorry and up the steps for them. Bearing in mind I'm morbidly obese with a dodgy leg these blokes should maybe...
  94. I Shoot Nikons

    Treadmill Advice

    Fingers crossed!
  95. I Shoot Nikons

    Treadmill Advice

    I'm definitely erring on the side of the Horizon. I've read nothing but good things about their build quality. I would love to save a few quid and look for a good used model however since I'm on the limit of the maximum weight I think that buying new and getting the warranty is the best option...
  96. I Shoot Nikons

    Treadmill Advice

    Thanks very much for that Sarah-Louise! :)
  97. I Shoot Nikons

    Treadmill Advice

    Edited due to shocking attempt at spelling!
  98. I Shoot Nikons

    Treadmill Advice

    Hi guys, I'm after a treadmill but am a bit lost between the only 2 options which will hold my weight 135kgs within my price range. These are the Horizon Omega 2CS and the Weslo Cadence 26.0 Does anyone have any experience with either of these? The Horizon (£500) is at the very limit of what I...
  99. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Absolutely!! :) I'd rather the medics gave me good physio rather than drugs!
  100. I Shoot Nikons

    Kellbell on a skinny minnie mission!

    You'd have to be an absolute machine to never have a naughty day!!
  101. I Shoot Nikons

    What's Your Favourite Advert?

    I've always loved this YSL ad. It's just a visually stunning piece of film. Romain Gavras advert Yves Saint Laurent - YouTube
  102. I Shoot Nikons

    Share the most recent photo you took

    Agreed, it's a brilliant capture!
  103. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Cheers mate. It made my day.
  104. I Shoot Nikons

    One down, eight to go!

    Well done! You're doing brilliantly! I have between 7 and 10 stone to lose depending if you go by the doctors chart or my body shape.
  105. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Today was a pretty mega day for me. I managed to walk the farthest distance I've been able to walk for well over a year. It was only 2.69 miles but there was 430 feet of ascent on the route. Little victories . . .
  106. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Awesome mate, well done!
  107. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Your weight fluctuates a hell of a lot over the course of a day. I was 8lbs up a one stage a few weeks back (my jaw hit the floor) but on the official day it registered as a loss. So don't let it play on your mind mate!
  108. I Shoot Nikons

    Thought I was stronger than that

    Thanks for that guys! I grew up fat and speccy in Glasgow, so I guess that gave me a thick enough skin to bounce back from bad situations quickly. Who would have thought I'd be thanking the wee neds one day!! lol
  109. I Shoot Nikons

    Another WeMitt with lots to lose

    Congratulations on your achievements so far!
  110. I Shoot Nikons

    Thought I was stronger than that

    I'm afraid to say I took my recent piece of bad news quite badly and was generally in a pretty dark place for a few weeks there. I popped on the scale last night to see what the damage had been during this self-destructive phase. 5 lbs off :eek: :eek: I guess sub-consciously I wasn't allowing...
  111. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Sorry for not replying guys, I've been in a pretty dark place recently with everything. I'll get my head together and get back to it soon.
  112. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Sorry mate, I've not really felt much like coming online or anything since finding out that my bad leg is probably here to stay. Everything kind of seems pointless if I can't even manage to walk 100m at a time.
  113. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    That's great news mate!
  114. I Shoot Nikons

    Absolutely Gutted

    Cheers guys. I fell off the wagon slightly since getting the prognosis, but I've never been a quitter and I'm not about to start now! Thank you for taking the time to post this. I have been considering trying the low carb route since I was first diagnosed with type 2. I have my first...
  115. I Shoot Nikons

    Absolutely Gutted

    So today I saw the specialist and he suspects that I have Peripheral Neuropathy in my leg which has been causing all the pain and lack of mobility. Apparently they missed the diagnosis because I hadn't been tested for diabetes before. He then went on to say that because it's taken so long for...
  116. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I'd love that, but I can't actually swim. I've tried to learn over the years, but alas I'm useless!
  117. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    I'm really sorry to hear that mate! :(
  118. I Shoot Nikons

