AJ's LL Management Journey!

See, I'm tempted to start the switch soon... I should be down to 160 tomorrow after my time off... and I dont really want to be below 145... If I don't actually start management properly, then i'd consider taking out a foodback and adding protein myself for the next few weeks... I just don't want my weight loss to slow down with the addition of some meat/veg.

Surely though, if the calorie intake is about the same, and there's not any additional carbs or citric acid, you shouldn't be knocked out of ketosis...??? Might have a word with the counsellor...

But the point I wanted to make is, that's amazing that your losses stayed fairly comparable with the addition of food! Amazing result for you! I'm sure you've lost the remaining 2... and ya know what? It's arbitrary at this stage isn't it.. the 2lbs isnt suddenly going to make you go "YES! I look 10x more fantastic than I did 2lbs heavier".. you seem pretty happy and confident with your new body as it is!
AJ! What a timely discussion! I weighed in at 11 stone 12 tonight and I will be starting maintenance next week.

Actually I would definitely prefer to carry on ss-ing until at least 11 stone but I found out a couple of days ago that I have been offered a job during the Easter holidays teaching in Japan! I'll be leaving on March 25th so my counsellor is rejigging the maintenance plan to include rice and alcohol so that I will be able to eat whilst there - which I need to do as I will be living with a family whilst there - also because I want to!! :)

I had been wondering whether I could hope to lose more over the next 4 weeks or not - I'd love to go out there as close as possible to 11 stone 2lbs which is what I was when I left there last time!! (no one would ever know what had happened meanwhile!.... :D )

Hopefully I won't put on too much whilst in Japan - I can't envisage eating and not gaining weight for some reason - but I'm planning to go back onto SS when I return to lose the last bit.
"It's arbitrary at this stage isn't it.. the 2lbs isnt suddenly going to make you go "YES! I look 10x more fantastic than I did 2lbs heavier".. you seem pretty happy and confident with your new body as it is!"

Meghan - you've got it in one! I will concentrate on doing what I've been doing, and maintaining what I already have! Whe DO we get so hung up on 'numbers'?

"I have been offered a job during the Easter holidays teaching in Japan! I'll be leaving on March 25th so my counsellor is rejigging the maintenance plan to include rice and alcohol so that I will be able to eat whilst there - which I need to do as I will be living with a family whilst there - also because I want to!! "

Pussygirl!! Fantastic news. It's great too that your counsellor has helped you to incorporate the programme while you are there!

Gaijingirl-Are you definitely going then? Well done you!

Thanks Kate!!! I'm really pleased but it does mean a LOT of pressure on me to get stuff done in advance, in order to meet a deadline that falls directly after the trip! Plus I don't fly well - so have been to the doctor for a weighty prescription and am trying to put it out of my mind. Hopefully the stress will burn off some extra fat... :D
Thanks again AJ, brilliant post, not only am I getting a valuable insight into management I am also learning valuable parenting skills for when my Darling 2 year old becomes a teenager :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

It does make me giggle, although I am not sure that is your intention, it reminds me of what I was lkie as a teenager, my parents are still in recovery lol.

Anyway you seem to be handling things so well - yu are quite the superwoman. :superwoman: I am very jelous:jelous: (in a nice way)
PS Have found more smilies - can you tell! LOL
"...am also learning valuable parenting skills for when my Darling 2 year old becomes a teenager "

Sigh, Skinnyminny, those were the days!

The only bit of advice I would like to pass on is this ...

"SAY what you mean, and MEAN what you say" (establish boundaries and keep them)

"Never make promises you can't keep" (trust)

"Apologise to them if you get it wrong" (respect)

"Tell them you love them, and why you appreciate them" (bolster confidence and establish feelings of self-worth)

That's enough for today!
Well, I gone and dun' it! I got to 'goal' tonight!

The final 2lbs off. Now I can start maintaining.

Just realised that I didn't post yesterday. Very busy at work, and had an early night (!). Long overdue.

Tuesday a.m.
Still in love with hot orange pieces with ginger/cinnamon for breakfast plus pack. Breakfast smoothies will have to wait!

Really busy again today at work - I am not complaining, far from it. I find that the pressure is a positive thing - I do my best work under pressure.

I remember when I was doing a HNC at night school and sat up ALL NIGHT writing an essay (history of marketing). Finishing at 7.00 a.m. showering and going to work. It was the best piece of work I ever did! Pressure can concentrate the mind to isolate the salient aspects of what is required, discarding the irrelevent stuff, and forcing you to be creative. No faffing around re-writing everything three times. Those were the days!

Anyway, I digress. Apple at playtime, cut up into thin slices. Lovely. I bypassed the two birthday cakes that had been brought in. Our staffroom is renowned for its proliferation of cakes, biscuits and sweets. Visitors think they are laid on just for them, but no. Every day is cake day!

Smoked mackeral and mixed salad for tea, on a bed of spinach (couldn't finish). Had a plum (the last one) and pack.

Starting week 6 tomorrow. Bananas, pineapple and peaches are back on the agenda! Hurrah! Banana and strawberry smoothies coming up! Nuts are also back. As I am already nuts (ask Hubby) I won't be eating any more. There's other stuff too, but I am just including the important stuff!

