100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

Thanks for your words everyone. Feeling a lot better about yesterday's weigh in and ready for week 2! :)

Well done on being in 13s Krazzed. My goal is 9st7 also :) but I'm a shorty at 5'3 haha xx
10 5.75 this morning so it's starting to go down again. Well done everyone on your losses this week. Ceeboo I had a similar loss on my first week. A lot of people have takeaways etc before they start so their weight is artifically inflated by water retention etc on day they meet their CDC for the first time and they lose this plus the CD weight loss over the course of the first week. I'd been dieting anyway before I started the programme so my losses were a lot less the first week. It was similar to yours. I still lost a stone though in the first month so it evened out over the length of the programme.
10 5.75 this morning so it's starting to go down again. Well done everyone on your losses this week. Ceeboo I had a similar loss on my first week. A lot of people have takeaways etc before they start so their weight is artifically inflated by water retention etc on day they meet their CDC for the first time and they lose this plus the CD weight loss over the course of the first week. I'd been dieting anyway before I started the programme so my losses were a lot less the first week. It was similar to yours. I still lost a stone though in the first month so it evened out over the length of the programme.

Glad you're starting to go down again. Well done lovey! :)

Thanks for the words, makes me feel a lot better and a lot more positive. I need to not compare myself to other peoples losses! :) xx
Starving today!!! So weird how you have days like this. Monday i want hungry at all and threw most of my dinner away, today I'm tempted to eat my own arm lol

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Is it mental or physical hunger liz? Did food shop online yesterday and I was craving everything!

total loss = 39 lbs
Defo proper hunger, not food envy hunger. I'd quite happily eat something really healthy, just anything lol. Got another half hour until I'm home and have to do my weights before dinner :-(

Really hoping for a loss this week!!

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Yeah, got eggs and pork just been hungry all day though :-( had 2 bars that's all. Think I need to eat some more at lunch. She said to have 1400 cals, I've only been having 850.

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Yeah that would do it. You're exercising too so having even less really x

total loss = 39 lbs
Yeah, got eggs and pork just been hungry all day though :-( had 2 bars that's all. Think I need to eat some more at lunch. She said to have 1400 cals, I've only been having 850.

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)

I don't want to sound like your mother nagging but you're paying good money for your trainer Liz, why not listen to her advice? It sounds like you're exercising but only putting the bare calories back in?
How about (for one week) you do exactly what your trainer is telling you to do/eat etc and see what result you get on the scales?

Anne xx
Thanks both. Yes going to, think I need to come out of ketosis too but keep the carbs low still. Going to start eating a proper lunch starting next week and then the following week get up to the 1400 cals. Don't want to do it straight away, more gradually like doing the cambridge steps. I'm away for 9 days in 4 weeks so need to be maintaining properly by then. Not like I've got anything to lose as losing nothing at the mo. My body done this before a few years back, lost a bit of weight through diet and exercise then 4 months down the line, in 6 weeks of being good I lost 1lb, started to eat more and lost loads more. Think because of my pcos my body just has these mad paddys and is like right no more, stop!!!! Lol. My heads really in the diet zone so think i should be ok to eat more and not eat 5 burger kings in one sitting :)

How you all doing? X

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Aw bless you. You're doing great Liz :) you gotta do what you gotta do. You've done fab so far and you can do anything you put your mind to! :)

So hot today. I'm sweating like a beaaaaast. Suddenly gone so sleepy but have lots to do today! Xx
You're doing amazing Liz! I'm still plodding on with bad and good days, trying to start a good streak today until the wedding. I don't necessarily want to lose weight but I tried my dress after 3 days on plan and it looked lovely but tried again the next day after having lunch and my tummy was so bloated I couldn't believe it!! My mum was prodding my tummy saying 'I'm sure that wasn't there yesterday' ha!

So obviously I need a few days without carbs before the day to shed the water retention. Happy with my weight though. Think ill eat normally on honeymoon but do 5:2 with Cambridge packs to minimise any holiday gain. Nowadays being so used to cambridge I actually quite like a day or two a week off food as it feels quite cleansing.

How's everyone else?

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The kid had a bit of a health scare and i consoled myself in the hospital with junk this week. She grand again now and i need to find the wagon. Think im about 10 7 so not too much damage.
Alls good thx. I only have the one kid, 3 years old, 8 years in the making. A spoilt little diva, my pride and joy. She developed a limp on Sunday. Hadnt hurt herself so it was really odd. I brought her for an xray on Tuesday and my blood ran cold when i saw the pictures. They found degradation of the bones in her instep. I got a bit of a fright i have to say and i wouldnt normally be that way inclined. Like i know nothing about the human skeleton and i could tell what the doc was talking about before he even started pointing to the bones. I was thinking cancer. Like kids dont develop limps out of nowhere. Anyway she was with a specialist this morning and its Kohlers disease. Not half as scary as it sounds. She'll just require a cast for a while and she'll grow out of it eventually. All her bones will grow back and there'll be no lasting damage. It will be completely gone by the time she's old enough to remember.
Hi everyone. I hope you dont mind me writing on here im new to minimins and to cd. Im on day 3. I am 14 st 2 and 5 ft 6. I want to be 10st. Perfect bmi. Ive got a horrible headache and I know im only on day 3 but haven't lost any weight! I need some serious encouragement as I really want this to work. Please everyone tell me about your success to keep me going!
Hi everyone. I hope you dont mind me writing on here im new to minimins and to cd. Im on day 3. I am 14 st 2 and 5 ft 6. I want to be 10st. Perfect bmi. Ive got a horrible headache and I know im only on day 3 but haven't lost any weight! I need some serious encouragement as I really want this to work. Please everyone tell me about your success to keep me going!

You need to stop weighing yourself until your first cdc weigh in. Its not possible to not lose weight on 440 calories a day. Congrats on being 100% so far. It gets so much easier after day 10 and staying 100% until you get where you want to be is the best way to do this programme. Cheating only hurts you in the longterm.