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  1. B

    Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

    This Sunday was my first WI and I lost 4lbs
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    So at the end of week 1, I lost 4lbs! Really pleased with myself. I ate loads!
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    I love soup, so that sounds fab! I made a veggie soup the ore day but was a bit heavy with the chilli flakes!
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    Well done! A loss is a loss! Happy hols
  5. B


    Cheers! My books should arrive by tomorrow. That will make it easier for me to search the right things out. Hope you've had a good day.
  6. B


    Hi! Thanks for your advice. It's a 0% Greek style by Co-op plain yoghurt. I had 200ml in my overnight oats. I have bought Tesco H/L deal bars in strawberry and apple and choc & caramel today as I read I can have with 1 or 2 as my heb. Had plenty of salad veg and fruit today with meals so...
  7. B


    Hiya! Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if my yoghurt counted as my heA or not, so went easy on the tea. Now to find something to use my subs on . My books won't arrive until end of the week, so I'm being extra careful in case I go over.
  8. B


    Hello! I've bought the books second hand and have done my first day at home. I can't really afford classes and I'm a bit time poor too. I had an op at the back end of last year and need to lose the rest of my weight to help my op stay successful. I was doing 5:2 but it's cold and horrible and...
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    Working out allowances

    Thank you, you're a star :-) I tried but could only manually change my daily points, couldn't change my weight to put his in. Sharon x
  10. B

    Working out allowances

    What a fool I am...forgot the most important thing! He weighs 13st 4lb (186lbs) I looked at online but can't seem to change what I put in for me originally :-/ Thank you!
  11. B

    Working out allowances

    Dear all It's been quite a while since I've been in. I fell of the wagon many a time. This time I'm over half way to my goal and I'm not giving up! My hubby has now decided to join me, but we can't work out his daily allownace. The old books used to have a section to work it out, but I'm an...
  12. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Well I WI this morning as we're away tomorrow morning and had STS. That's ok as we ate late last night and although I was withing points, it was chinese. Have decided to take 24 hours off to enjoy first time away on my own with hubby in 2 years. Jimmy Carr had better be good this evening!
  13. B

    Tesco Healthy living!

    They sound yummy. Will look out for them when I go next. Still having probs getting those marshmallows! Sharon
  14. B

    GGGRRrrrrr at supermarkets!

    I thought they weren't supposed to put sweets near till cos of kids? Can't they also take dieting ladies with dodgy will power into consideration? :D Mind you, if I'm feeling that way I'll actively search out food I shouldn't have, whether it's near the checkout or not. Oops! ;) Sharon
  15. B

    cathy's starting to TRY maintain...oh crap lol

    You must have the happiest dog in Ireland! Well done on sticking with it. Totm has a lot to answer in the STS stakes. You'll get your 7lbs in the month I'm sure. Sharon
  16. B

    Mind over matter??

    Yep, I feel the same. I get so used to thinking everything 'sweet' is forbidden I feel really naughty if I eat it, even if it's within my points.
  17. B

    Lydia's points diary and food log

    Glad that despite a small gain, you're still enjoying Core. I think I'll give it a go in a fortnight's time. Can't do next week as it's lo's birthday and I know I'll cope better on points. I'm looking forward to making monster cookies!
  18. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    I well remember what hols were like for my eldest as he's Dyspraxic/Aspergers. I'm having a so/so week with my food, except for some cake I just ate and really shouldn't have. I've just eaten some watermelon which has filled me up, so hopefully back on track. Another disaster emotionally...
  19. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    I ended up with savoury rice and corn on the cob with my haddock. T'was yummy. House clean up today as it's resembling a junk yards in some rooms. The penalties of having all 3 kids about I suppose. Then off to get lo's haircut. It's long enough to get rollers in on the top - bless! Lunch...
  20. B

    LoveIt's Highs and Lows of Getting to 9st.7lb - HEY HUNNIES I'M HOME! xxxxx

    Singapore - how fab! Bet you're having a great time.
  21. B

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    That's a good result if you had a foot in the good and bad camps. I'm usually happy with sts, unless I know for sure I was a very good girl and that doesn't happen often! Have a good week.
  22. B

    Jax's Diary...omg size 12!!!!!!

