¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Yes a quiet new year sounds great....we are thinking that too;)
AAwww it's such a magical time when the kids are so small. Nativity plans always require a large supply of tissues for me as they're soooooo sweet.

Pleased to hear you had a brilliant party with your Dad.... you'll be ready for a good rest at this rate! xxx
Morning all, last Tuesday at work this year & we are heading out for lunch today as one of the girls is leaving to move to Lincoln, so that will be a treat!

Nativity was lovely, there's something about kids singing that just fills me up.... daddy shift today, so pleased we could split it so they had someone at each performance!

Right off to continue my kindle reading.... its all Clarri's fault she's got me addicted to this new book!
Morning Linz... Enjoy your day! :)
Morning Linz, what are you reading then? I've just found obooko, great free book site.
Thanks for the obooko tip, Jim, will go and check it out.

Linzi babes - when I remember to copy and send them I have a load of ebook disks for you (bought on ebay for pennies) - not sure how they manage to get round the copyright but it's mostly modern titles and loads of thriller/detective novels. They're in different formats but you can load them onto your Kindle via Calibre - simply THE best ebook library software ever :)

I'll try and do it over Christmas.

I want my kindle NOW but I can't until Christmas (sticks out bottom lid and stamps foot) x
Morning Linz... I must read more! Lol :)
Oh yes please Clarri came to bed at 8.30 last night just to read!

Jim the book is In the darkest corner by Elizabeth Haynes.

Gem you will love having a kindle, I was dubious & wondered how anything could replace books for me but its amazing!

Hi everyone
Thanks for popping by, am on my phone so can't thank you or multi quote. Seems incredibly dark out there today but at least it doesn't feel too cold! 2 more sleeps & the kids break up.... can't wait I am so excited & know that the Christmas feeling will start then.x
Morning Linz, I agree about the kindle, I felt the same way
Afternoon Linz, I just downloaded a kindle app on my phone and get by quite well with that, not paid for a book yet either lol xx
Hey Linz - not long now:D. My DDs school runs through til tuesday - at least it's some extra time to get organised :eek: ;)
Have fun
Morning Linz

I have Kindle app on my iPod and it's great... Love it as well as the iBook :)