100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

I only started SW on Wednesday and i have so far been 100%.

i have not been hungry yet and i am trying to figure out what the catch may be cos i don't see how it is possible to lose weight on this. I know it works, there are many people at my group who have lost 3-4 stone and more.

My brain is still stuck in the "diet" rut i think. :eek:
yeah mine is to ive done weight watchers to many times which is very limiting so my head says u cant eat all that you are on a diet i still havnt eaten enougth today gonna try eat more super free and free foods tommorow
Day 4 of 100 per cent and I have eaten loads. Even a takeaway tonight. It's bonkers but if I can really lose weight then fabbo:D
All of you who do 100% are an inspiration to look up to. Certainly motivation for me reading your journeys.
keep up the good work everyone :)
I have stuck to plan today but i have used some flexi syns - i have not gone overboard - 27 in total as i had family round for dinner and we had apple crumble and custard. It was lovely.

So Day 5 = 100% (if that incl the ability to use flexis).
Can anyone comment?
day 7 100% and with a 6 and half pound weight loss this week im even more determined to stick to it next award 1 stone here i come lol :D
Started my 100% day on Monday and havnt yet faultered.
2010 is going to be the year for 100%'s! Its going to be hard with holidays and such but im giving it my best shot!

100% day 4 is today :)
well done. hopefully i'll have the same motivation when i join tomorrow!
Day 6 of 100%. I'm also stopping saving syns for the weekend to have lots to drink. I've always done this while I've been on SW and whilst at first I had reasonable losses, things have slowed down. Therefore I am going to give up drinking (apart from the odd special occasion). Now I have lots of syns to use up each day and it's been nice being able to decide what to have.
i think this is a good idea.I've just re-joined after lapsing over xmas and have had a really good day, the electronic diary system seems to work well too
Just spotted this thread, I like it! Count me in as of today!

Monday 11 Jan 2010 =
first day at 100% :) even with a couple of chocolate coated brazil nuts!
Yesterday was my first day at 100% since way before christmas. Although I had lost 1 pound at WI this week, i know in my heart that I was not following the plan and therfore next week I would probably not lose any weight.

So back to basics for me, writing everything down again and following the plan 100%
I gained 0.5lb this week despite thinking I'd been on plan 100% :(

So count me in - 100% so far on day one!