Alex's Diary - No big goals, just taking one day at a time!

Hope u r ok hun! I saw your FB status and its horrid to think people go around stealing people details!

Hope the man is still treating u like a princess

lotsa love
hope you are ok... i know ive not been around much... so cant talk about updating things... but i hope you pop past soon and give us all those details... :)
....maybe she got lost in the woods :p shall we send a search party out?

Re: 2010 WILL be the year!

Oh what woods are you talking about....
Well what can I say! You lot have VERY dirty minds! :8855:

Sorry I haven't been around much lately - I lurk every day, but I just haven't managed to sit down and do a proper post for a while....until now :)

Things are still going really well with The Man...we've been spending every weekend with each other (except the one when he was ill) and things are pretty great on the whole :D
He's coming over to my house in a few hours time for the weekend, and we're going for a night out with my friends tonight. He hasn't met any of them yet, so I'm a little nervous on his behalf, but 100% sure that they'll all think he's as great as I do.
I was just saying to my colleague a few minutes ago that I never went for a Friday night out with my ex in nearly 2 years, so this feels like a really nice thing to be doing.

Right, onto the dieting. Well it all went to pot a couple of weeks ago, resulting in a HUGE gain of 7lbs in one week! I guess that gave me a bit of a reality check, and I somehow managed to lose 4.75lbs of it this week :)

I'm still about 4lbs away from my lowest weight this year, but it kinda feels under control at the moment.
The plan now, is to keep things on an even keel (as much as possible) until after Christmas and then get cracking seriously again in the new year.

I may also have to change the title of my diary, as it looks like 2010 isn't going to be THE year after all....but there's always next year - and I'm not giving up!

Hope you are all well, and thanks for your messages (naughty and otherwise) while I've been absent.

Muchos love

well you could change it to 2010, the year you found LOVE!!! hehehehehe

glad things are going well.. i cant believe that 2011 is just around the corner......

and also well done on losing the 4.75lbs of your gain...
it does make you wonder what that 7lbs was when it can go so quickly (not that your hard work and "exercise" didnt do you good!!!.
it does make you wonder what that 7lbs was when it can go so quickly

I don't think it helped that I had fish and chips for lunch followed by a Chinese banquet for dinner on the day before weigh-in!!!
I bet the weight of all that food in my belly accounted for about 3lbs of the gain!! :eek:
oooohhhh did you enjoy both of those?
Yeah they were both gorgeous! I hadn't planned to have them both on the same day though - I'd forgotten that I'd agreed to go out to dinner when the idea of fish and chips came up in the office :eek:
At first, I thought I wasn't going to be hungry enough for a Chinese in the evening, but by the time it came around I was plenty hungry enough to do it justice!

I must admit, the result on the scales was a bit of a shocker though!!
i bet it was lol hehehe. but at least you enjoyed it.. :)
Hi everyone,

Well it's been a while since I've posted, but I didn't desert minis/dieting completely. I've been lurking all this time, but dieting hasn't been my focus at all, just something niggling away in the back of my head while I've been busy doing other things.
The result is that I've gained about 12.5lbs in total, and about 7 of those have been gained over the Christmas period :eek:

However, I'm back in the zone as of today, and I'm determined to get some of this lard shifted quick-sharpish! I've just checked my stats, and realised that I have 51lbs still to lose, which works out at a convenient 1lb per week for the rest of this year! I really don't care if it takes me that long, or if I don't actually meet that target, as long as I end the year lighter than I ended last year.

Onto other matters...things with The Man are still going well :D we spent quite a bit of time together over the Christmas/New Year holidays, which was lovely. And now we're both determined to make changes in our routine towards eating more healthily and exercising more.

So I hope you're all well....It's good to be back - can't wait to catch up with you all properly :D

Happy New Year to you all!
Lots of love
Oh you're back, how wonderful it's like old times around here now with us all limping back! Glad to hear all is still going well, that sounds very promising. Looking forward to getting more detail over the next year or so...

KB xx
Wooo hoooo shes back too! yeay!

Good luck hun! Your goal sound fab to me!

Thanks everyone - it's great to be back! Even though I'm not able to post quite as much as I did at one time, I still pop in at least 3-4 times a day to catch up!

My first week back on plan is going pretty well so far - I'm still eating a lot of the stuff I've got in my cupboards/freezer so I'm not sticking to the Xenical rules, or taking my tablets at the moment, but I'm hoping to do that starting next week.

I've been having porridge with 2 desert spoons of museli every morning (measured properly now, rather than just thrown in), and then either soup, or a low-fat ready meal for lunch.
Dinner times have been a little more tricky because of all the stuff I need to eat up, but I've generally been having meat either with a jacket potato, or cous cous.

It doesn't help that my fridge is on its way out :( It keeps freezing everything I put in it, despite me changing the settings. I think I'm going to have to replace it soon, since I can't buy the kind of fresh veg/salad that needs to be kep cold.

Anyway, moan over! I'm off to see The Man for the weekend in a couple of hours - it'll be our first weekend of 'healthy' eating together, so wish me luck!!
We're having chicken casserole tonight, and stir fry tomorrow, which should both be good. I just have to avoid the temptation to snack!!

Have a good weekend everybody!
Hope you have a good weekend Alex :D
Thanks everyone :D
I had a nice weekend with The Man, although we didn't stick 100% to our healthy eating aspirations :eek: Having said that, we didn't snack anywhere as near as much as we used to do, which is a step in the right direction.
He also makes a gorgeous home-made pizza, which we always have on a Sunday night, so this weekend I decided to work out the calories. I knew it would be higher than one of my normal evening meals [it came in at around 750 cals] but at least I know what I'm working with, instead of burying my head in the sand.

So I really wasn't sure how the weigh-in was going to go this morning, but I'm pleased to report a 3lb loss :D I know some of it will be the water that you always lose on your first week of re-starting, but I'm happy nonetheless.
It also takes me back into the 15s, which is a bit of a psychological boost :)

Well done Alex :D
yeay well done mrs!