    Hi Jackie Welcome & good luck. I'm a Sunday WI too and am currently about your weight. Sharon
  23. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Well I completely messed up Day 1 of Marie's challenge. Flamin' biscuits. I've been fine all the while they weren't open. Rest of the day was better, but still 20 odd points over. Aren't chocolate digestives point devils? Lo has been put up a class in swimming. He's been going since 6...
  24. B

    im back !

    Glad you've had a nice day so far and are feeling much more positive. Sharon
  25. B

    Breakfast on the points plan

    Aww but bless him, how thoughtful. Sharon
  26. B

    Pixies Diary...

    Luckily it's lovely down here at the moment. I'm on my own whilst lo is sleeping, though not for much longer. Hubby is bowling, oldest son at work and daughter off to cinema to see Hancock. Steak chips shouldn't be too bad. The cheesecake might have been a bit point heavy? As long as it...
  27. B

    Changing from CD to WW

    Never done CD so can't help you, but wanted to say good luck. Sharon
  28. B

    Eating well whilst working shifts.

    Can you keep a tube of fruities in your pocket to take the edge off it? Sharon
  29. B

    cathy's starting to TRY maintain...oh crap lol

    Glad you had a fab night and stayed in points too. I think I must be getting old as I now stop just before the point of no return. I just can't bear feeling like that in the morning anymore. :sick: Fab news on the clothes sizes too. I'm desperate to get to a size 16 proper in trousers as I...
  30. B


    Hi there and welcome. I've been here a month now and it's such a lovely and friendly place to be. Have fun eating proper food and watch the weight drop off. Sharon :)
  31. B

    Nicki's Paul Mckenna-I Can Make You Thin Diary

    I keep falling asleep listening to it. I'm not sure you're supposed to do that! :D Sharon
  32. B

    Do you like being on a diet/eating healthy?

    When it works well I love the feeling of being in control. I love knowing my clothes are getting looser and I feel so much more confident. When it's all going pearshaped I still know what I should be doing, but seem incapable of doing it and it frustrates me. It's got a be a head n heart...
  33. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Well, I decided to go as easy as I could and I did pretty well. I did a brisk 40 min walk in the morning, and had a prawn salad for lunch (2pts). That afternoon we bowled from 3-5 so I allowed 30 mins of gentle walking although I stood all afternoon. Had 4 small glasses of sangria and a glass...
  34. B

    Im absolutely mortified!!

    Roflmao! You might find lots of little romantic extras when you get there....champers, chocs etc for boosting staff moral when they read it.
  35. B

    hey another newbie :)

    Hi there and welcome. It's a great supportive place to be. Mini treats are a good thing as Starlight said. I like Rainbow drops at 1.5 a 35g bag. Good luck. Sharon
  36. B

    Wannabe10s Diary

    Great result, well done. :) Have a good weekend. Sharon
  37. B

    im back

    17lbs is an amazing amount. Jolly well done! :party0049: Wow, 200-300 for a filling?? I thought it was bad over here. Hope it got sorted though. Sharon
  38. B

    im back !

    Hey, don't beat yourself up too much. The important thing is that you've recognised it and are addressing it again. You'll get there in the end. Have a good day today. Sharon
  39. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Bubblegumbod's Dilemma Yesterday was another good food day, Yipee! :) Hubby wanted Indian for tea as the older kids were both out but I was really sceptical. Anyway, had a fair few points and decided to try 1/2 Tandoori chicken and lots of salad. I have to say it was really yummy and I was...
  40. B

    Anyone know how ikea meals are for points?