I forgot to mention that I had another strange dream experience at the weekend. During the night I became aware that a strange man had his hands on my boobs so I got out of bed and went to the loo (not because I needed to go, but I wanted to get away from the strange man). Anyway, I came back and went back to bed again, and to sleep. A little later it happened again. A strange man was feeling me up. I was so cross (who was this guy!). I got up and found my dressing gown. Ha, I thought, he won't be able to touch me now! I went back to sleep. I remembered in the morning and told Hubby about it. He had wondered what had been going on with me getting out of bed and putting on the dressing gown! He is used to my weird dreams and we had a laugh about this one.

Usually, I wake him to to tell him some rubbish or other, and he listens before telling me to go back to sleep! I am always annoyed that he doesn't seem to know what I'm talking about!

Anyway, Management is continuing well, and I am half way through the process. My counsellor was bringing me up to date on the other members of my original group who are still doing continued Development. I am hoping that some of them may eventually join me in Management.

I have waffled for long enough. Hope you are all in a 'good place' at the moment, long may it continue!
Oh fantastic AJ really really pleased for you!

What a huge achievement, you must be so proud of yourself. I wish I was as strong & controlled as you, I have getting worse wobbles then before!!

LOL at your weird dreams!!!!!! Thanks for the parenting advice - I think I will def need it, 2 yr old is certainly developing his character & nursery informed me that he has spent alot of the day on "time outs" :( :eek: for not listening & not doing as he is told - oh dear going to take after mummy then, I am in for a great time with him!

Keep up the work AJ & continue your posts and let us know what delightful treats are ahead of us in management.

Thanks for your posts Pussy and Skinny!

Now the real work begins...

I forgot to mention that my BMI is now 24.9 'normal' for the first time, probably since childhood.
I avidly read this thread to pick up on your tops tips for management, this is all in the hope that one day I will be where you are now. It seems a long way away but I bet it did for you once to. Well done on achieving your target weight, I bet you and your family are so proud.......heck even I am proud of you! Love, Angela x
Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging comments, Angela and Kate.

I in turn have had so much help and encouragement from other posts and diaries on this site. It is a real pleasure to reciprocate!

I am certain that, if the going get tough (which it surely will), it is visiting this site that will make a significant difference to how I deal with any 'lapses'.

Yes, I will keep on posting, I find it theraputic to write it all down!
Well done Aj, I am so so pleased for you. If anone deserves it, you do!!!! Make sure you fill in the "Be a LL Model" page and send it off, I would love to see you on the front cover of the mag........

I should be going into management in a couple of weeks so I will be on you back for help and advice if thats ok......

Have a good day xx
I'm really happy for you AJ - can't imagine how it must feel to have achieved your goal:). 7 stone off is an incredible achievement. I get the feeling it's definitely going to stay off too! I too love your thread -I dream of learning to eat properly and your insights are extremely valuable. Hope to be joining you in a couple of months!
FANTASTIC!!!!! Arbitrary number or not, its a goal you set quite a while ago and you accomplished it. That's incredible!

I'm with you now on the management journey (though not quite 100% for me for the first 4 weeks), with a stone and a bit left to lose. I can guarantee that I'll be reading back through your posts as I go through it. Just bought some gorgeous looking king prawns and crayfish for my protein meals this week. HOW exciting!!!!!
Aw shucks, I'm blushing!

Megan, I've posted in your other thread!

Toots - you're almost there! Can't wait to hear how you do on Management!

Megan - that two months'll just fly by!

I got my recipe book for weeks 5 - 8 and it's got some real gems in it, including fat-free houmous - I will make it next week (7).

Made myself a strawberry smoothie after school this afternoon - yummy!

There are recipes for making veg and chicken stock, adding tomato, lentil, rice, barley week by week. Mussel soup - I just love mussels! Mmmm Mango Chicken Salad, peaches poached with ginger! Are you feeling hungry? Sorry, I'll stop now.

Had a bit of mackeral with spinach and baby tomatoes for lunch (and balsamic vinegar/ginger/cinnamon) - just kept it simple. Delicious.

Made a chicken curry with lots of veg. Served it to myself with spinach/tomato/chopped apple - the raw apple is fantastic!

Other fruit today included 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1 satsuma.

Oh yes, one other food item which is on week 6's list - marmite! I won't be indulging!

Week seven includes beans, pulses, peas, lentils. (Lentil soup!!!)

Week 8 is rice (all kinds), potatoes, couscous, pasta, and noodles. It is the first 'trigger' weeks and you eat any of the above for six days, then not any more until the end of the programme. At least I think that's how it works.
This is my first post to your fascinating diary!! I have been following your diary with great interest. You are an inspiration to me. I have 5 stones to lose and I thought that it was so daunting until I saw how much you have achieved!

Congratulations on reaching your goal weight!!! What an amazing achievement!
Hello there, Cheery!

How is it going at the meetings? Have you been able to sort out the problem with 'hearing' the other members talking? Thanks for your post. I am looking at your stats. Do you realise that you have lost just over 1 lb a day since starting!!! How fantastic is that!

If you keep that up, you'll be starting management within a month, easily!

Nice to hear from you!