3 Positives for today...

These are for yesterday.

1. Second day on plan 100% and loving it!!

2. Kicked the cats out of bed so I could get some proper sleep.

3. Ignoring the negativity from my parents and encouraging my brother to stay strong with me :)

I'm being selfish and I will lose weight!
- just worked out the syns on my Thorntons chocolate santa's and they're 11 syns for half not 13 like I thought
- It's snowing again :) lightly but still snow
- I've just finished a great workout and feel great for it
1. It didn't rain so I didn't have wet socks
2. My waist is an inch smaller
3. I passed my special exams and so finally I can be left in PEACE!
Upped my water intake
Had some rather nice new oil come and made some lovely new bathbombs with it in a hot pink colour... Very cybergoth...
3. Eaten lots more superfree...
For yesterday

1. Walked nearly 3 miles!! :D was only marginally out of breath.

2. Make cottage pie with my brother and it disappeared very quickly by the whole family.

3. Third 100% day on plan!! :D :D
1. Back on plan today after a few bad binge eating days
2. Decided on a new plan to keep myself motivated with the weight loss
3. Feeling much more positive with my body shape
1. Got to the shop so getting to try the ryvita fruit crunch for the first time :)
2. Printed off all my Christmas photo's
3. not sure on 3 but I'm sure there's plenty :)
Started the day with a 6k run
Got lots of productive things done with my day off
Eaten really well and have been 100%
1. Did an extra 15 minutes on top of my usual 30 minute crosstrainer workout
2. Back into a routine as we're all back at school, nice to know where we all stand
3. 20 days on plan :)
1 - had a yummy day food wise, stuffed for now but still have loads of things left for snacks later if I get peckish :)
2 - Little one has been a little angel today
3 - Just ordered boyfriend a few presents for his Birthday in Feb... think he's sorted now :) (might get him a couple more little bits but know he'll love what he has now and also got some good deals)
  1. I have bright lips thanks to Rimmel Apocalips Stellar, and am enjoying them
  2. It snowed, so I get to wear my cosy boots again
  3. I snuck a peak at the new magazine earlier on and have spotted stuff I want to make already

I have a couple more, because I’m trying to make myself feel cheerful – so as a one off am chucking them in too…

3b) I have a box of grapes for work, bargain 25p
3c) I have chorus to look forward to later
1 - It's snowing and its sunny, lovely day

2 - Just had a great workout 30 minutes training and 30 minutes run, feel amazing

3 - WI tonight and although I'd love a loss, I feel really good and at this moment in time don't care what the result is
Time to get this going again!!

1 - beautiful day

2 - nothing to do but relax

3 - hubby sent me a lovely (uncalled for) text which made me melt a little
Went for a nice long walk in the sunshine :)

Spent some time with my nan and my dad

Having Thai green curry for tea :p (that I don't have to cook!