Step 1 Sole Source + About to start Cambridge again

Well done! Can't wait til Wednesday for mine!
I had my weigh in last night and I lost 7 pounds. Am very happy although I was hoping for more as last time I did it I lost 11 pounds in my first week and I am starting heavier this time. I am due on so might have something to do with it. Still 7 pounds is a good loss anyway.
That's fab, well done. I too was a little disappointed with my first weigh in as before I lost 12lb and only 8lb this time (can't believe in saying only lol) but I lost 6lb the 2nd week too. Overall the first few weeks loses ended up nearly the same for me so wouldn't stress too much about it. The body is strange sometimes x

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Thanks hun. Yes feeling fab :)
Hope you have a good week 2. How long did you do last time? X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
I did about 3 and a half months last time and I lost near on 4 stone. Silly me putting it all back on. I will not do that this time though. I have completey forgotten my shakes today so I am at work at won't get home until about 6 so its going to be a long day with nothing at all :cry:.
Well done Lizzie 7lbs is fab!! I felt the same abit disheartened as only lost 8 I was hoping for atleast 10 but next week could be a big loss too and I bet you lost a lot of inches :)
Hi, first weigh in was 6lbs, (in 6 days). Was hoping for more, but lost 3 inches too so can't complain really :)
Well done lerrhesunshine and Alex on your losses. Your doing really well. I can't wait for Monday to come round again to weigh in. Would be good to loose another 7 but I doubt it.
My rings are starting to feel looser now as they were really tight and was close to getting them cut off. I feel in the swing of the diet now which is good and they days are passing by quicker. Hope everyone is having a good day. Shame about the weather!
Hi everyone, sorry for crashing in on your chat but I, too, have started the CWP..... again! I have read your posts and they are very motivating and you are all doing really well and have made me even more determined to do this :)
Back to work today, had a few days off with the kiddies. So away from food temptation so was an easy day from a diet perspective!

I started on 7th Feb and somehow lost 15lbs in my first week. I am obviously expecting a smaller loss this week! I have a lot of weight to lose , about 8-9 stone, 4 of which I hope to shift by the end of June this year. I will get there...... she says!!
15lbs wow! Thats fantastic! You should lose 4 by end of June no problem!
Thanks! I hope so. I don't know what I weigh; I don't want to know what I weigh as when I see figures written down I get stressed and cave in. My aim is to fit into a dress I have bought for my brother's wedding in Santorini at the end of June...... no pressure lol! You've done really well too x
Hi Guys,

Im just having a nose at this thread, looks like were on the same boat. This is my fourth attempt at the cambridge but like Kezzy said.. THE LAST TIME!!! My consultant has said she will help me maintain when ive reached my goal. Started today doing the SS... Ive had a banana and Choc tetra so far. The choc tetras leave me feeling sick so may have to change them on my first weigh in. Bring on next thurs already ay? xxx
Hi all
I am also starting AGAIN...I believe this is my third attempt. Never stuck to it properly previously so no great surprise that HERE I GO AGAIN. I believe that I am in the right mindset considering I am off on hols in five weeks. Forgoing food is hard but I find not drinking at the weekend the hardest. Im off out with hubby tonight and feel I wont be able to resist the devil drink. Any ideas? Im on day 4 and have been 100% so far....
Hi everyone, good to see there are lots of us going through the same thing with this diet. I have been 100 percent this week and really looking forward to Monday to see what I have lost. Hope it's good as I was disappointed with my first weigh in.
Hope you didn't cave in when you were out with your Hubbie.
I have really kept myself busy this week so it's helped the time go quicker. Day 11 done now ?
I MADE IT THROUGH. ..:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: I am amazed I resisted. Drinks were flowing but before we arrived I made Hubby buy me 2 bottles of fizzy water so I sat there drinking that and when the food came out I switched to cups of hot water as unfortunately they didnt have coffee. Surprisingly it worked and kept me on track. Out again today for a Family cook up day at my brothers house.....lets see if the trick works again. Fingers crossed I will still be 100% by weigh in on Monday eve. Have a 100% day all:)