Extra Easy advice please . . . re. giving up!


Hi everyone. Just after some advice really . I have been doing slim world a month now. In my first week i lost 6.5lb with no exercise at all. Since that first week i have become addicted to the gym and classes and now do at least two hours of classes a night. Which include spinning. Circuits. Kickboxing. Football. Gym. Kinesis etc etc. I have stuck to the diet religiously and drink lots and in the last two weeks i have gained! I am just feeling a bit down as i have tried so hard and enjoy exercise and don't want to give it up. My consultant was no help and just said to me o well most ppl never bother to exercise until they are thin. Otherwise you bulk up.. . . This has made me even more confused as i love my exercise and would love to be a size twelve and not sixteen. Can anyone offer some advice as i am tempted to switch diets! X
I personally wouldn't give up yet. It's great that you are getting so into exercise and I think its disgusting that your consultant said that! Stick with it, keep exercising and keep with the plan. It will come off and when it does you can give yourself a pat on the back knowing that you haven't just got slimmer and healthier, you have got fitter! Good luck and keep us informed on what you decide and how you progress x
Please don't give up you are working really hard, from what i figure you are doing loads of exercise your bodies developing lots of muscle which weighs more than fat, how are you in your clothes are you losing inches? Its a pretty strange comment made by your consultant she should deter you away from doing exercise. Did you also know that muscle burns of calories even when your not doing exercise and can help your metabolism? Keep at the diet and go from your inch loses for a while!
Have you measured yourself? Believe me it would be a great idea, as you may be pleasantly surprised in the loss you will see.
There are lots of threads on here about this very subject that may help you to understand.........muscle does weigh the same as fat , it just takes up less space, so you will look smaller/toned etc.
Keep it up
Abbie1989 said:
Hi everyone. Just after some advice really . I have been doing slim world a month now. In my first week i lost 6.5lb with no exercise at all. Since that first week i have become addicted to the gym and classes and now do at least two hours of classes a night. Which include spinning. Circuits. Kickboxing. Football. Gym. Kinesis etc etc. I have stuck to the diet religiously and drink lots and in the last two weeks i have gained! I am just feeling a bit down as i have tried so hard and enjoy exercise and don't want to give it up. My consultant was no help and just said to me o well most ppl never bother to exercise until they are thin. Otherwise you bulk up.. . . This has made me even more confused as i love my exercise and would love to be a size twelve and not sixteen. Can anyone offer some advice as i am tempted to switch diets! X

Well done that's brilliant :) one thing to consider maybe, with all that exercise is that you may not be eating enough to fuel your body. If you are doing that much exercise your body will need lots of fuel just to keep itself going. Also make sure you have a day off to let your body recover :) x
I know how you feel. I stuck to plan last week yet gained 1/2lb :( Was ready to give up!! I was really lucky and my C was really good. She encouraged me to stay to group. Loads of members said it had happened to them and just to stick with it. Try and think of it as healthy eating to fuel all the exercise your doing. With another diet you may not have enough energy to do all those classes. You body probably needs time to get used to the change in diet and all the exercise your doing!!! I know it's said lots on here but have you taken your measurements??? Do you jeans feel looser?? Try and stick with it....I know that's easier said than done when you just want the lb's off x
I can only echo what kim63 and Welshtigger said. It's so hard though because you want to see the results of your hard work on the scales. It will come i'm sure.
Hope this spurs you on ref weight loss & exercise...........I've lost 12lbs so far & 29cm from all over since restarting SW in January....sometimes the scales are not your friend lol!
Don't give up - you are doing brilliantly, even if it's not reflected in the scales. As others have said here, try measuring yourself as well so you can track inches lost as well as weight lost.

Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand for long-term well being so stick with it. Maybe try alternating high-impact exercise with some yoga as well?
The same thing has happened to me this week, i have been to 2 zumba classes,1 spinning class and swimming for and hour and when i weighed myself this morning appear to have gained 4lbs since tuesday!!!!
I know i shouldn't have weighed myself before tuesday (my usual weigh day) but 4lbs!!! OMG lol
I have been 100% on plan and drank loads but now feel like having a fish supper for tea. :(
Hopefully my efforts will start to show on the scales in a week or two,i am loving the exercise especially the zumba but i know i will lose motivation if i don't start seeing a loss.
It happens to most of us at some point. I know I can be really on plan, drink loads of water and go to the gym, swim and do aqua every week and when I get on the scales I stay the same, lose a 1/2 pound or if I am really unlucky have a gain. This will go on for a couple of weeks then I find all of a sudden i have gone down a clothes size and have a significant loss. In an ideal world we would all react the same way but we are all different and our bodies never seem to follow the model that they should do. Please don't give up yet, give the plan another month and I know you will be very pleased with the results x
Keep at it hun! I was in exactly the same position. I'm hooked on the gym and do at least 4 classes a week at the gym - spin, circuits, boxing etc. My weight seems to be in fortnightly cycles and I was getting really down as you read on here ppl going oh I don't exercise or oh I had a takeaway and still lost. But stick at it. I know it's hard but give it 2 months and then look at your body objectively. I've got incredibly toned calves, slightly less wobbly thighs, a waist and lost my bingo wings! Not lost as much weight as others (a stone in 10 weeks I think) but I'm loving being toned and strong. Keep going, as long as you're eating right it WILL work x
"Quitters never win, and winners never quit."
Everytime I throw myself into exercise this happens to me too! In Jan I had a fantastic week, exercise wise as well as food, and gained 2.5. I posted on here & quite a few said that my body was probably holding onto water as well as getting used to the shock of going from little gentle exercise to regular intense exercise.

