¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Your body will be changing all the time hon, at least you know when to stop and arent stretching it. I watched a tv programme once about a lady who has wls but just ate and ate again and just stretched her tummy back!
i bet the protein is helping you sleep babe. glad to hear xxx
I can't imagine how these people push their limits... its bloomin' uncomfortable!! xx
well done on your loss this week would comment on other things but cant keep up with your thread lol x
(p.s not sure your missing much either!) ;)
how dare you! we discuss politics, world peace and everything on here!!! :D
lol just made a coffee came back and loads more posts i am sure they are all very intresting as well but as off work got to tidy flat up!
lmao Linz. Yes get cleaning fisherman and when you are done can you nip round linzs too?

have you watched it yet?
umm put it like this if i was a doemestic god would not be having to spend my week of cleaning up the place lol
how dare you use the word fun and cleaning in the same sentance !
thanks for the defence cherl
and you knwo what us men are like with cleaning hence the do 10 mins then get distracted on here again building upto another 10 min stint lol
Cheryl you must be attracted to people with ocd.