Aimee and Bear's Atkins Diary

Wecome back and get stuck into all that yummy Induction food. Soon you will both be cruising!
Wecome back and get stuck into all that yummy Induction food. Soon you will both be cruising!
I know, I can't wait! I remember how much better/lighter/fuller I felt last time I was low-carbing and not really sure what made me drop off the wagon?! A little bit won't hurt combined with the allure of potatoes and ice-cream... but not together :party0051:
:character00115: Day 1
So we started today with bacon and eggs :eating:, which was nice if a bit rushed as we're both not used to actually preparing and sitting down to a breakfast- it's normally something convenient grabbed mid-morning for both of us.
Bear has taken a tuna salad to work for lunch and faced his first hurdle when 'the lads' all went to the chippy for lunch...aaaargh!:ignore: But he was strong and even ate his salad with them (they took the p***, but he didn't cave):happy096:.
At home I'm just having lunch which is thin-cut steak with melted cheese- yummy! Dinner tonight will be a salad for both of us, with salmon steak for me and pork chops for him (he's fussy about fish).
Of course we're both yet to face the hard bit, when the sugar withdrawal kicks in, which I seem to remember was about days 3-5?
Great start, Pretty - and well done to Bear for resisting the cafe!

The withdrawals do start about Day 3. Make sure you tell us all about them because there are all sorts of suggestions to help you feel better, depending on what happens :)
Great start, Pretty - and well done to Bear for resisting the cafe!

The withdrawals do start about Day 3. Make sure you tell us all about them because there are all sorts of suggestions to help you feel better, depending on what happens :)
I will do as I seem to remember feeling as though I had swine flu last time and almost giving up :character00264:
Quick question as I keep hearing conflicting things: can I have tomatoes on induction? I have the New Diet Revolution book published 2003 and they're listed in that as an acceptable other vegetable (up to 200g if salad doesn't exceed yadda yadda...) but they're not shown in the "so you're thinking of starting atkins" sticky thingummy and some people have said no?? So...what's the story?! :confused:
Jim's sticky is based on the first book, but I follow the veg allowance in the version you have, so after I've had two mugs of green leafies, I then allow myself one mug of tomatoes.
well done to both of you!! :)
Well day 1 is over (the eating part that is) and it's gone okay I think. Must admit I've fancied something sweet quite a few times but pushed it to the back of my mind. Bear complained he felt rather peckish this afternoon, hence my seperate thread about snacks on induction, which has given us some great tips- thanks guys!
Good to hear it's going well. Remember - dont be hungry and loads of water:)
Day 2
Both of us woke up starving (rumbling tums and everything), so a MASSIVE bacon and eggs for two! :eating:
I actually had 4 rashers and 4 eggs! Yikes! :eek:
Bear had 2 eggs and hard-boiled another two to take to work as snacks.
He's decided to have tuna salad for lunch again today. I haven't decided yet.
Off to Makro later with a friend's card to have a look at the cheap meat.
Both of us still feeling fine :cross:
Hi Aimee and Bear, sorry it took me so long to get to your diary, but I've been away, welcome and good luck
LOL, I'm not so sure about royalty. I do feel guilty that I just don't have the time to welcome everyone and comment on the threads, but the board is just so busy now. I am determined to keep up with all the diaries though Aimee.