Abbies Diary - Now Mummy To Gorgeous Baby Ethan

Got the pic of the scan in my signature now, looking forward to putting my 12 week one beside it :D:D:D
hey honey. have just been reading through your diary :)

am glad you got a scan and that your mind has been put at rest. love the pic :D

abz xx
Hurrayyy Abbie has got a jumping bean!!

Made up your mind is finally at rest madam, not will you PLEASE RELAX!!! enjoy it!!!

OOh how exciting they gave you a picture!!
I had a scan at 6 weeks but they wouldn't print it out! lol

Glad the scan went well and all is fine! 12 weeks will soon be here for you!! ((Hugs))
Wow, no wonder you were in pain, you bladder is HUGE on that scan!!!! Congratulations though - it's such an amazing thing seeing them for the first time isn't it? You wait til the 12 week one, you'll be blown away by the difference in just a few weeks!!
LOL Sunflowers, I was in sheer agony and I had to go for a mini wee about 4 times which did nothing to help really but I couldn't go completely or I'd have had to restart lol! I think my bladder was trying to upstage the baby or something haha!

I'm deffo a lot more relaxed now and just trying to wait patiently for 12 week scan! 4 weeks tomorrow, wooooohooooo!!!!
Hiya everyone, hope you're all doing well.
Well since last night but not so much now, I have had an upset stomach. I've not taken anything for it, I've just had constant visits to the loo and a night of not much sleep.
My nausea seems to be kicking in a bit more now and some smells are starting to overwhelm me and my boobs don't hurt that much, it's more of an uncomfortable sensation.
So it's been almost a week since my scan, saw the heartbeat which helped me loads because it was such a strong heartbeat so I feel more reassured, I have another week til my midwife appointment.
It's been 4 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and I have another 4 weeks to go until my 12 week scan, so fingers crossed everything goes OK. People are saying it will but I won't be convinced til I've had the scan. lol.

So I'll get to reading your diaries and see how you're all progressing.
Is an upset stomach a common occurence during pregnancy??
((hugs)) I hope it eases soon for you. Try and be kind to your tummy through what you are eating for a while if you know what can trigger it sometimes. Or eat 'simple' foods like rice, pasta and chicken if you eat it (i'm veggie).
I've had on and off upset tums some days upset somedays constipated.. I'm guessing it partly depends on what I eat and what baby is 'doing' at that time! lol

Time is ticking by already for you eh? :) When you look back it goes so quick but always seems like it will drag when it's in front of you. My sister has a 'catch phrase' of 'you've got ages yet' whenever I say how many weeks I am.. lol she doesn't understand - as has never had kids but I do laugh and say look how long ago x amount of weeks was.. and she gets my point then as it does go quickly.

((hugs)) by the time Guy Fawkes is here you'll be a week or so away from your next scan.. not long at all! Keep busy! lol
Today I'm having a horrible day, the OH and me have been having horrendous rows for the past couple of days and I don't know if it's my hormones making things worse but I end up in floods of tears and right now I just feel like going away for a few days but unfortunately have no place I can really go.
On top of that, I had an upset stomach which has gone for the most part but I've had diarrhoea for 3 days and I phoned NHS direct and they said that I should just keep drinking fluids which I'll keep doing.
I've got two things going on at once which are making me freak that I'll lose the baby and I don't need the stress. I tell the OH that arguing with me doesn't help and is dangerous but it doesn't make him stop, if anything it spurs him on to argue with me even more, to the point I actually feel he wants me to lose this baby. If I do, I'll be more than devastated and don't know how I'll cope. :(:(
Hormones definitely play a part, hubby and I have been bickering all day resulting in me absolutely sobbing at times, I know I'm being irrational and taking things to heart too much but I've just had a hormonal day today!! They do pass - and on the days when I've been like this I remind hubby with a grin that he made me pg so........... :D ;)
Hiya everyone, hope you're all well.

