30 Day Shred

The ones I've got are 1kg each so only 2.2lb but it made such a difference this morning! Am quite disturbed at how poor my upper body strength is..... I still can't do the "proper" press-ups; when I try I just about manage 1 then literally collapse face down onto the carpet :eek:
I'm disappointed in myself, but here to admit it...I only managed half of the work out today, my legs were hurting & I was just hating it :( I'll try again tomorrow but I'm annoyed with myself for giving up. For me, today was way harder than yesterday!!
I'm swimming tonight still, but grrr at me!! X

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Oh no, what a shame :( Why did you hate it? Was it just because it was hurting? The horrible aches from day 1 do go and pretty quickly, I promise :)

Are you going to try it again? I really would, if you can..... I'm definitely seeing the results now, after only 6 days..... my thighs are firmer, the hips seem less wide (I have horrible love-handles, urgh), I noticed this morning the general sides of my hips just seemed smoother, less lumps sticking out - if that makes any sense?! My waist is definitely narrower too, I wore a pair of jeans yesterday that haven't fit since the end of Nov. last year.

Hope that helps give you the motivation to give it another go :) xx

Well, I came on to Minimins to report in my diary about my bad job, took a few wise words from NeonShock and finished the DVD where I'd left it....can you believe there was only 3 minutes remaining!!! 2 cardio & 1 abs! I didn't think i'd got through that much of it. I feel better for finishing it and I'm going to carry on tomorrow, ignoring todays blip, think I was having a paddy. ;) xxxx
Yay, good for you :D

Day 7 done :D

H has just informed me I am literally shrinking before his eyes! After only 7 days! :eek: I thought I could see it myself but didn't know if it was wishful thinking :rolleyes:

I can not wait to take my measurements on Sunday :D

Seriously, I can't recommend this workout enough. I've never EVER seen results so quickly with any exercise I've done in the past.
well iv got it aswell but have been ill for a few days so going to give it a go tommorow wish me luck xxxxx
Good luck with it rosy, let us know how you get on with it :)
Ive been swimming today, just waiting for my meal to go down & I'll be doing the shred :) xx

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I've come to say I did the 30 day shred today, and I did a really good job, even if I do say so myself, it does get easier, yippeeeee. You've done a whole week of it Maisee, well done!!!!!!
Well done Relle :D:clap: you should be dead chuffed with yourself :D
Hurrah, day 8 done :D

According to the guide, I should be moving onto level 2 on Tuesday....... er, no :p I've decided I'm going to stick with level 1 until I'm completely comfortable doing it, until I can do it all the way through without stopping once. At the moment I still have to stop 3 or 4 times just for a couple of seconds, to catch my breath :eek:
Same here ;) at least!

I read on another thread that in level 3 you do the jumping jacks while holding your hand weights :eek: I'd end up letting one go and putting a window through!
I did day 4 today.
I did even better still... I had my brother on hand who is super fit (training for the Royal Marines) and he kept pushing me and advised me how to do the sit ups without straining my neck, which I was doing....
I didn't stop at all, got a bit dizzy as I stood up once but kepy on going and feel good for it.
This is setting me up for doing it every day without stopping once. OWWW.
My recovery time is quite good, i'm keeping this up. I want to reiterate to others - it DOES get easier.

awww im still ill so havent started it yet im really excited about it though x
Relle, you should hire him out to make sure we're all doing it properly ;)

Aww Rosy, what a shame, hope you feel better soon :)

Just done day 9 :D hurrah! That was my initial challenge to myself, to do 9 days straight and I've done it! Going to be a little harder tomorrow once the kids go back to school...... not sure if I can bring myself to get up at 5.00am :)eek:) to do it! We'll see...... maybe I'll do it when I get back from the school run instead, but then that would mean 2 showers and washing of hair every day!

I'm going to measure myself in a little while after I've showered, hope there's been some improvement ;)

Ooooh, am quite pleased :)

In just 9 days I have lost:

2" from under bust
2" from my waist
2" from my hips
1" from each thigh

I never measured my arms, I wish I had now as they are definitely more toned and less wobbly too!
Day 10 just done and strangely it seemed a bit harder this morning :confused: don't know if it's because of 1st day back to school so I was up earlier and am a bit tired.

Still, it's done now, out of the way for another day! ;)