    Ooh, sorry no idea. Our Ikea is just being built and won't open till next year. Didn't know they did brekkie etc.
  41. B

    2nd weigh in

    That's good news Eileen. Well done. :)
  42. B

    Newbie on the block :-)

    Welcome Jo, I've not been here that long and this bunch of girls are so supportive, it's difficult to have a down day, all day as someone always seems to be able to pick you up. I'm doing it on my own at home and it's fine. Look forward to your progress. Sharon :D
  43. B

    Sugar Free Marshmallows - I FOUND THEM - WOOOO

    ...although, wouldn't that help you out if you'd over indulged and needed to lose weight fast? :)
  44. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    I'm beginning to wish I'd never said this week will be good. In food terms it has been, but in 'event' terms it hasn't. Foot is much better thankfully. Yesterday had another run in with my daughter over this night club teen event. Eventually compromised...again! pick her up at 11.30...
  45. B

    Lydia's points diary and food log

    Have a great day Lydia. Those inspectors will be gone today I hope. Enjoy your swim. Sharon
  46. B

    Pixies Diary...

    Morning Pixie, hope you have a good day today. Sharon
  47. B

    Helen's WW Journey

    Hi Helen, I'm easily excited too. I got my new shopping guide and eating out guide and sat and read them that afternoon! How did the rest of your day go? Sharon
  48. B

    im back

    Hey Paula, that's great news. Well done :party0019: Sharon
  49. B

    What am I doing wrong!

    You've done a great job so far, so don't give up. Try eating slightly different foods to wake your body up a bit. It may have got used to the same foods and need a bit of shaking up. Hang in there. Sharon
  50. B

    Nicki's Diary!

    Hey, sorry you're having such a rough time. Even though you might only be eating once a day, make sure you have most of your points as not eating them is as bad as eating too many and you won't lose the weight. I tried to eat loads less once and I just didn't lose anything. Hope you've had...
  51. B

    ♥♥♥ Loulabella's Weight Loss Journey ♥♥♥ Thesis is DONE!!!! Go me!!!!

    Oooooh, how scary are they. I really hope my lo doesn't get into them as they make me cringe.:eek:
  52. B

    Points in tortilla wrap?

    A soft 42g Tortilla is 2 points.
  53. B

    cathy's starting to TRY maintain...oh crap lol

    Glad things are going well. I can't even imagine drinking that much water, I'd never leave the loo.....actually that could be a good thing, as I'd never get to the kitchen to eat things I shouldn't! lol Sharon
  54. B

    im back !

    Woohoo, well done! The most I can hope for on TOTM week is sts. Sharon
  55. B


    You must be disappointed but chin up, at least you sorted yourself out enough to STS and not gained. You'll nail that last 1lb and get your stone in no time. Sharon
  56. B

    Lydia's points diary and food log

    Morning Lydia, Great mentality to just accept the weighing and get on with it, also for having Dominos pizza! Bet it was yummy though. I'm the same as you. If I have money on me I can be tempted to buy something just because I can, rather than need. I also found the only way to deal...
  57. B

    Helen's WW Journey

    Hi there, I started off at not much less than you and want to get to around the same weight. It's a good feeling being in control and it doesn't always feel like a diet. In fact it's not really as it's a lifestyle change. Good luck. I look forward to seeing your progress. Sharon
  58. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Yes, it's good she asked, but that's only because she was caught out very recently after going to an all night party, with a mate. She walked in the dark down some very dodgy local roads. She didn't know the boy holding it and couldn't tell me where she was either, just a rough idea. She...
  59. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Teenage girls should be born with a set of hormens already adjusted to the 'real' world, that you can plug in when ready! :sigh: Her latest 'want' is to go to the local nightclub with her mates from 8.30-1am. Ummmm, don't think so! I have suggested a compromise as it will be her first time...
  60. B

    Lydia's points diary and food log

    It's not really a slip up, more a slight stumble as you're allowed 21 points over the week. I'm really tempted to try Core the more I read those recipes. How do you have the resistance not to jump on the scales. It takes everything I have not to jump on them every morning! Have a good...
  61. B

    Lydia's points diary and food log

    Hi Lydia and Welcome. I've loved reading your thread. Seeing what food you're eating has made me want to give Core a go. I need to ask a 'stupid' question though. The swiss bircher, does it get cooked the next morning or eat it cold? I'm not a porridge fan see and the thought of hot...
  62. B

    im back

    Morning Paula, How ya doin? Hopefully better than yesterday. Sharon
  63. B

    ♥♥♥ Loulabella's Weight Loss Journey ♥♥♥ Thesis is DONE!!!! Go me!!!!

