25 and just getting fatter and fatter! Please HELP me! Before Im double doors sideway

yeah the gorgeous, loaded witty long term partner is the one she met on the dating site! So there is hope! YAY!!!

The rate im going id like to stay the same!

Im going to try be good from tomorrow but im kitchen less and then its the night out on sat but I will try Paulam.
Good luck for tonight!
Emma you little genius... The smash powder is brill for thickening stuff.
I lost 3 and half lb and got slimmer of the week.... Go me! I'm delighted. And all organised for tomorrow. Loads of fruit. Muller lights. Pork casserole with baby potatoes! Want at least another 2 lb by next week. 10 weeks to Xmas and if I lost 20lb I'd hit my 2 stone.
why thank you I do try to have my uses!!!

AMAZING on your loss and AWARD!!! Well done you!
I need to give my head a shake I really do! Just using all of this as an excuse and eating sh*t and its pathetic! My mum was saying to put a holiday in for tomorrow but im not going to im going to go an face the music and move on. Yes Ill be out on Saturday but that's no reason not to try to be good as and when I can.

I can have fruit and yog for breakfast, a mugshot and ryvita for lunch then god knows what for tea. If I eat enough fruit during the day snacking that should be ok for superfree.

So I said all of that yesterday.... then I had a cheese savoury sandwich and crisps for lunch, and a mcdonals with mozzarella dippers for tea! im currently eating that tost with fruit in! disgrace!
I want my kitchen back! Everywhere is covered in dust - even the beds- upstairs!! How can this be happening?!
My car in now undrivable so back in the garage on sat for wheel bearing and drive shaft! hairdresser cancelled last night, fat club tonight where ill of had a massive gain and be back in the 14s!

God im fed up! x
awh thats crap that everything is destroyed in the house!! It's so hard to keep on top of things in a normal situation never mind when your house is turned upside down

Hugs xxx
awww thanks Laura id love a hug right now! I feel so rubbish like its one thing after another!
You're having such a rough time lately. Don't be 2 hard on yourself. If you are up a few lb just start again tomorrow morning. Why did the hairdresser cancel? If I was near you I'd call over and give you a hug. X
Aww bless you - id prob cry like a total loser lol.
I will be up but ill just start again on Monday - ill obv try reign it in over the weekend where I can but its not going to be anywhere near good!

He said he was poorly but I think he just couldn't be arsed lol.
Im just fed up, house is a mess and dirty and dusty, £500 on my car the week before pay day, ive bought the boy nothing for his birthday, im starting to get really nervous and worked up about seeing HER, my dad got in touch on sunday after 3 months of silence, I should be studying for an exam (not that I can afford to book it!) but haven't started and its a month tomorrow!

I just want to run away but don't have anywhere to go, nor money or transport to get there!
Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh but couldn't help it at that last sentence. You really are having a tough time lately. Well I seem to have gained 5lb over 24hours. What's that about? I know I shouldn't be weighing myself at home but I can't help it. If it doesn't disappear again I'll cry. I'm being so good. Banana and yoghurt for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch, low low pasta for tea. Aaaggghhhh why is it so hard?
paulam it must be dodgy scales you cant have!
Umm lowlow pasta!! youd think id of been kitchenless for months not 3 nights lol.
Lets hope not. Maybe it'll just drop back by 5lb tomorrow. Could you not get a single ring cooker like the ones for camping? At least then you could cook some pasta.
the entire house is covered in dust even though its just the kitchen, even the beds!
Now im stuck there due to no car! Well obv I mean after work but you know what I mean x
Its roughly an hour till I get weighed, I know it wont be good news but at least I know it if that makes sense? Im sure ill still b very very sad though. Daft as I only have myself to blame! x
2 and a half on. Back into the 14s.
14 stone 1 and a half pounds.

Its my own fault, I deserve it.
hope everyone had a great weekend.
im in major panic mode, my first weigh in last week I lost 4lbs and really really wanted my half stone this week, I got on the scales this morning (I know I shouldn't but im a obsessive combulsive weigher) and ive maintained ive got 2 days to loose 3lbs. ive ben realy good this week and only had 10syns max a day, I did 30mins on the airwalker yesterday as well.
im so upset cant stop thinking I may txt the consultant ad have n holiday day so im not gutted. do I sound pathetic?
you just sound like a panicer!
Your scales are totally different to the proper ones. Just go, Im sure you will have lost.
If youre unsure just keep up the superfree and water! x