If you lost 6.5 in week 1 SW works for you, just stick with it & soon you will see losses. Don't let it hinder your exercise though, it's good for you & it's the only thing that will tone you up.

And try not to get too addicted to exercise, I've been there & it can get dangerous :eek:
I posted this article on a similar thread a couple of weeks ago....it may help?

Mar 28, 2011 | By Pam Murphy

A new exercise program changes the chemical makeup of your muscles as an adaptive response to increased activity. The changes that take place in your muscles after exercise prepare them for more of the same by storing additional fuel for energy. Muscles replenish glycogen stores after a workout, and water retention is a natural side effect of this process. Consult with your doctor before you start a new exercise program if you have a history of health problems.
Glycogen is hydrophilic, which means that it attracts water, says personal trainer William Sukala. For every gram of glycogen you store, 2.7 g of water is also retained in the muscle. This happens not only as a result of new exercise programs but also takes place after workouts in an established exercise regimen. Glycogen stores are needed to fuel muscles during physical activity. When exercise depletes glycogen stores, more carbohydrates get converted to glycogen, and water retention results.
Although replenished glycogen stores continue to attract water after exercise even in established routines, the process may be more noticeable in a new exercise program if you're trying to lose weight. You may see temporary weight gain, for example, or not lose as much weight as you expect initially. However, if you consistently burn more calories than you consume, water retained by your muscles after exercise will have little or no effect on your weight goals. Weigh in once a week rather than daily to avoid frustration with temporary weight fluctuations resulting from exercise.
On average, men need 13 cups of fluid a day and women need about nine cups. It takes an additional 1.5 to 2.5 cups of water to make up for fluids lost during short bouts of exercise, according to MayoClinic.com. If you exercise longer than an hour, you need even more liquid -- at least enough to replace fluids lost through sweat. If you don't meet your body's need for fluid, including water demanded by taxed muscles, you risk dehydration.
Your workouts affect your glycogen and water stores. If you consistently challenge your muscles with tougher workouts, the amount of energy you burn increases. This, in turn, creates a larger demand for glycogen. To ensure that you have sufficient carbohydrate stores to fuel your workouts, aim to get 45 to 65 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, with an emphasis on complex varieties such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Read more: Do Muscles Retain Water After A New Exercise Program? | LIVESTRONG.COM
I would say are you eating enough and the right types of foods for fuel. Water wise if your doing lots of exercise i would say you need to drink a litre extra for every hour of hard exercise on top of two litres usually drink.
I have only just started exercising , but loads of members at my group say the same thing re going to the gym and not losing etc. Stick with it - you're body is getting used to all sorts of changes and you will def start to lose again!

We should all remember that its not ALL about the scales - Soemweeks I have been good, put on a pound but my clothes have felt looser! x
Thanks everyone for all your help. Another week has passed and i am the same lol. My diet daily is usually two oatibix with semi s milk. Couscous by ainsley and salad and babybel for lunch. A Morrisons vegetable curry pot for 4sins for dinner and muller light and fruit for snacks. Plus lots of water. I then do two hours of classes and exercise a night. . . . Help!
Thanks everyone for all your help. Another week has passed and i am the same lol. My diet daily is usually two oatibix with semi s milk. Couscous by ainsley and salad and babybel for lunch. A Morrisons vegetable curry pot for 4sins for dinner and muller light and fruit for snacks. Plus lots of water. I then do two hours of classes and exercise a night. . . . Help!

In my opinion (there are more experienced SW's on here who may think differently) you're not eating enough. That's nowhere near enough food for me and I'm NOT doing 2 hours of exercise a day! Can you post a few days worth of menus so that we can take a look and make sure you're getting enough superfree - and variety of course!