    Oh :wow: How fantastic is that?? A great way to start. Keep going girl! Sharon :)
  64. B

    Hi, Am Back!!! Julie's Diary

    Hi there, good to meet you and good luck. I tried SW years ago, but also found I kept cheating. WW seems to be the only thing that works as I don't feel like it's a diet. Have a good week. Sharon :)
  65. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Hmm, pampered? Only that evening. Hubby was off to work leaving me running (hobbling) about after lo. Swelling has gone down this morning and it's much easier to walk on. A good food day. Snuck in an almond croissant as i really faniced it. It meant I had to be careful at dinner, but...
  66. B

    Had 2nd weigh in

    That's a good loss. Better to lose steadily than to lose a load in the first week and nothing for the next 3 or 4. Chin up. I bet this week will be positive too. Sharon
  67. B

    Just started

    Hiya and welcome. This place is a fab, fun, supporting and caring forum. I'm doing it on my own and have felt really supported with all the help and positive posts on here. Good luck. Sharon :)
  68. B

    im back

    Aww sorry you're not feeling so good. It's horrible when you have deadlines looming and feel rubbish. What about krisprolls as a bread alternative? Hope you feel better soon. Sharon
  69. B

    Pixies Diary...

    If you park at the bottom of town and walk all the way to the top, going in and out of the shops on the way, you might just be ok. Failing that, you'll be so tired you won't care! :) Good luck tonight. Sharon
  70. B

    I'm feeling aprehensive about WI tomorrow.

    Hey well done. I used to get so wound up before class I'd need a nervous wee. Sharon
  71. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Hmmm, well I resolved this week to be a good one, and food wise it has been so far. I was going to up my exercise, BUT...I stepped on a nail in our garden yesterday. Ouch! I pulled it out of my foot, cleaned and antiseptic'd it, but 6 hours later it began to swell and my foot went stiff...
  72. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Had a lovely day out and stayed within my points, so I'm a happy bunny. Lo went in his big boys bed tonight with no trouble and hopefully will sleep as well as last night. This IS going to be a good week.
  73. B


    I try and limit the damage by cutting back for a couple of days after I've over indulged. You should be ok. Sharon
  74. B

    Points Calculator or shopping guide

    Lol, ask away Karen. I'm a mind of useless information. :)
  75. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    I've got a son of almost 19 too! It's easier than you think as the older 2 look after themselves pretty much, so it's like having an only child in some respects. Mind you the bones are older and don't let me forget it sometimes! Well, WI this morning has been done and I've STS. I'm...
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    Points Calculator or shopping guide

    Ok, I'm the shopping guide lover. I like books (such a saddo!) and am quite good at committing things to memory. I also carry round the baby's bag, so no problem with lack of space if I need to take it out.
  77. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Oh my goodness, what a whirlwind few days. Well my daughters prom passed successfully, although we nearly didn't get her there as a road accident shut off the road out of the village. Thankfully they re-opened it 40 mins prior to her prom and we got her to her limo on time. She'd had a major...
  78. B

    Any idea of points in this

    Isn't creme brulee about 10 points? Is that the one that's cream custardy with a sugar glazed top? Go with sorbet, that's much safer points wise. The skate choice should be ok as long as you ask for no butter on the spuds. I wonder if they can do you asparagus without butter too? That's...
  79. B

    Salad Seasoning....

    Hmm, going to buy some bacon bits to pep up my lettuce! Us ladies aren't the only ones to strip to as little as poss on WI nights. I've seen my hubby weigh trousers, get rid of his belt, empty his pockets into my handbag and wear a thinner t-shirt to try gain a bit more loss on the scales! lol:D
  80. B

    ♥♥♥ Loulabella's Weight Loss Journey ♥♥♥ Thesis is DONE!!!! Go me!!!!

