2.5 stone to lose club

Nellylou said:
Hey all, sorry I've not been around. Drinks Friday took their toll and been off plan since. Been feeling a bit off due to certain things but can see this eating thing getting out of control so 100% day from me today.
Hope your all okay, will have a read back through thread now.

Good luck for weigh in peacelilly!! :)

Hope your 100% is going well nellylou and thank you 2.5 down which gets me my shiny 1.5st and I'm into the next stone bracket. Only 6.5 away from my 1st target. Don't think I'll stick at that but will see how it goes and might try to maintain that till after Christmas then shift down again. (that's assuming I do it before Christmas it's all a bit hit and miss at the mo!) :)
Hey nellylou good to have you back again, it's too tough on plan with a hangover I know!!!

Peacelily totally amazing loss! Well done, bet your thrilled getting into that next stone. Well last night had a bag of chrisps and a curly wurly over my syns but really needed them! Doing ok today...weather is a bit brighter and had a nice day so far.....

Worked it out that this month I have only lost about about pound... It's not been a good one, wanted to do 8 at least! I stll have till sunday to lose some more if i can! Oh well hope October will be better :)

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Thanks both :) feels good being back on plan, much more in control of things when I'm eating well.

Brilliant loss peacelilly - did you end up doing the red / fishy days?

Better than a multi bag of crisps and choc Soon to be slim at least you were still counting :)
Thank you all. Don't get despondent soon-to-be-slim cos you're still a pound down but know what it's like when your heads just not letting you get back into the game.

Yes I did do mostly red then made sure I had fish in the evening. Bought a bag of salmon fillets and then had them
Cheers gals for the support.... Did good yesterday but still gonna plod on off out today for lunch with my daughter :) so looking forward to it... Aim to be good if I can ;)

Have a great day all

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Cheers gals for the support.... Did good yesterday but still gonna plod on off out today for lunch with my daughter :) so looking forward to it... Aim to be good if I can ;)

Have a great day all

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Have a lovely time :)
Cheers gals for the support.... Did good yesterday but still gonna plod on off out today for lunch with my daughter :) so looking forward to it... Aim to be good if I can ;)

Have a great day all

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Enjoy lunch!

aiming for day 2 of 100%, just want to eat chocolate. Doesnt help that the skinny one next to me is munching biscuits :rolleyes:
Had a lovely lunch.... It was a nice afternoon tea :) had nice sandwiches and scone with cream and jam and a few little cakes... Really nice, not on plan but hey Ho... Back on plan now :) got a really busy week socially this week..., lots of eating and drinking! I am just trying my best ;)

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It's all you can do soon-to-be-slim at times like that. If its busy socially it's really tricky. I am going out for dinner at a friends and she's cooking pasta so will do EE and try to keep things in check this aft so I can use syns for sauces etc. she's bound to have a pud which will be hard to say no to but to be honest I could easily. Not bothered about puddings etc. nellylou you have been very good resisting the biccies. I have a pan of free chicken and ham soup bubbling and just about to have that. Nice quiet afternoon after a hectic morning.
peacelily said:
It's all you can do soon-to-be-slim at times like that. If its busy socially it's really tricky. I am going out for dinner at a friends and she's cooking pasta so will do EE and try to keep things in check this aft so I can use syns for sauces etc. she's bound to have a pud which will be hard to say no to but to be honest I could easily. Not bothered about puddings etc. nellylou you have been very good resisting the biccies. I have a pan of free chicken and ham soup bubbling and just about to have that. Nice quiet afternoon after a hectic morning.

I couldn't resist the puddings! Sounds like a lovely afternoon peacelily! Your soup sounds nice :)))

Well worked it out and think I have had 51 syns today!!! Ooops!! So my weekly total means I only have 4 left till Sunday!! How am I going to cope!!!

Extra easy I think for the next few days!! OH has arranged a night out Friday and Saturday I am at a work do!!

Hope I can scrape a sts for Sunday weigh in!!!

