a bit worried


Full Member
ok not very nice but today ive had a bad tummy and been going to the loo after every meal pack and other times in between! been drinking loads to counteract the water loss had my vit tablet so i dont lookse out on vits, but im worried as its all going straight through me wether im getting enough nutrients? just wondering if anyone thinks i should have an extra pack or protien today just incase im not?
its just draining my energy sooo much. not hungry though which is a plus lol
Hi, I too have had tummy probs over the last couple of days, assume its just a bug! I ended up going onto just water for most of today as I dont think nutrients for one day are too much prob although I may have a vitamin and mineral tablet later! I have just had my first, and probably only, pack of the day in the hope it stays put now! I am old enough to still work on the theory of starving a tummy bug rather than feeding it, and I have enough blubber to live of myself anyway, so 24 hours without food made sense to me and seems to have worked! Now just need a long uninterupted nights sleep to feel refreshed again!! Hope you feel better soon!