    Hi Lou Good luck on your kickstart week. That point can make a difference. Being a mum is bloomin hard work. Men don't know how good they've got it sometimes! Look forward to catching up with your diary. Sharon
  81. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Ok, <holding hands up in air>, I promise, no more mid week sneeky peeks. I will either resist temptation or give scales to my daughter to hide until Sunday morning. Her room is such a state I'd never find them anyway! :rolleyes: Thanks for the boost you 2. I'm feeling very tender up top...
  82. B

    LoveIt's Highs and Lows of Getting to 9st.7lb - HEY HUNNIES I'M HOME! xxxxx

    Maybe I should measure myself, so when I don't lose I don't get so down. Wii Fit appears to be trimming me down so far. Good luck for todays WI. Sharon
  83. B

    had my monthly check up gobsmacked some pics

    It's a great feeling to get into a smaller size comfortably. I'm looking forward to going down a Jeans size. I also loved going into 'normal' shops and having lots of new choices. Well done so far. Sharon
  84. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Not if you're a Saints fan! A strange day today. Dreadful night with lo - up at 1am ish then awake at 5.15am for the day though I ignored him till 6am as he wasn't indignant rather than upset that I'd not get him up. No bread, so boiled eggs for brekkie. I'm going on the fact that 2 large...
  85. B

    First Weigh In Tonight

    Well done on your run. Fingers crossed for a good WI result. Keep us posted. Sharon
  86. B

    Wannabe10s Diary

    That's a good idea, counting exercise. I do find it boring but love the Wii fit, so have been doing that. Glad you're sticking with it for a bit longer Wannabe. Sometimes you hit a bit of a plateau without knowing why. I'm dreadful for hitting sticky patches then wanting to give in, but not...
  87. B

    Please help, moving from LT to WW

    Don't be terrified. Once you've started, you'll wonder why you didn't do it before. It's easy to follow. Good luck. Sharon
  88. B

    LoveIt's Highs and Lows of Getting to 9st.7lb - HEY HUNNIES I'M HOME! xxxxx

    I should think you'll be ok by WI and you might even hit the big loss you're after. Sending you lots of positive thoughts for Wednesday. Sharon
  89. B

    im back

    I've done restraint training and felt like you did...huge. Luckily I never needed to use it before I gave up work after having lo. Actually I could do with a different type of restraint training for when a cake is put infront of me! :D Sharon
  90. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Hmm, well WI wasn't great. 1lb on. I knew I was looking hopeful even if it was STS but I'm disappointed with myself as if I'd stayed strong on Thursday, then I'd have been ok. Never mind...onwards and upwards - or should it be downwards? Nevertheless, I've still lost 5lb in 2 wks which is...
  91. B

    Show us your styles

    A great idea for when I'm feeling like cheating. If I wore these now it's look like I was hiding a whole troupe of scouts underneath and a bevvy of brownies up top!
  92. B

    Pixies Diary...

    Great pics. I got caught up in all the traffic picking up my daughter from her job. He's still pretty cute!
  93. B

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    Hey, there's always hope! Do a bit of exercise, drink lots.....of water and it won't be as bad as you think. Can you tell that's what I'm telling myself for tomorrow morning! lol
  94. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    I use ours when lo goes to bed. I must look strange because I often forget to pull the curtains. My neighbour thought I was meditating the other day. I was just trying to stay still for a balance thingy! Yesterday was an ok day. I managed to talk hubby into taking me out for dinner, so we...
  95. B

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    But hide it from the family as mine always get it before i do!
  96. B

    Points Please.....

    Ooh, yummy, I never thought about putting grated cheddar on chips. I'll try that next week. Sharon
  97. B

    Thinking of joining WW after Cambridge Diet....

    Moocow, I'm back on the wagon again and it does work. I lost 2.5 stone before having my 2yr old. It's true about not eating too little as you just won't lose the weight. I'm on 26 points and have dropped to 21 for 2 weeks to kick start. Tomorrow I'll go up to 26 or I know I'll not lose...
  98. B

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    It seems to catching this week. I started well but had a dodgy Thursday...and Friday...! Today's better, but I WI tomorrow, so the best I'm hoping for is STS. Like you, I'm compelled to put things in my mouth even though I don't want them. I've bought sugar free gum and am trying that. What...
  99. B

    Converted to WW !!!!