    Just getting into photography

    Great pics everyone!
  119. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Another half hour of step, another PB step count. Little victories . . .
  120. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Today has been the first day that I've felt good in as long as I care to remember. I've semi gotten my eating and hunger pangs under control. This morning it was Special K and a banana and a couple of pints of water. Then I completed 30 mins of step on WiiFit (smashed my old step count PB), only...
  121. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Fingers crossed mate!
  122. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Sorry to hear that mate. Not a great condition to have, but as you say, a hell of a lot better than a tumor!!
  123. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Cheers mate. It's just a bit frustrating dragging this useless leg around all the time.
  124. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    I hope your Mum is ok mate!
  125. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Only down 5lbs this week. A bit disappointed, I know I could get bigger losses if it wasn't for the bloody leg.
  126. I Shoot Nikons

    Share the most recent photo you took

    One from a few weeks back. Beautiful encounter . . . the rain was horrible though!! Really need to get the belly off so I can head out more often. a by Ross.McCullagh, on Flickr
  127. I Shoot Nikons

    Tuesday weigh-in

    Great stuff Cali, well done! :)
  128. I Shoot Nikons


    Welcome. Congrats on the little one and good luck with losing the weight! :)
  129. I Shoot Nikons

    Hello newbie here x

    Welcome! Good luck with reaching your goals!
  130. I Shoot Nikons

    21 y/o male: 19st => 13st

    That's awesome mate, well done!
  131. I Shoot Nikons

    lost my Mojo .. have you seen it ?

    Sound advice by everyone above. What is your GP doing about the Carpal? Good luck with your journey and I hope you can achieve your dream of having a little one!
  132. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    It's a pretty horrible condition isn't it? For so long I assumed I just had an abnormally poor amount of upper body strength, despite having a strong frame. I even suspect that my mates and family thought that I was lying and just being a bit lazy when I told them I couldn't help them carry...
  133. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    No doubt the doc will dropkick me, but it has to be done!
  134. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    This week I've been trying to incorporate a bit more exercise into the mix. I'm barely managing a few minutes on the eliptical or stationary bike before crippling agony strikes in the trouble area of my leg. Today I tried to push through the pain and lasted just over 7 minutes and had tears of...
  135. I Shoot Nikons

    I cant imagine being thin!

    I think it's a pretty daunting task for anyone who has been overweight for a length of time. I think my build dictates that I'll still be chunky after shedding the pounds. A slightly shrunken wee round bloke once I'm done.
  136. I Shoot Nikons

    New here!

    Hey Blu. Good luck with your goal!
  137. I Shoot Nikons

    Before & After Photo Thread of Inspiration!!! Post Your photos here!

    Well done everybody! Fantastic stuff!
  138. I Shoot Nikons

    Another Newbie

    Hey Clemie68. Well done on the loss thus far!
  139. I Shoot Nikons


    Hey Blissam! Good luck with your goal!
  140. I Shoot Nikons

    Hello from NH

    Hey Jen. Welcome!
  141. I Shoot Nikons

    AM NEW!!! HELLO!

    Hey there, well done for the weight loss so far!
  142. I Shoot Nikons

    Evening All

    Hi Dudds! Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  143. I Shoot Nikons

    Hi Everyone, new to all this

    Welcome Lee, good luck!
  144. I Shoot Nikons

    Exercise-what motivates you to do it?

    Today was my first day of attempting to add exercise to my dietary changes. I sneaked 30 mins of step on WiiFit whilst the house was empty. The pain in the troublesome area of my right leg was something else!! In the end I managed just over 4000 which I'm guessing is rather paltry. It isn't a...
  145. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Congrats on getting past the century mate! Awesome stuff!
  146. I Shoot Nikons

    Newly Diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic

    As I lose weight the blood glucose levels should be easier to regulate. Hopefully with that some of the symptoms go too!
  147. I Shoot Nikons

    Tuesday weigh-in

    You've done brilliantly to get within touching distance of your goal! It's very impressive and I'm sure you'll get over the line real soon! :)
  148. I Shoot Nikons

    difference in my body, pic... 55 pounds

    Well done, you look really great!
  149. I Shoot Nikons

    What are u looking forward to?

