100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

Sounds good tigg.

I've completely wimped out of running tonight, raining too hard and windy. Forecast is better for the morning so going to go for a run before work. I've never done that before but it's too horrible out there!!! I've been thinking about doing the odd run before work as its getting lighter in the morning and can watch the sunrise :) x

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
It's horrendous out there my drive home was yucky. So Liz I don't blame you for skipping tonight and going tomorrow morning instead. I used to go running in the morning and it was a great way to set yourself up for the day.

Flic if you went out tonight then you definitely get extra brownie points!

hope the weather cleared up ladies. 9 12.5 this morning. I'll be giving out about the disgrace I've been on Monday I'm sure but that's the lightest I've been since starting this.
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Morning ladies!

Brownie points earned - I went and did my run! Got a pain on the top of my one foot this morning? Odd. Tbh, the weather was a bit drizzly and cold but not too bad, so I can't pretend it was gale force winds and sheet rain. Haha.

I run in the morning at the weekend, but not sure i'd have the motivation to do it in the week...plus, I think i'd run out of time. Sounds fab though liz, especially watching the sunrise!

Well done Kiwi on a fab week - you must feel really postitive going into the weekend.

Yay Kiwi, have a great weekend and enjoy it!

Well done Flic that's brilliant going with the running.

Liz did you get out this morning or did you run out of time?

I have decided to give up coffee and cola and any other major sources of caffeine that a regularly have. So I have a massive headache this morning and think I'm in withdrawal!

Oh well I will get on with some work in a minute and see how the day unfolds!

Good luck all.

I had a petrol station donut. Very bold. Like why? Now I've had my calories and I'm still starving.
Late night shopping tonight with my bestie so at least I'm probably guaranteed my 10,000 steps today. Bridesmaid shopping then tomorrow so will be on my feet all day too so hopefully there'll be some damage limitation. Will be well worth it though. I haven't eaten anything else and I'm having my green tea to try and curb the need to have an all out binge now and I've protein with me for lunch so 350 calories later I'm probably alright. Good thing its lent and I promised by work colleagues we were all giving up chocolate or I'd be at the vending machine by now for a breakfast yorkie.
Hi everyone - its a while since I posted (couple of months) but I can see everyone is doing fabulous with the post Xmas losses. I am still doing my low carb 90daysss plan and getting to my goal albeit slowly - might up my green tea frequency seeing the posts!!! Anyway I just thought I would say "hi"
Hi Sam. Glad the plan is going well! Good to hear it.

Kiwi at least it sounds like you've haven't let a little slip mess with your head.

I've a litre of my green tea drank this morning and it definitely curbed the sugar crazings. I'm very impressed. Welcome back S4S! You've lost over 60 lbs - amazing!!! Well done.
Kiwi - Donut!!! Flush it out with the green tea!!

10KM done, was up at 05:30 and straight out! Didn't enjoy it in the slightest. 2 mins slower than normal and felt scared for the first half as still dark as was quite eerie at that time of the morning with no one about. I'm deffo not an early midweek runner!! Don't mind weekend morning runs as that's not at stupid o clock and I've normally eaten and drank. The scales were also not my friend this morn, another lb on so the 3lb gain that I thought I'd lost is now back :-( Feel depressed as being really good too.

I don't know if I'd have a 5.30am run in me. I tip my hat to you Liz. I don't know what to say to you about the scales. That would really bother me too.
Get new scales Liz!

Well done on your run - i'm not sure a 5.30 start would motivate me either. At least if you were slower, the next run you'll smash this time! My run last night was over 2 minutes faster than the same one last week and more running too - I was shattered by the end of it! I'm almost debating giving up on the couch25k program and just start doing my own thing, but I do like having it in the background, especially when I beat it!

Glad the green tea helped kiwi!

Very impressed with the running Liz but if early morning running is not for you at least now you know! I used to run to the station and get 4 miles in in the morning and then shower at work. But it's strangely harder to fit things in now I'm self employed I just end up thinking 'I'll get this done first' and then spend ages doing something work related. That's why the booked classes work for me. I have to stop and do them.

As for the scales Liz I have no idea what to suggest. I tend to add lbs when coming up to and just after longer races but the shorter and easier running I do afterwards tends to see a drop in the lbs. over time it should even out. If you're within your cals and you're flushing your system and stretching after running then you will lose weight it's just a matter of patience maybe.

Well done on your running too Flic!

It's not the scales - just my stupid body!!! I have PCOS and really struggle to lose weight on any eating diets. I either need to food replace or no carb. I can't though whilst running. So frustrating!! I should be a size 8 the amount of running I do :-( I'll stick with it, I have too otherwise I'll gain even more. Just fed up. I put so much effort in and gain.

Sorry for the negative posts :-( x
Hi Liz I am the same with PCOS so I can totally relate to your issue as it causes insulin resistance it does make it much more difficult to lose weight apart from low carb which is the only one i know of that works
Hi Sam,

It's so odd isn't it. On Cambridge I lost the same as everyone else and didn't struggle to lose weight at all. But now I'm maintaining/trying to shift a few extra lbs for my wedding by eating healthy and running it just doesn't seem to work. All I want is a lb a week, not loads :-( 7 and a bit months to lose 12lb for my new target!! x
Hi Sam, It's so odd isn't it. On Cambridge I lost the same as everyone else and didn't struggle to lose weight at all. But now I'm maintaining/trying to shift a few extra lbs for my wedding by eating healthy and running it just doesn't seem to work. All I want is a lb a week, not loads :-( 7 and a bit months to lose 12lb for my new target!! x

I'm going to suggest you only have carbs to fuel your runs. That way you can keep relatively low carb and hopefully start to lose weight again.

One of the local fitness instructors here advocates low carb and only eating them within one hour of exercise.