    Hi Shazza Sorry been delay in replying. Couldn't get near the pc now dd has finished exams as she's surfing all the sites we banned! Eurodiet seems to be very like Lighter Life but slighty less restricting. Some Daily Mirror readers are doing it and I was reading about their results...
  100. B

    Converted to WW !!!!

    Hi there, and good luck. I've been back on the wagon for about 10 days now and it's sort of going ok apart from my slight mishap today with some cake! I looked at doing Eurodiet but just didn't fancy going without food. It'll be great when we all hit our targets. :)
  101. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Hi Pixie, Thanks for your comments. I'm going to do as you suggested, just get on with the rest of my day, go on the Wii and have more restraint tomorrow. I did have 1 highlight though. I saw my friend for the first time in 2 weeks and she thought I'd lost loads of weight. She said it was...
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    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Thanks Siobhan for the welcome, though I'm having a bad day today. No idea why, I'm tired to the point of exhausted, can't think straight and just feel very down. I'm very sorry to say that I bought and have eaten half a carrot, cake topped with walnuts and some creamy stuff. I all of a...
  103. B

    Do you use all your points ?

    I've said Yes because although I save a few for the weekend, I do use them eventually.
  104. B


    Another pound is great news. Well done!
  105. B

    Taffy Girl's Weight Loss Journey

    Hey well done, what a great start. 9lbs is a dress size isn't it?
  106. B

    Mags Tuesday Club-Time to throw in the towel me thinks :(

    Oh no, the sort of week where good luck is only losing £5 instead of £10. I had one of those a couple of weeks ago. Hope yours gets better. Sharon
  107. B

    Pixies Diary...

    Sorry you're having a rough time. You're between a rock and a hard place really, and I feel for you. A friend of mine had a son with ADHD and he would often go to his nans for a break on all sides. Granted his nan only lived 10 miles away, not like your son, but it provided a break. I have...
  108. B

    Nikkis diary

    Well done on your loss. Are scallions a bit like spring onions but with a bigger onion bit on the end?
  109. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Thanks Starlight. Today has been a good day, both food and stress wise. It was my daughters last exam this afternoon, so no more stress of trying to get her to revise and then having to get her to exams on time. Hopefully she'll now revert to the nice daughter she was. All email privileges...
  110. B

    1st weight in

    Great news Superskinny. Have a good week and hopefully you'll get that 2lb next WI.
  111. B

    Wannabe10s Diary

    Oh well done on getting that 10% nailed.
  112. B

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    That's great news Lucylou. Hope you enjoyed your dinner and have a good week.
  113. B

    A virigins' guide to WW!

    It's only because I ended my first week on Sunday. You'll be absolutely fine.
  114. B

    Emma's Diary

    We bought a Wii Fit from Amazon in Germany. Cost us £70 inc postage and was here in 4 days. It's fab. I love hula hooping. x
  115. B

    A virigins' guide to WW!

    Yep, that's true. I notice you've got about the same as me to lose.
  116. B

    Points value of veggie stir fry.

    Well veg oil is 1 point per tsp. It depends on how big your medium portion looked. You could over estimate and go for 2.5? I have no idea unless I see it. Sorry, not much help.
  117. B

    A virigins' guide to WW!

    LOL, that's what I thought. I made some and my lovely family found it and ate it before I could! The new batch is under barbed wire at the back of the fridge.
  118. B

    Starting Weight 12/7 and on 19pts a day :)

    Hi Feathers Hope your WI went ok. To get a ticker, just click on someones and it'll take you to the ticker website where you can make your own and paste the code into your signature under the 'edit signature' box when you click on User CP at the top of the page. Sharon
  119. B

    Points value of veggie stir fry.