    Simple things for me: I'd love to be able to go out with the camera and get to locations regardless of how difficult the terrain is. Play footie with my wee nephew. Perhaps try and strike up a relationship.
  150. I Shoot Nikons

    Finally Got the date for my tummytuck after 17 stone loss.

    Nice one. Congrats on the weight loss! Awesome stuff!
  151. I Shoot Nikons

    Loads to lose, need a buddy

    It took me ages to work that out yesterday. You have to add your height, starting weight and current weight to your profile info and it automatically adds the BMI info for you.
  152. I Shoot Nikons

    Tuesday weigh-in

    Just weighed in at the diabetes clinic for the first time. Down 9.4lbs from last week.
  153. I Shoot Nikons

    It can be done - My before's and Afters

    Wow that is an incredible transformation. Very well done!
  154. I Shoot Nikons

    Success Toeing the NHS Line?

    Thanks for the advice Tranquility! I've never come across those plans, I'll be sure to read up on them today!
  155. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I'm expecting it to be a bit of a struggle, hopefully not though. As an aside I've just been weighed in at the diabetes clinic and I'm down 9 and a bit lbs this week which I'm quite pleased with!
  156. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    Cheers James. Sure I'll get there in the end, I guess it's daunting for everybody at the start.
  157. I Shoot Nikons

    Success Toeing the NHS Line?

    Thanks for that Leanne! That's exactly the type of story that's making me look more seriously at low carbing. I think I'm going to bring the subject up at the clinic. Congratulations on your success!
  158. I Shoot Nikons

    Need to lose 8-9st with a dodgy leg

    I've always been on the larger side (25st). I was of the opinion that as long as I could still go hill walking and play the odd 5-a-side match then the weight wasn't too much of an issue for me health and mobility wise. Relationship wise; well let's just say that's always been a bit of a...
  159. I Shoot Nikons

    Wanted to do this forever!

    Awesome job. You look great!
  160. I Shoot Nikons

    Success Toeing the NHS Line?

    I popped on there at the weekend. It seemed fairly quiet, but that may just be because it was a Saturday. I'll go back across and take a proper look around. Thanks Emma! :) R
  161. I Shoot Nikons

    Success Toeing the NHS Line?

    My GP and nurse seem to be be pretty good when it comes to backing up their concerns with practical help and guidance. However the guidelines from the NHS is to base your diet on half fruit and veg, as much as 30 - 35 % starchy carbs and small portions of protein and some dairy. That amount of...
  162. I Shoot Nikons

    Success Toeing the NHS Line?

    Has anyone had major weight loss success whilst sticking to the NHS guidelines on diet for T2s? It's proving difficult to ignore the compelling success stories from those who advocate the more low carb diets.
  163. I Shoot Nikons

    Photographic height/weight chart UPDATED

    Cool resource, thanks for sharing!
  164. I Shoot Nikons

    Newly Diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic

    I will indeed.
  165. I Shoot Nikons

    A whole lot of weight to shift.

    Very impressive and inspiring results! :)
  166. I Shoot Nikons


    True enough! Thanks Starlight! :)
  167. I Shoot Nikons

    Newly Diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic

    It definitely looks like it could help yield some great results.
  168. I Shoot Nikons


    Can anyone recommend a set of scales suitable for larger people please. The set I own right now are about a stone or so off from what the ones in the GP office are showing.
  169. I Shoot Nikons

    Newly Diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic

    Thanks Cali. The NHS standpoint in the UK is to have starchy carbs with every meal. But as you said the evidence from those who go low carb makes compelling reading. I was considering toeing the party line for a month and seeing what - if any - progress was made. If things aren't going well I...
  170. I Shoot Nikons

    Type 2 anyone?

    My GP has put me on Metformin (boy does it mess with your guts at first), but for some reason both he, and the diabetic nurse haven't told me my levels until after I attend the hospital for tests. Apparently this is the way they do things when someone my age and younger is diagnosed. Apart from...
  171. I Shoot Nikons

    Newly Diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic

    Hey guys, I have just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Not too good at any age, but to develop it at 27 is shocking. I'm embarrassed to admit that it's taken something like this to scare me into finally getting my act together to try and get some of my weight (307 lbs) off. Hopefully I...