100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

I know what you mean. I had that Friday whilst out running I had to stop and walk and I never stop anymore. I'm 9lb down already, can't believe it and only on day 4!!! Love this diet.

Maybe have an egg or bit of chicken. I always have chicken after my runs or if I feel I need it. Hope you feel better soon x

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Morning all, day 4 completed yesterday with no big problems. I did however feel my legs felt quite heavy when out for my run tonight, guess that's the lack of energy in them. Onto day 5 today, this is normally a day I struggle so fingers crossed for me!!

Have a good day all x

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
I'm about half way back on plan but in generally lethargic form. I started my new job properly yesterday and I'm really focused on that at the moment. Have the eating under control again but I'm not doing SS+ just yet. I had 1,200 cals yesterday and will probably do the same all this week. Also went to the gym this morning and lounged in the pool rather than doing much exercise but I actually got up and went so I'll mind sych myself now to go do actual cardio tomorrow. I've been doing 10,000-12,000 steps a day since I put the fitbit on last week so I'm not doing nothing I suppose.

Weigh in at 10 5.9 this morning on the aria so down 0.5 since yesterday morning. TBH I'd be delighted with 2 lbs a week. Once I get these 5 remaining christmas lbs off I'm in no rush to drop the additional 1/2 a stone I want gone by my hols in April.
Hi Kiwi,

The main thing is your here and trying wether it's on SS+, WW, SW etc. Any effort is better than no effort always remember that!! Well done on the steps, I am so jealous of your fitibt. They have still not launched the surge which is the one I'm waiting for.

I am actually shocked at how quickly I have lost the weight, I was looking to do quite a few weeks on SS+/step 2 but may have to go up the steps sooner. I reckon 2 more weeks and I'll be back to 11.5 my lowest. I want to get to 11 on this and then maybe push it to 10.7 but do this slowly with the running and healthy eating. I'm not weighing in until Sunday so have 5 more days, would love to lose another 5lb so i lose a stone already but doubt that will happen, fingers crossed.
That's is so true it doesn't t matter what route you take as long as your tryin but it's a good back up if you just want to lose quickly having the vlcd in reserve. Hopefully you get a good few extra pounds off too.
kiwi im in the same boot as you food wise but with a much reduced exercise regieme just getting my nose over the door is considered a success! I am suffering from failure to lunch syndrome just now so have had a few slip ups. Hopin if I can get a good run that ll spur me on to 100% behaviour as have another half st to go but at least I'm trying

keep up the good work I'm finding that readin every ones successful posts is def helpin me get in the right frame of mind
How's everyone getting on? I was so hungry earlier I was hating myself again but had my bar now and feeling a lot better. Just feel so tired and have to go for a run after work too!!! We wish our lives away on this diet!!!! Your so close Jen!!! I would be too if I didn't keeo changing my target LOL. Was originally 12, then 11.7, then 11!!! Maybe even 10.7.
take the edge off the hunger and its amazing how resolve comes back. you ve been smashing your targets alright! i ve always found its better for me to have a smaller target and then get to it and then decide what to do from there. 10.7 is the target for me as i ve done it before and then bounced rght back into the the 11s so its 10.7 and then stay there (10.7 to 10 10 ) thats my goal.

you are ss at the mo and out for runs? i m very impressed when i was ssing it was gentle walks at most, otherwise straight into veg mode so a very impressive effort.
im certainly wishing jan away as will be very happy to have some cash and hopefully a few less pounds of jen lurking about. plus the end of jan im away for a wee festival in dunfries and it should be a good laugh not to mention the cooked breakfast the hotel does which it would be rude not to!
I'm having a pretty good day 2. My breath is already a bit yucky and I have a headache (though I've had a headache for days with this silly cold so it could be that!) I haven't had enough water today but that has always been my downfall!

Almost home from work then a glass of water and a cup of tea and I'll have my last product for the day and relax.

I'm not getting on the scales until Monday so I'm hoping there'll be a good drop! I've not been out for a run for a few weeks due to on calls and illness but I have my first half marathon in May so want to get back out there. I was very pleased with my running before Christmas (I knocked half an hour off one of my regular races times!)
Hope you're all doing well.

10 5.5 this morning so another 0.5 lb gone so if I dont go mad at the weekend I might have a 3 lb weight loss this week.
Help plz.

All was going well up until last night (end of day 5). Had my breakfast and lunch as normal, got in from work, went for my run, once back showered and ate some chicken and had my bar. About 9:30 I started to feel a bit sick so thought I'd have a coke zero as thought it might help (has in the past). Got into bed about 10:30 thought I'd try and sleep it off but just as I feel a sleep I woke up and was very very violently sick, was so forceful!!!! Immediately felt better so went to bed. Woke up the morning feeling very tired and still have a sickly feeling. Never had this before on the diet. Anyone else been ill? Can't work out why. I now don't fancy a shake or water and obviously don't want to eat anything to knock me out of ketosis as have lost 10lb already. Felt great after the run but maybe it was my bodies way of being like wtf are you running for on so little calories, I burn between 500-600 on my weekday runs. Anyone have any advice? X

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
I would expect that it's the running. Towards the end of SS+ for me the time I lost all the weight initially I was walking 10km a day (very briskly) and I was a bit like that. The next phase of it was unpleasant i.e. total collapse but I had an underlying medical condition I wasn't aware of. Personally I'd move up to Step 2. You need to be taking in a minimum of 800 calories for the type of exercise your're doing and that's an absolute minimum. Even at 1000 calories I don't think you'd have much of an impact on your losses when you're running a couple of times a week. I'm seriously impressed with your motivation!
The violent vomiting sounds more like food poisoning than the effects of the running. Check the dates on your products.

I do second Kiwi that you need to make sure you have enough in you to do the runs. Running on empty so to speak is not a good idea. At least step 2 if you're running regularly is a good idea!

Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for the advice. Yes I remember that now :-(

Not planning on running tonight as was a rest day so might see how I go today. There's no way I'll give up the running whilst on this. I'd rather eat more and carry on running. I just want to do a few weeks without food again to get the huge gain I had in December off. I have my first half marathon mid March so only 9 weeks away!!! Maybe I'll finish this week on step 2 and go up to step 3 on Sunday. Fingers crossed I'll be ok. X

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
No advise as it may be just one of those things ? Some type of bug perhaps ?

Hope you feel better during the course of today x x
I did think a bug first off but as it was only once I was unsure plus I was fine everywhere else (Stomach wise if you know what I mean). Having a coffee and some water and will see how I feel.

Thanks for all your advice :) I assumed as I have been running for so long now that I would be ok to continue as wasn't like it would be a shock to my system. I ideally want to lose at least another 4lb to get me back to pre Dec weight before I go up the steps. Preferabally more as I want to lower my target but have 9 months to the wedding so 9 months to lose just over a stone is acheviable.
Eating 1200 cals a day and running a couple of times a week you'll lose between 2 and 3 lbs a week. Hope you're feeling better today.
Thanks Kiwi - had a shake for breakfast and just had loads of lettuce, cottage cheese and chicken breast. Step 2 meal (maybe a bit too much protein but I needed it). Just feel very tired and under the weather still but I'll live.

You'd think I would lose that Kiwi but I never lose more than a lb a week on a "normal" diet. Which to be fair I'd be more than happy with in a few weeks once the Dec bloat has gone. Going to see how the rest of this week goes. Just so typical as I was doing so well too!
I'd keep it low carb Liz but maybe up the protein cals just to make sure you're feeding and healing your muscles!

Good luck and hope you're feeling better soon!
