2.5 stone to lose club

Miss_Corset said:
You can totally do this! Just think about weather like this and being outside wearing lovely summer dresses and swimwear on the beach and feeling a million dollars. It's totally worth the effort :)

I'm on the brink of the 10s so terrified about WI tomorrow. I'm so desperate to get there! I think I might cry if I see an 11 on the scales tomorrow! xx

Thanks Miss_Corset, that's exactly what I'm trying to tell myself. Love this glorious weather, but it depresses me. Makes me hate the fact that I can't wear what I want!
Need to change that depression into motivation!!
Miss_Corset said:
Not great unfortunately - scales are showing STS. Although I feel really bloated (lovely!) and have been drinking 3 or 4 pints more water over the last few days than I normally would (lots of time in pub gardens trying to resist wine so drinking water with slices of lemon instead!) so I wonder whether it's water retention? Really disappointed but trying not to let it get me down. Might be naughty and weigh again tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit better...xx

Don't worry, you've been doing so well. Just keep doing what you're doing x
just keep going miss corset.... it is probably just fluid retention, this warm weather makes you hold on to alot :( next week should show a good loss if you be good :)
Thanks *soon-to-be-slim*. I've been super-good this week, only having one slip with a 99 Flake on Sunday! Have been well under my syns every other day though so don't think that would be enough to mess me up completely! Hopefully it's just a blip and, like you say, I'll get a good loss next week.

Good luck for your WI tomorrow :)
Miss_Corset said:
Thanks *soon-to-be-slim*. I've been super-good this week, only having one slip with a 99 Flake on Sunday! Have been well under my syns every other day though so don't think that would be enough to mess me up completely! Hopefully it's just a blip and, like you say, I'll get a good loss next week.

Good luck for your WI tomorrow :)

Thanks :)
Ok first weigh in for me and 6lbs off :) chuffed and I feel like I have eaten loads!!
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Thanks miss corset.... So how have you been? Did you get through yesterday ok? We are sitting in the garden at the moment eating breakie :) lovely day :)
The weather is gorgeous isn't it! Unfortunately my scales have declared war on me and are convinced I STS this week despite being 100% except for the 99 Flake incident on Sunday. I've definitely had bigger slips than that before and still lost so I'm pretty disappointed. In other news though, I did quite a lot of shopping over the weekend, some of it for size 12 things, and I'm wearing a brand new dress today which I feel a million dollars in, so I'm trying to stay positive! That last 1st 5lbs feels like it's going to take forever to shift though because I feel like I've hit a wall. Really wishing I hadn't had to go to South Africa or the damn conference with work because I was doing so well before then, but even though I've been 100% since, I've only shifted what I'd gained, I don't seem to be able to get any more off however hard I try. So disappointing! I'm sure it'll happen in time...I'm just very aware that the holiday countdown clock is ticking and I really want to get another stone off before I go...xx
Hey miss corset, I had a gain this week (2.5) and was so disappointed as really don't think it was deserved. I think the weather has a lot to do with it. Am sure if you carry on doing what your doing you will be well in to the 10s by your next weigh in, your doing so well x
*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Ok first weigh in for me and 6lbs off :) chuffed and I feel like I have eaten loads!!

Brilliant loss, well done :)
I bet you do feel a million dollars!! I have done sw so many times and whenever i hit a plateau i used to do mix to max days, and red days only this got me going again also increasing the super free foods......

It will get moving again you just gotta let your body know its ok to let it go by giving it enough of the right foods......

or there are the superspeed weeks arent there but i never did them....

just keep going it will work :)
GlamUp said:
Makes me hate the fact that I can't wear what I want!
Need to change that depression into motivation!!

Me too! We can do it!
Hows everyones day been? I am off tomorrow for my mini break so wont be around till Monday......

Really looking forward to a break from it all :)
I have swelled up like a ballon in this heat! It's so weird as am def drinking enough... Where ate you off to on your mini break? X
going off to spain :) looking forward to chilling.... Determined not to do any damage :)

Have you tried drinking some fresh lemon water? its a diuretic and will help with the fluid retention
Finally 1lb off! And it means I'm 11st exactly - just another 1/4lb and I'm in the 10s! Have planned a week of red and green days to shake things up a bit and get those scales moving. I almost feel like I'm starting all over again, but this time I know what I'm doing. Cutting my syns back this week too, to see if that helps as well. I want to take a chunk out of the 10s next week so it's all systems go!

Hope everyone's having a good week so far xx
Well done Miss_Corset.
I can't wait until I'm 11st :)