    Hmmm, not sure. You could try pointing just the oil. How many tsp do you think were in it?
  120. B

    A virigins' guide to WW!

    Well done on sticking to Day 1. What about trying soup at lunchtime with a sandwich as I always find it filling. Make some sugar free jelly as that's 0 points. I also like plain rice cakes dipped in lf houmous. Again, quite filling. Good luck with Day 2. Sharon
  121. B

    Clothes swapping

    That's a good idea. Hopefully I'll have baggy clothes again soon. I should get rid of my maternity clothes so I've no excuse to fit back into them too!
  122. B

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    Hey, good luck at class. you will do it as you have the motivation of your wedding. That's was my motivation when I first joined WW years ago. I lost 2.5 stone in 11 months and although I was still about 1.5 stone away from goal, which I knew I'd not reach in time, I looked and felt fab. I...
  123. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    I know at the moment M&S have 1/3 off meals, but i think it's due to end maybe today or tomorrow. I think the chicken & cashew nut was around £3, but my oldest son works there so I get 20% off everything except electrical goods. I'm feeling very pleased with myself so far today as last night...
  124. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Ah, sugar free Jelly, I forgot about that - thankyou! My dinner was lovely and hubby was pleased with his too. Those burgers blew up like footballs, all that fattening cheese oozing out. Good job I don't like gorgonzola! I got the Wii Fit out and did 25 mins of aerobic games, so feeling...
  125. B

    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Hmmmm, not such a good day so far. I'm tired as little one was awake at 5.30. We ignore him till 6am at the earliest, unless he unhappy, but as per usual, he uses the time to shout all the words he knows at the top of his head! He knows about 30 mins worth LOL. Had to get out early to drop...
  126. B

    Hi New WeMITT

    Woohoo! 6lbs lost. Now all I have to do is keep it up.
  127. B

    New to WW

    Hi there, I love eating Curly Wurlies as you can bite off each little rung on what I call the ladder and it lasts absolutely ages! As you can tell I've been desperate for chocolate before! Sharon
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    Bubblegumbodw's Diary & WI Record

    Hurrah, End of week 1 and 6lbs lost. I'm thrilled! :D I've started to read a lot of your diaries, which have helped to motivate me in what's been a very stressful 1st week back on WW, so decided to write my own in the hope I'll nail why I eat like I do. I know I'm an emotional eater. I eat...
  129. B

    im back !

    That's a great loss, well done. I also weigh today - it's the end of my first week back on the wagon. Sharon
  130. B

    Black pudding!

    30g dry fried is 2 points
  131. B

    Starting Weight Watchers soon!

    I don't know if they do or not, but if you go with Starlight's option she posted above, you soon get the hang of it and save money too. Good luck on starting. I'm back on the wagon and nervously awaiting first WI tomorrow. Sharon
  132. B

    Starting again.

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm still using the eating out guide and shopping guide from 2004. Do you think it'd be worth updating to new ones? Has much changed pointwise? WI tomorrow morning, so paranoid about eating today...arghhhhh! :sigh:
  133. B

    Starting again.

    Hi there, After being a stone away from goal before falling pregnant, then putting on so much weight afterwards that I'm now 1 stone heavier than at full term, I'm back to doing WW on my own at home and determined to do it. I'm a complete emotional eater and going through some stressful times...
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    New Find & Warning!

    Oh no! Poor you, though I have to admit to a giggle. Sorry :o)
  135. B

    WW Weigh In Days

    Hi Starlight Found my way over here. Could you add me to Sunday please as that's my day. Thanks. Sharon
  136. B

    Hi New WeMITT

    Hi Ladies and thank you. Feeling very positive after an incredibly stressful evening, as I didn't hit the cupboards. I just cried a lot and went to bed! Feeling better this morning. Sharon
  137. B

    Hi New WeMITT

    Hi there, I'm just joining you all. I am hoping to get rid of my 2.5 stone babyweight along with the other 2 stone of shoving too much down my throat for too long. I successfully lost 2.5stone with WW between 2002 and 2005 (with a few falls off the wagon in between!). I was about 1 stone away...