A new me


Silver Member
Hello :)

My name is Sarah I'm 24 years old nearly 25 and I'm hoping to starting lighter life this week. I have tried lighterlife previously about 3 years lost then couldn't manage but this time me My wonderful fiancé are joining together.

I'd really just appreciate a little advice or anything!!!

Thanks in advance

Well done on restarting and with you both doing it, it will be much easier.

I joined LL at the end of Jan with my hubby starting CD the week after and we have been doing great - I have recently changed over to CD too.

We have both now lost 3 stone each and we feel and look much better.

Hubby is now starting to eat a meal in the evenings as he was on a course at work last week and we are both going on holiday on Wednesday so he decided to start having some 'proper' food - he hasnt got much more to lose. I am still doing SS as have another couple of stones to lose. We are going on holiday to our own Appartment so I will be taking my packs and plan to stay SS for most of the time - perhaps having 3 or 4 evening meals out only.

Its great doing the diet together as you can encourage each other.

Good Luck to you both!
Hi Sarah,
Me and my partner are both doing LLT together aswel! i agree with ROSB i find it so much easier with him doing it aswel! Just be careful not to compare your weightloss to his becuase men generally loose weight faster that women! my partner has lost 3/4 of a stone more than me so far!!! Its a fantastic diet when you stick to it 100% good luck and keep us posted!!
L x
I just started Lighterlife last night and was feeling really positive.

I had the apple porridge for breakfast and chicken broth for lunch, going to try the other flavours as these were not great, was feeling really down about it earlier but am keeping positive as I'm so determined to do it finally and get back the old me!

I'm drinking loads of water as told to but am chewing gum, does anyone know if that's ok?

Hi clarity. Great positive attitude! But I'm afraid chewing gum isn't allowed on LL as it might knock you out of ketosis. Try peppermint tea as an alternative?