Total Solution 3 Stone in 6 Weeks Possible? Let's find out...

It’s Friday 1st July and in exactly 6 weeks (42 days) from today, I’m off on holiday.

My Background: I’m a guy, 31 years old, 5'10. For most of my adult life I’ve always been around the 12 stone region, but in the last 3-4 years I’ve been rapidly letting myself go, jumping well over 16 stone this year… :mad:

So I’m going to attempt to lose 3 stone in 6 weeks using Exante Total Solution (circa 600 cals). I know this weight loss might be an unrealistic target, but I’ve read about people losing 30lbs in 30 days so I’m going to give it a go. Plus I’ve always been a guy who can lose (and gain) weight relatively fast.

I’m going to document everything here. Not just for accountability (hell, I need to do this for myself), but also to help others who will be doing the diet in the future.

Exante Background: A few months ago I started this Exante VLCD and did 4 full days, going from 16.7 to 15.12. Unfortunately on day 5 I attended a wedding where I ended up drinking multiple thousands of calories! After that I never managed to get back onto the diet until now. The plus side from this 4 day diet was that although I've gained a bit of weight since, I've not got anywhere near 16.7 again! So most of this rapid weight loss actually stayed off...

As a result of the trial run, I know how to get through the dreaded first 3 days - which basically involves taking a caffeine supplement (or black coffee) and drinking plenty of water! Interestingly enough, I actually felt okay on day 4 and morning of what would've been day 5 last time and could've continued had the wedding not halted my progress... It's almost like you have to break through the wall with this diet.

So today is going to be the first day of my 6 week attempt. For the following 42 days I'm going to be updating daily, each day explaining what I did and how I felt on the previous day...

Without further ado, I present you my weigh in at the start of the diet. Wish me luck...:p

Day 1 - Friday 1st July (Start Day): 16.08 st
Welcome and good luck
3 stone in 6 weeks would be amazing
I managed 19lb in 3 weeks but sadly fell apart Really need to get my act into gear and restart
It's Saturday July 2nd and day 2 of the 6 weeks Exante challenge...

Day 1 Recap: Managed to get through day 1 relatively easily this time. On my last Exante experience, day 1 and 2 were tough with headaches and hunger, which I put that down to not drinking enough. This time I went in on water and a caffeine supplement and I was fine. As well as the water listed below (which i drank within 3 hours of the time I opened the bottle), I also necked about another liter of water throughout the day.

9 am: 750ml Water + 1 MyProtein Thermopure tablet
12 noon: Irish Coffee Shake (2.5/5)
2 pm: 750ml Water + 1 MyProtein Thermopure tablet
3.30 pm: Lemon Yogurt Bar (⅖ - taste is passable but just too dry).
7pm: 1 Hour Football
8.30 pm: Lemon and Raspberry Shake (⅗)
10 pm: 1 Can of Coke Zero

I weigh in every morning, so allow me to present you with my day 2 weigh in…

Day 2 - Saturday 2nd July: 15.12,4 st
Day 1 - Friday 1st July (Start Day): 16.08 st

Comments: While yesterday was pretty easy, I've woken up today feeling quite drained, with dry mouth, breath like a horse and aching. I guess 1 hour of football + 600 calories takes some getting used to. The good thing is, I've not woken up feeling hungry. I'm going to update every 2nd-3rd day here, as I've realised this could get boring every day :D. Plus I don't think weighing in daily is going to be good for motivation, where as every 3rd day will probably be better.

Thanks for the positive comments so far.
Good luck to both you and Penny. I hope it drops off you.