Alongwaytogo is on her way ...

Well done on the weighing, maybe you could cut down to every other day now? ;)
Wow 8lbs is amazing loss!!

Well done on going to Zumba, I love it I go 3 x week mon, tues and thurs. The mon and thurs class is bit more dance oriented. Tues night is fast and high impact.. Really makes me sweat buckets.. But have no idea really what my feet think they are doing lol

Just hope that it makes a difference to my Tuesday weigh in.
Thanks Ladies. Will try every other day (famous last words.....).

The Zumba class I went to must be high impact too (well it was to me). Was really fast, I would prefer a more dancey one though.
Did you weigh? ;)
I think I have lost around 3lbs since last weigh in, but I don't know how accurate it is and am not going to take it as gospel. I have my doctors weigh in on Tuesday, so will go by that.

K x
Hope it all goes well hun! :)
8lbs that's fantastic ! I wish I could do that
Thanks ladies, I know it will slow down soon, so am pleased to have a good start. K
well done hun...yeah it things will slow a bit, so it's great to get ahead :)
Yes, as long as I keep losing I'll be happy. Also doing much better with the weighing, haven't weighed myself for the last couple of days.

Off to aqua aerobics tonight, gave Zumba a miss this week, legs too achey from mowing the garden.

Keep up the good work ladies. K x
Have fun at aerobics :)
Still going well and weighed myself this morning think I have lost 4 lbs since last Tuesday, but only going to record the weight after my next weigh in at the docs which is on the 16th.

Put together a picnic for 21 people on Sunday, lots of lovely food, but managed to stick to only eating a roll with a slice of ham and a couple of tomatoes.

Still need to increase my water intake, finding that hard.
You can drink still water or fizzy water, it does count, plus you could try the flavoured water.. it's lovely, I have my water in bottles ready to drink :)
I do actually quite like plain water and keep a bottle by my desk but not managing to get through more than about 1 1/2 litres a day at the mo.
The more you drink the more you shrink ;)