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Oh heck 4 till Sunday isn't much. Keep yourself full with the free and superfree. I have struggled this aft cos my daughter came in from school having made chilli chicken spring rolls and I soooo didn't want her to make me eat one. Managed to get away with a half so counted 5 syns. Then made them macaroni cheese (the nigella way, not SW so counted 3 for a small spoon of that to check for seasoning. Then had 2 squares of choc. They just jumped into my mouth! So another 2 and along with maple syrup at breakfast I'm up to 14 already and haven't even been out yet. Blimey it's hard sometimes innit? :)
Yep fill up on free foods! Are they both drinkie nights out?

Those naughty pieces of choc jumping into your mouth peacelilly :) lol

I'm still struggling to keep on track, have a fibre plus bar and a hot choc left to eat today but trying to leave them until later but they are calling my name!!!
Nellylou said:
Yep fill up on free foods! Are they both drinkie nights out?

Those naughty pieces of choc jumping into your mouth peacelilly :) lol

I'm still struggling to keep on track, have a fibre plus bar and a hot choc left to eat today but trying to leave them until later but they are calling my name!!!

Ok managed it and it was a couscous bake with roasted veg so will syn 6 for any oil and a couple for the few dried cranberries. I managed not to eat the bread or the choccie biscuits and had 3 small glasses of prosecco. So an extra 24 syns methinks. I can just take that off the week. I really fancied a drink and hoping it doesn't come back to haunt me tomorrow.

Hope you managed to stay on track nellylou. I'm getting awfully obsessive in that I just really want to do this now and get to target and nights out are getting in the way. How sad am I? Not really real life. Anyway night all :)
Lol, lots jumped into my mouth today too! Well decided like you say to fill up on free and superfree Tomorrow.. Got a nice day with OH tomorrow planned :) day off work yay!!

Night all...

Well done nellylou staying in control!!

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Hi ya, hope your all having a nice day...

Having a nice pampering day today... Have a pedicure done and trying not to eat lots of food!!!

How you both doing?

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Hi ya, hope your all having a nice day...

Having a nice pampering day today... Have a pedicure done and trying not to eat lots of food!!!

How you both doing?

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Ooh that sounds lovely. I'm having a bit of a lazy day. Been out for lunch with OH. Had soup which I'll just have to count 6 for oil (carrot and butternut squash soup-what do you think?) and gave him my roll. Was starving when I came home so had some more of my homemade chicken and ham soup. Was trying to have a low day today after last night but think it should be ok for the rest of the day as got lots of fruit in and have some salmon for tonight- my new pash. I tend to have little obsessions with food where I'll eat loads of the same thing then move onto something else and do the same. Having a red day again today. Feel much better doing them. Hope you are all having a good one. :)
Ooh that sounds lovely. I'm having a bit of a lazy day. Been out for lunch with OH. Had soup which I'll just have to count 6 for oil (carrot and butternut squash soup-what do you think?) and gave him my roll. Was starving when I came home so had some more of my homemade chicken and ham soup. Was trying to have a low day today after last night but think it should be ok for the rest of the day as got lots of fruit in and have some salmon for tonight- my new pash. I tend to have little obsessions with food where I'll eat loads of the same thing then move onto something else and do the same. Having a red day again today. Feel much better doing them. Hope you are all having a good one. :)

I have little obsessions with food too, its like at the moment I cannot stop thinking about butternut squash! lol, im like ohh what can I have with that!? :rolleyes:
went through the salmon stage as well, but have gone off it now as had too much.
Im on day 3 of green days and really looking forward to red days again from tmrw, i feel more satisfied!
Chicken and ham soup sounds lovely x
Hi ya, hope your all having a nice day...

Having a nice pampering day today... Have a pedicure done and trying not to eat lots of food!!!

How you both doing?

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sounds lovely, after today I have a long weekend off and plan on having a real pampering session :D
what have you got planned with oh? x
Back home to reality now!!

Maybe the soup could be your hex plus a couple of syns peacelily?

Tonight is catch up night with Dallas :) what you all doing?