Ally's Diary - take two

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If whoever sponsored me anonymously for the zip line is one here, thanks (guessing its someone from off this site somewhere since the only place i'd posted the link was here when i got the donation) :D

Breakfast: 2x alpen lights, ww yog, banana
Lunch: Mini Quiches and salad, nectarine, kiwi
Tea: LM sausages (my last two and tesco have stopped selling them :(), egg, chips and beans

Hea: milk
Heb: 2x alpen lights

Syns: 2x werther 2.5, gum 0.5, jaffa cake 2.5, skinny cow lolly 5, mini milk chocolate lollipop 4.5
Total Syns: 15

Free Snacks: prepacked fruit, banana
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Hungryyy. Will NOT raid colleagues drawers!
I've not chewed gum in over a week :O See if i have any left in my drawer. I have my water too :p
I've just noticed that my face looks like a teenager with bad acne. On closer inspection they are not spots but appears to be a heat rash that covers my whole face.
Got a gig tonight but i'm sitting at this one so no mad jumping and dancing (save that for Green Day in 4 weeks). Got my food with me so no burgers or hotdogs from the bar thing outside, might be very naughty and get a cuppa tea off the motorway services to have with my sandwiches lol.

Breakfast: choc porridge, pear
Lunch: Ham salad, 2x plums, nectarine, french fries, banana
Tea: Egg sandwiches, fruit salad

Hea: milk
Heb: porridge
Heb: bread

Syns: caramel highlights 2, mayo 0.5, marg 1, werther 1, gum 0.5, french fries 5
Total Syns: 10
Free Snacks: prepacked fruit

Anyway, got my scan tomorrow, after waiting 8 weeks, hip doesn't even hurt anymore. Oh well go anyway check on my silly PCOS I suppose, even though it's gonna lead to the doctor trying me on a different pill since by the time I go i will more than likely be just in Overweight BMI range which was what she wanted to try me on a different pill (that hopefully won't send me psycho depressive). Don't particularly want to go back on the pill of any make or description but if i have to (since I haven't had a period again since i was last on the pill a year ago) i guess i'll have to deal with it.

And on a side note i'm going the zoo on monday :D
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I've been wanting to go for ages not been in years, so my and one of my friends randomly decided we were going to go, i'm too overexcited for it i think, i'm like a big kid when it comes to animals.
I do love zoo's, i'm a mad animal lover anyway :p
I adore furry things, Ring Tailed Lemurs have always been my fave for as long as I can remember, closely followed by Giraffes, but i love any animal. The zoo i'm going is only 20 mile or so from my house...but last time I went was 1997! You should definitely go that zoo!
I adore furry things, Ring Tailed Lemurs have always been my fave for as long as I can remember, closely followed by Giraffes, but i love any animal. The zoo i'm going is only 20 mile or so from my house...but last time I went was 1997! You should definitely go that zoo!

Would that be Blackpool Zoo?????????
Nope Chester, though Blackpool zoo ain't that far from me either and never been there
Might go in the summer
Been for my scan, think that was the most talkative radiographer I've ever had, says my PCOS looks "normal" and that she doesn't think it caused the pain in my hip, she thought maybe a bigger cyst was causing it or one had burst but she couldn't see any. And by the reaction on her face when I corrected her after she assumed I got regular periods I'd assume my uterus mustn't look like one that hasn't had a period in a year (tmi) anyway suppose I get more details when I go the docs in a few weeks.

Breakfast: plum, egg and soldiers
Lunch: ham salad type thing (aka ham, cottage cheese, Baby leaf salad, apple and green grapes)
Tea: thai chicken and coconut curry and rice, pear

Hea: milk
Heb: bread

Syns: marg 1, skinny cow mint choc chip lolly 4.5, mini milk solid choc lollipop 4.5
Total syns: 10
Free Snacks: Banana
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