2.5 stone to lose club

Clare I too have done all different diets... Sw deffo the best plus I can stick to it more often than I can any other....

Are you losing weight for anything in particular? I have the focus of a family wedding and holiday in the caribean in January :)

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I have decided now that we know we aren't having more children I want it off for good I have lost 2 stone a few times before then had my 2 kids started a new job and put it back on .. This time it's for life !!

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Good plan clare... Your doing it for you :) you have done great so far

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Your doing fab to and thanks xx

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Meliososo said:
Gosh I keep totally neglecting this tread! Im almost a stone through now and really feel like I can do it. I've just started a training plan for to run a half marathon which takes me up to xmas and hoping to get the last 1.5 st off by then too.

This week was set to be a 100% week but Im getting the coil put in tomorrow and in the mean time my Dr put me on the pill which is making me a moody and very snacky little person. Not happy at all! I quite literally find it impossible to stop myself lol. Luckily Im still running and going for walks which should even thing out as it's on today I've gone off plan. Back on it tomorrow as I'll be very busy and won't have time to snack!

How did everyone's weekend go?

Hey melio, missed your post somehow! The pill is a killer for increasing hunger!!just try and snack with protien or fruit.... Glad to see you back :)

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Night all....

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Night all....

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Night to you too. Hope it's been a good one. I have had no cooker today as its gone off and waiting for the man to come out. He was supposed to come tonight but it will be tomorrow instead. Got a night off and they had m&s and I had some beef stroganoff from the slimming eats site that I made last night. Had it cold though I could have microwaved it. Couldn't be bothered it was still nice. He better come tomorrow though cos I have nothing in the fridge to fall back on and will end up having to do an EE day and have a jacket spud. Fancy trying the fanta chicken cos I love the diet coke one.
Welcome Clare! :)
Well done on the loss peacelilly, hope your cooker gets fixed tmrw! Id be lost without mine. Lol to cold beef stroganoff :)

Ah soon to be, hope you have a better day tmrw after a good nights sleep hopefully. You did well on only stealing one chip, esp after your own dinner being awful :(

I have just been for a swim and feeling really tired, off now for an early night. Will post roulade recepie tmrw when on work comp (can't do on phone for some reason)
Night all x

Peacelily what a nightmare without your cooker!!! I didn't have mine for a out 8weeks once, it's so annoying!!! Hope they fix it today :) by the way I use diet lemonade and sugar free vimto squash in lots of cooking :)) it's yum, will deffo try fanta!

Nelly well done on the swimming... I am always too tired in the evening to exercise....

Feeling a bit better today... Had a sneaky mid week weigh in and have lost a pound :) so I finally am in the 12's!! Yay!! So I gotta be good... I got a do to go to with OH Saturday and that dress is soo tight! It's a 14!! I know if I go off track I won't get it on.... Have a ee day today.... Going out tonight for a meal with my mates ..... Just had magic pancakes with sweetened quark and banana drizzled with honey!! Mmmmm lush!!!

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:

Peacelily what a nightmare without your cooker!!! I didn't have mine for a out 8weeks once, it's so annoying!!! Hope they fix it today :) by the way I use diet lemonade and sugar free vimto squash in lots of cooking :)) it's yum, will deffo try fanta!

Nelly well done on the swimming... I am always too tired in the evening to exercise....

Feeling a bit better today... Had a sneaky mid week weigh in and have lost a pound :) so I finally am in the 12's!! Yay!! So I gotta be good... I got a do to go to with OH Saturday and that dress is soo tight! It's a 14!! I know if I go off track I won't get it on.... Have a ee day today.... Going out tonight for a meal with my mates ..... Just had magic pancakes with sweetened quark and banana drizzled with honey!! Mmmmm lush!!!

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Finally got it fixed today and is now up and running. Had some bacon medallions with mushrooms and toms to celebrate. Feeling very snacky today. Had poached eggs and toast this morning and the toast has left me ravenous all day. Fantastic news on the 12's soon-to-be-slim and hope all goes well with the outings planned. Your pancakes sounded yum.

Hope everyone having a good day :)
Morning, glad you got your cooker done peacelily!! Yay for nice food!!

Totally fell off the wagon last night. But back on it today :) I knew it was coming. Drink loads ate loads... Now and again I suppose it does us good. Well that's what I am telling myself!! Lol...

Onwards and downwards if I sts this week I will just have to accept it :)

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Ah glad you had a great time and yes happens to us all but you're right might stimulate things you never know. Lots of people do find it helps to have a day like that. I am having a lovely day and, in fact, have a lovely weekend to look forward to as OH has gone till Monday so peace and quiet, watch what I want and eat my kind of. Kids coming and going with their own arrangements so feels like a weekend off! Off out with the dog now then we might just snuggle up together on the couch and i can catch up on every programme I've missed over the last few weeks and she'll just snooze beside me.
Hope your day is good today and you feel back on track. :)
Sounds like a perfect few days peacelily! I feel so exhausted and ill!! Never drinking ever again! Lol!!! On the plus side don't feel hungry!! So might help with weight loss lol!!

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Sounds like a perfect few days peacelily! I feel so exhausted and ill!! Never drinking ever again! Lol!!! On the plus side don't feel hungry!! So might help with weight loss lol!!

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Oh you poor poor thing. Hangovers are the work of the devil. Hope you feel better soon :-(
peacelily said:
Oh you poor poor thing. Hangovers are the work of the devil. Hope you feel better soon :-(

Lol :)

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Bum bum bum... Another day off plan today... Just couldnt do it :( hungover and needed salty foods.... I hope I feel better tomorrow... Totally yucky!! Cross with myself too!

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Woohoo 3.5lb off

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Bum bum bum... Another day off plan today... Just couldnt do it :( hungover and needed salty foods.... I hope I feel better tomorrow... Totally yucky!! Cross with myself too!

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It's so hard to stick to plan when hungover - you'll be back on track tmrw.
I went to pizza hut tonight and then came home and ate a big bar of milky bar! Don't know what's wrong with me, seriously self sabotaging x
Abbysmom said:
Woohoo 3.5lb off

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Yay!! Well done clare!! Fab loss!!

After sleep I am now feeling in the land of the living.... So back to it :)

Never drinking again! Lol!!

Have a great day everyone :)

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