30 Day Shred - Join me if you dare!! (Started 25.08.13)

From experience of the shred ladies the cool-down is totally inadequate! Do more stretches afterwards for at least another couple of minutes. I used to do her stretches with her then do them all again in slow time afterwards. Sure you will be fine the following day doing that x
WOwwwwww... Just finished day 2 and I've lost 1kg in water weight already! :O YAY.. I looked at Bodybuilding.com website because i want to lower my body fat. I've been doing weights for a few weeks/ months now, and this is my starting to "shred" as it were after doing the muscle build with loads of protein shakes and regular lean meaty meals. Never done the fat loss part before though. REALLY want to keep my energy up to keep up the weights while im on this so i dont lose muscle though which is really hard. Feeling pretty lethargic/ light headed and its only day 2! Wanna stay strong and need motivation to get through the worst bit though! HELP lol xx
Suesgonnadoit - Day - Level -
Lyndzi76 - Day 1 - Level 1 - SnS
MrsE13 - Day - Level -
Jonsgirl80 - Day 1- Level 1 -Atkins
kimmi1982 - Day 2 Level 1 - Atkins
DropAndGimme80 - Day - Level - Atkins
AtkinsFTW - Day 3 - Level 1 - Atkins

Ouchy..... Didn't I feel that today at work!!! Quads were killing going up and down stairs!! Day 2 done! X
Day two done and I ache everywhere but that means it's working.

proud of myself as I'm having a down day and that would usually mean I would give exercise a miss but I'm glad I made the effort cos I feel so much better
Well done jonsgirl!! *Clap* I find a long hot shower usually helps the aching muscles.

Lyndzi76 - Day 1 - Level 1 - SnS
Jonsgirl80 - Day 2 - Level 1 -Atkins
kimmi1982 - Day 2 - Level 1 - Atkins
AtkinsFTW - Day 3 - Level 1 - Atkins
DropAndGimme80 - Day - Level - Atkins
MrsE13 - Day - Level -
Suesgonnadoit - Day - Level -
Day 2 done. Very hot but pleased I've done it :)
I even found today easier than yesterday.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's comparison pictures at the end.
Hey guys,

Well done everyone! You're all so good! I was a bit silly and probably didn't eat enough today then decided to go to the gym tonight at about 8pm. Had a protein shake after but got munchies too and had a bowl of bran flakes! OOPSSSS... thats like a million carbs so I'm back to square one! Gonna keep focussed though and sleep now. Tomorrow is another day! :) Im hoping the sprint session balances it out and i haven't gained.. but im scared my metabolisms going to drop! argh.. what do you guys to to keep energy levels up during the day? Coffee makes me sweat so need other options!
Lyndzi76 - Day 2 - Level 1 - SnS
Jonsgirl80 - Day 2 - Level 1 -Atkins
kimmi1982 - Day 2 - Level 1 - Atkins
AtkinsFTW - Day 3 - Level 1 - Atkins
DropAndGimme80 - Day - Level - Atkins
MrsE13 - Day - Level -
Suesgonnadoit - Day - Level -

Well done Lyndzi! *clap* Hope you're not too sore today.

Hiya Cath, I use bullet proof coffee to keep energy up, but what about bullet proof hot chocolate? have you heard of bp coffee? Search on here or internet, great for giving energy and doesn't affect k. Coconut oil/mct oil and butter whizzed in coffee (or your case cocoa) till frothy. Going to try that myself as I'm trying to get away from coffee. Good luck!
I'm a tad sore but no pain, no gain!!
Thanks for the tip I'm going to have a look at the bulletproof x x
Lyndzi76 - Day 3 - Level 1 - SnS
Jonsgirl80 - Day 2 - Level 1 -Atkins
kimmi1982 - Day 2 - Level 1 - Atkins
AtkinsFTW - Day 4 - Level 1 - Atkins
DropAndGimme80 - Day - Level - Atkins
MrsE13 - Day - Level -
Suesgonnadoit - Day - Level -

Well done Lyndzi! Painting the shed is a workout all in it's own! I've not done day 5 yet, will do when I get home. Hubby putting kids to bed and I'm going to meet one of my best friend's 2 day old son, so happy for her and excited to meet him! Will update here when I've done it.

Kimmi did day 3 yesterday (after she came home from movies kudos! - hope you don't mind me stealing your thunder, Kimmi) so updated that too.

I'm proud we've done it so far and today I have to say I am noticing tummy a little flatter. Keep going!
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Missed a day due to painting the shed and children going to bed late but done another today so now on Day - 3 :)
Day three just done.

found it much easier tonight - well by much easier I mean I'm not so much of a sweaty mess and I wasn't even tempted to smash the I pad just to make that blooming sadist stop jumping about all over my screen like an energiser bunny on speed. ( it was a very close thing on day one and two I can tell you - Gillian whatshername and the I pad nearly ended up thru the living room window several times lol )

Still, if its easier that must mean I'm getting fitter already. Come on ladies we can do this! X
I wanted to kill that American with my bare hands, if it weren't for Natalie cheating all the way through I'd have smashed my TV!
Lyndzi76 - Day 3 - Level 1 - SnS
Jonsgirl80 - Day 3 - Level 1 -Atkins
kimmi1982 - Day 4 - Level 1 - Atkins
AtkinsFTW - Day 5 - Level 1 - Atkins
DropAndGimme80 - Day - Level - Atkins
MrsE13 Day - Level -
Suesgonnadoit - Day - Level -

Rofl, I was killing myself laughing, you guys are so funny jonsgirl and Kellmo!

Didn't realise you were doing it with us Kellmo, want to add yourself to the list above?

I've just done day 5 and I am loving the situps (well, loving a bit of a strong word), especially the 'the neck is not invited to the party'. Finally can do a situps without my neck hurting.

Glad you ladies are with me, thanks for joining along on this journey! x
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Lyndzi76 - Day 3 - Level 1 - SnS
Jonsgirl80 - Day 3 - Level 1 -Atkins
kimmi1982 - Day 5 - Level 1 - Atkins
AtkinsFTW - Day 6 - Level 1 - Atkins
DropAndGimme80 - Day - Level - Atkins
MrsE13 Day - Level -
Suesgonnadoit - Day - Level -

So, day 6 done and oh my days, please kill me now. I was doing the exercises and I pushed but I did tell Jillian more than once to stfu and get to the next exercise, I'm burning here! Today I am feeling it in my legs for the first time, tummy again, shoulders, butt and back too.

Too pooped for school and am so glad I am having a rest day tomorrow. I put in a slim box in between day 6-7 on my chart, so I can cross that off too. Rest from exercise not diet!

The sadist in me started watching the next work out, had to turn off half way through warm up as it was scaring me. I will be fitter, I will be! Off for a shower, night peeps x