3 Positives for today...

1. Went on a really useful course about leadership
2. Knew there was a free buffet for lunch so took my own stir fry veg and chicken, and managed to resist the lovely baguettes and crisps etc and just had two mini cake things instead
3. Already made a lunch for day two of the course tomorrow
1. Had an hour on Just Dance/Wii Fit this afternoon :)
2. Gave my room a huge spring clean, bin bagging stuff i don't use/need and giving to charity :) Plus, it's exercise!
3. Feeling positive :)
1. Realised ive lost 8 inchs from my hips since i joined SW

2. Went to gym this morning

3. Finding the exercises in Marisa Peers book really help me.
Mine are more positives for the last week than today. I was really down last night after "only" losing 1lb when I'd been really strictly 100% on plan all week. I am trying to forget about the numbers and focusing on the positives. I have 4, but anyway:

- I was in control all week and followed plan 100% to the letter - every single Syn was accounted for.
- I made healthy choices whilst eating out and stuck to them, even when my food came not as asked. It was sent back until they got it right.
- I got into a pair of size 12 jeans that I picked up at our groups' clothes swap! I bought them to "slim into", and was gobsmacked that they fit now.
- I am back into the 12s. Only just (12st 13.5lb), but I am there!
1-My new straighteners and another part of mum's Christmas present arrived.
2-I went to the gym even though I didn't feel like it.
3-Was in Tesco and said hello to a family friend as I walked past. She smiled and said hello and it was only when I was about 10ft past her she called 'OMG Jenna' she hadn't realised it as me. She said she'd been talking to my mum last week who'd told her I'd lost weight and you'd barely recognise me (slight exagerration on mother's part there) and that she was right haha! I still feel that unrecognisable is a bit of a push but it was nice that she thought there was a big difference :D
1. Put my washing out today and just brought it in (looks like it might rain while I'm out) and its almost dry, still have to air it inside but loads better then if I'd just hung it inside to start with (haha I know its sad how happy this makes me)
2. Planning on having one of my favourite meals tomorrow (chicken stuffed with chicken and topped with BBQ sauce and bacon) actually all 3 meals tomorrow are some of my favourite
3. Booked our tickets for the carols in Castleton... can't wait :D hoping the weathers not too frosty and then me and mum will be going on a run together while we're there as well
1. Weigh in tomorrow and I've been so good this week so quite looking forward to the result
2. Tried sushi for the first time today (2.5 syns) and it was so lovely!
3. Got lots of uni work started at last
1. Got some more Christmas shopping done and don't think we have anything that is desperately needed now, just little bits for certain people and little one
2. The job I've been waiting to apply for has been advertised today, so I can start work on the application and get it all sent in :)
3. It's Friday tomorrow and we have some nice plans for the weekend
1. Lost 4lbs at WI this morning :D
2. Have a yummy tea planned, can't wait :D
3. It's getting closer to the weekend and i have a lovely Saturday planned with my boyfriend :D
Well I've just had the most positive of positive days :D Eeek! Feeling really heavy and bloated but it's *week so that's probably while but these 3 little things have perked me up.

1. Have been on plan, and have been very good on plan. Coleslaw came on the side of my salad...I scraped it off :D I then went for a 3 mile walk around the lighthouse, walking up over 100 steps (they're steep wee blighters) and was only moderately out of breath-I didn't feel like I was going to die wahooo!

2. Went shopping, New Look had a 25% off sale. Spent 98 on what should have been 130 quid :D In that little stock pile were TWO pairs of size 8 trousers.

3. When I was trying the clothes on in the changing rooms my mum was talking to some woman whose kids were playing up and she was saying they were being a nightmare, I came out of the changing room and she said to my mum, I take it this one hasn't had kids yet...I said hell no and she said oh no I could tell because you have a waist. I don't remember the last time I had a waist that was apparently noticeable enough for anyone to comment on ahhhhhh!

1. Got my biggest weekly loss last night of 4lbs!
2. Going home to visit my family today
3. That weight loss has just motivated me more to stick to it 100%
One... I might have gained four pounds this week but I also gained the drive to get it off again and more...
Two... Still a learning curve for me, but I am slowly realising I don't have to rely on anyone but me...
Three... Love my new outlook on life...
1. Off to see friends tonight and looking forward to a cheeky (not too cheeky but still cheeky) take-away
2. Christmas market tomorrow and I can't wait
3. Don't have to walk to pick little one up to school as its Friday so my boyfriend finishes work early