10 stone to lose!....3st 10lb left, target june 2012!

Glad to hear things are going well, really need to start going swimming myself.
Might be going a little slow at the min but main thing is you are still losing :)
yeah good point1 oooh guess what!! we got a puppy :D a 10 week old golden retriever pup called oscar. hes adorable and really well behaved. house training is going really well too, onlt 2 wees in the house today, no poops for a cpl days now! took him to get his 1st lot of jabs today and he was really good, didnt even flinch :D
Been thinking of getting another dog myself, good to hear he alright in the vets one of mine hates it and goes flat as a pancake on the floor and goes dead weight and wont move lol
I have a goldie called monty he was an ex guide dog for the disabled that didn't make it, and was really sick when we had him now he is a strong fit and sometimes stubborn dog, but with the gentlest nature you could ever meet, so good children and other dogs, he has also helped me in my weight loss, they need a walk good luck you've made a great choice

thank you! oscar is awesome, he has so much character already :) he absolutely loves his walks, i let him off-lead now over the park and providing there are no other dogs around to distract him he does brilliantly playing fetch and coming to me when i call him. hes very excitable though lol

well, i havent been on here for ages! diet went a bit tits up but i havent gained anything thankfully, still at 205. nothing like the new year to get you back on track tho so starting up again as of today. going to go for a nice long walk with oscar later to kick start the exercise in the evenings again. think the goal i put on here was june or july so i have around 6 months to lose a few more stone. hope everyone had a great xmas and new year x
Good to have you back, hope you had a good christmas and new year.
i did thanks :) looking forward to getting back on track with the diet and exercise. going to start swimming twice a week instead of just once whichh will hopefully tone up my arms a bit!
hmmmm decided i might set myself a target gor january. im gonna aim to lose 10lb in january :) if i can lose 10lb or just over that each month ill hit my target in june :)
right, im off to take the dog for a nice long walk then once ids are fed and in bed i think i'll do a bit of wii fit. thinking of trying zumba. dont know anyone who's tried it before though so dont know if its any good
just got back from our walk, done about a mile. wii fit later and swimming tomorrow! excited about swimming but my costume is now too big so may have to go into town in the morning and get another one :p
done my workout. 20 min workout and then 20 min yoga. i'm well out of shape lol added you on fb james :) going to have a nice bath now i think :)
i know lol it was boiling hot when i got in, fell asleep almost instantly and when i woke up it was freezing cold lol, not nice at all! rushing to get kids fed and bathed so i can take the dog out and then go swimming. might take dog out while dinner is cooking actually. thing is, if i take him for a walk then have dinner when i get back will my body just store the fat? i read somewhere that its best to exercise after eating rather than before