Abi's 8 week challenge!!

Thanks Abz, that's really helpful.

You sound like a real pro - can't wait to start updating my ticker-thingy!
you sound like your having some reaction to CD.... well i suppose that means your one in a million in more ways than one lol x it must give you some hormone imbalance to make you sooo grumpy.... lol bet your poor HTB can't wait till you've finished the diet! :)
ha. i'm not a pro dennie. i just spend more of my life than i should peeking on here. and you will too :D it's totally addictive, ha. don't follow my lead at the mo, i'm struggling, but i'm still going and still losing :) you'll do this far better than i have :D

and nas. OH is the one that keeps telling me to keep going, how proud he is of me, how much he knows i want this and he's practically living on sandwiches so we can afford it. but yes. i'm sure he's desperate for the bad moods to vanish!! hee.

abz xx
sorry chaps. i totally lost my own thread and had to do a search for it, ha. well i have recorded a 2lb weight loss but my scales went a bit mad so i'm not entirely sure if it was more... but i'll say 2 and then if it was next week's weigh in will be fab :) not quite on target but getting there. i've started doing step aerobics too. and am going to another aerobics class tomorrow night too. i'm the red, panting, sweaty one at the back at the step thing but then even the skinnies end up like that... i just haven't quite made it to the end of the class without pausing occasionally yet. so that's my next goal :) everyone seems really nice about it though. and i will feel a great sense of achievement when i finally make it through, ha. so i don't care what they are thinking as long as they keep smiling at me and don't say anything, hee.

abz xx
well done on another 2lb..... Gosh I so remeber when i first started kickboxing, and how awful it was having to stop and start during running when everyone else just carried on.... 8 months later I still may not be brill but i only stop for a drink when everyone else does :) so keep at it and you will get there x

Hope ya have a lovely weekend x

Nas x
well i have just had an ss+ chicken salad at my aunties, and a few raspberries to finish but shh. and you know what? i feel like i've had a christmas dinner. i'm so sleepy!!

am off to have some more water and hopefully i'll wake up a bit!!

abz xx
if you have problems with totm...have you thought about going on the pill that stops them?????
im on a mini pill called cerezete, its not like the old ones where you have to take it exactly the same time every day, there is a bit of a window with it, but because you dont have a break you dont ever have a period....its great!!!!!!
ha. i already have an implant. i don't really want to take anything else that will mess with my hormones. i don't usually have them with the implant so i'm not sure taking anything else will help. i just seem to be storing immense amounts of hormones in my fat tissue... i'm not entirely sure if i can keep this up. i'm a raging hormonal disaster about 80% of the time at the mo...

abz xx
Abz - if you have problems with totm why not try the mirena coil? It is a little plastic coil with a small hormone 'capsule' attached which releases the hormone in very small amounts daily.

I have one fitted cos of heavy periods etc & it can stay in place for 5 years. After the first 6 months i had no more periods & now only occasionally have an odd period that lasts just a day & is light.

You have the mirena coil fitted even if you haven't had children (its a bit more painfull) & as soon as you have it removed your fertility returns to normal within 48 - 72 hrs.

I had mine fitted at the family planning clinic.

Just an idea. xx
well i'm hoping that this is going to calm down soon. and at the end of the day i'm hoping that i will have finished this diet over the next few months so don't really want to be faffing around with things too much. it does seem to be getting a bit better totm wise but hormone wise not so great. but then nothing can help that other than getting rid of the bloody fat!!

oh yeah. didn't lose a sodding thing this week. can you tell i'm grumpy?? ha.

abz xx
but at least you know why chick.... once all the hormones and water have settled you will prob have a massive loss next week.....keep smiling xxxxx
i sure hope so!! i get weighed by my cdc next week and i had wanted to lose a stone in the four weeks she was away. the way my body is treating me i'll be lucky to have lost half a stone!!
maybe you should try add a meal for a week, it will possibly kick start your metabolism , ...worth a go....and lets face it staying the same is better than a gain!!!!! chin up hunxxx
i know :) i know. a little is better than nothing. i'm going to stay with a friend of mine for five days now so i'll see how i do while i'm there. i'm sure she'll be keeping me on the straight and narrow, making sure i drink all the water i'm supposed to and things so hopefully that will make a difference and give me the kick up the bum that i need :)

abz xx
hi hun....

you'll be fine,... the sts will balance itself out... you'lll prolly have a great loss next time!!!! X

Nas x
please dont be down chick...i can hear it in your voice so to speak...its not like you....have had some good chats on here and you are normally the life and soul kicking everyone else up the arse and providing everyone with warm words of encouragement.......god i want to give you a big fat cuddle xxxxxxxxx