Well, I had my booking in appointment with the midwife today, spent nearly 2 hours there going through all mine and the OH's medical history etc. She has put me into shared care, so I'll be getting seen by a whole heap of different people but I guess that's OK as it means I'm quite healthy. She seemed quite happy with me anyway.
Got my bounty pack and my folder which she says is like my bible now. I have my scan on the 9th November, then I have a 16 week appointment at my doctors, then I have my 20 week scan on 4th January and another doctors appointment at 25 weeks which I attend up at the hospital.
The midwife told me that I'm 10 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow so I'll be changing my ticker. Suits me fine to be ahead rather than behind. :D
She also gave me a new EDD, 19th May 2010, so I'm looking forward to. It's only because I was still confused about what date to go by regarding how far pregnant I actually am and she said to go by my last period, so makes me 10 weeks.
So yeah, really happy all in all.
Off to see "Couples Retreat" tonight with some other mums and mums to be, so I'm looking forward to that. :D
Oh yeah, I have to see the Anaesthetist when I'm 28 weeks to discuss my options of pain relief, I'm wanting to opt for an epidural but we'll see what they recommend.
Hi Abbie your appointment sounded really thorough mine was only about half an hour she tested my wee that was it, she didnt take my blood pressure or talk about pain relief tut lol !!!!
Abbie, I hope you don't mind me asking...

I see your scan photo there. Did you go for a private scan? And also can I ask at what week you went?


Hiya Hoolie, I had a scan when the baby was 7 weeks 4 days old and this was because my doctor had referred me. I was extremely lucky to have even got my scan to be honest because I was just panicking over everything and going totally insane. But I won't be given any other scans now unless they are the allocated ones, like the 12 weeks and 20 weeks. Been told they won't be able to scan me at any other time unless there are problems, such as bleeding etc so I'd have to go for a private scan if I wanted to have one in between. :) xxx
Sounds a nice booking appointment!

Bear in mind if she's moved your edd on your lmp dates, they'll most likely move it back again at scan - don't be too disappointed!!
Thanks Abbie

I'll be just a bit further along than you were at your 7 week scan so now I know what to expect to see.

Yes, I was also told that I couldn't have a scan unless there was any indication of it.

Hiya everyone!

How are you all, sorry I haven 't been around much, just not been feeling great and been trying to get stuff sorted. I found out (at least I think I did) the root of the problem of my diarrhoea. I was taking pregnacare plus which has the omega 3 capsule with it and for some reason I think it didn't agree with me, so since I stopped taking it and gone back onto my regular folic acid, I've been fine. Have since developed a cold though. Grrrr lol!
Am seeing the midwife on Friday to sort out my maternity exemption certificate because I still haven't received it yet.
All in all things are well, just counting down the days til the scan, that's happening a week on monday and I'm nervous as hell but even moreso excited.
Our car got broken into on Monday night and I was due for a driving lesson yesterday morning and my driving instructor phoned me up and said, Abigail your car has been broken into.
The idiot(s) had smashed the driver side window, obviously tried looking for something to steal as the glovebox lid was off, the passenger side door had been left open. They'd also been incredibly kind and left the hazard lights on so the battery died. I found out about the hazard lights only because when I phoned up to report it vandalised, the officer I spoke to said the car had been reported had half past midnight. A passer by saw it and reported it, but obviously not knowing who it belonged to, was unable to knock on anyone to let them know. I figure he got told to leave the car as it was, hazard lights flashing and all so as not to tamper with it which is fair enough. It's nice that someone had the decency to report it but it would have been nicer for it not to have happened in the first place. Tut! Anyway, got the window sorted. Rather than going through a window repair company and having a claim on the insurance, my dad got his friend who is a mechanic to sort the window, which turned out cheaper than Autoglass and leaves the claims at zero! I've said to my dad though if it happens again, we'll leave the car down his way until we've managed to move. We can't be going through all this every few weeks, it's not fair. My dad had to pay for the window to be repaired and I feel awful about that. We were incredibly lucky it was a nice day yesterday and wasn't raining so it could have been worse.
But anyway, not to worry, it's all sorted out.
So it's the big countdown to the scan, that's my main focus and I've been looking up scans on Youtube and getting emotional watching them lol! I'm strange. Saw this really amusing one where the baby was wriggling constantly and waving! Looking so cute. Knowing my luck, my baby will be docile and lazy and doing absolutely nothing lol!
So I'll get round to reading your threads and see how you're all doing and get myself updated, but in the meantime, I hope all is well with you xxxx
I know Kirsty lol! Just over 6 weeks ago since i found out about my pregnancy, that's gone by really quick. I'm amazed! Can't believe I'm 11 weeks now lol! Hope you're well? :) xxx
Craving of the day goes to.....Bran Flakes! I had an overwhelming desire for them earlier on which made me laugh because I've not had them in years! lol
Ewwwwww wouldn't be easier to just eat the box they came in?