An erratic diary!

So, day 6 - felt really hungry toward the end of the day. My boyfriend and I had dinner together, and he had one of my favourite meals while I had the mushroom soup. D:

Other than that, it went okay. It's been a really stressful day at work, but the only easy thing of the day was the meals. I think it's starting to get easier and easier to accept my meals for the day; and I'm finding I can be a lot more flexible with when I have them too - rather than counting the hours down until the next meal.

Can't wait for weigh-in, but I'm also dreading it a little bit, because I know that I've probably not lost as much as I hoped, due to the switch over in scales.
Oh well. Better it's accurate really, I just have to keep telling myself that!

Also, I found that adding cumin to the mushroom works wonderfully. :D
Weigh in day :D

And this morning I stepped on the scales to find that I'm dead on 17st, which means I've lost 10lb in my first week. :D
Absolutely thrilled!

However, I had to cheat this evening, which is a bit rubbish. A friend of mine from out of town came to visit and so a group of us went out in the evening - I had explained I'm on a diet to a couple of friends but not all, and when it got to ordering food - it felt so awkward to sit there with a waitress hovering over me waiting, and I didn't want to pull out a bar in the middle of a restaurant, so I ended up having chicken salad - which wasn't too bad.

I had a really small bowl and didn't eat anything not on the ketosis food list, so I think it'll be fine but I felt really guilty for cheating!

Back on plan tomorrow. :D
I don't think that is cheating particularly. Cheating is what I did when I went to London - chicken and mushroom pasta, 2 glasses of champagne, scone with butter and jam, a 3 course lebanese meal, a bottle of wine, sushi and rice, lebanese cakes, milk shake, smoothie, a bagette, 2 latte coffees, a caramel latte, an almond croissant and 2 packets of peanuts all within 3 days! Even after all that I only put on 2lb which I lost again quickly so I think you should be OK with a small carb free chicken salad!

Your weight loss is brilliant. Just put your minor lapse behind you!
I am sure you will be fine
Lynne, that sounds like some quite fun cheating at least - glad it didn't hinder you at all! :D
I had a lucky escape. Still lost 2lb at weigh in today. Just shows! I guess if you keep at it most of the time, the occasional blip doesn't do too much damage. I'm going to try to stay 100% for at least the next week though and not tempt fate. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Hi Quixotic,
Congratulations! 10lb is fabulous! Have to confess have been missing reading your posts, as a)they are very witty and eloquent, b)we started pretty much the same day, and c)you have been very supportive, but only realised this morning your diary continued on page 2....think was having a Forrest Gump moment.

I wouldn't worry about 'cheating' - the ketosis is not what makes you lose weight, it stops the hunger, but a calorie deficit will always make you lose weight regardless of the source of those calories.

I am stressed myself about a dinner out with friends on Friday night coming - I have studied the menu to try and find the better options and quite frankly I'm not sure if I'll have the willpower as the scales haven't moved from Thursday. I lost 11lb in six days, and since then, nothing. My husband thinks I am getting obsessed with the scales and I have to agree! Think I will hide them in the garage, much harder to strip off outside for an impromptu weigh in.

Keep up the great work, you must be very proud.
I wouldn't worry about 'cheating' - the ketosis is not what makes you lose weight, it stops the hunger, but a calorie deficit will always make you lose weight regardless of the source of those calories. ....

Just one thought, Ketosis IS what makes you lose weight. And it does matter what the source of the calories is you take in. If you were on a 600 calorie a day diet and only ate high carb foods, your body would starve and suffer because it would feed on your muscles to keep going. Whereas in Ketosis you get away with eating such few calories because the body burns the fat for fuel.

@ Quixotic

Don't beat yourself up. It's all part of a normal life to actually be out with friends/family and you made the right choice there. I'm sure you will find that this would have barely affect your weight loss so just keep going on the plan, you'll be doing well :)
@ Gobbelicious

Thank you! I'm glad someone enjoys reading, I kind of feel like I'm just endlessly rambling. :)
Regarding choosing something off the menu, I had Caesar Salad when I went out. Not fully on the ketosis-friendly food list, especially the croutons, but it didn't do any harm at all, and honestly - it was lovely to have real food!


Thank you, it hasn't affected it at all - no. And it was good to get out and see friends, I'd been feeling a bit socially-starved!


I'm actually having a really hard day today. Day 10, I think - and today has been absolutely awful. It's been a really stressful day, work was torturous, argument with the boyfriend and a whole load of other stuff. It's just the sort of day where ordinarily, I'd curl up in bed, order take-out and watch a film.
Aaaand I can't. D:
I'm stuck with soup or shakes or bars.

Just feels a bit inadequate for what I'm really craving.
I know that's the sort of behaviour I need to curb, but right now - I just feel awful...
Maybe you should look at a substitute for food when you are angry or upset. I know that some people use exercise. I'm still trying to convince myself on that one but I am using up calories while I'm trying!
I tend to use more creative things - because I do costume design, and dressmaking - so I tend to try and throw myself into a project or something.
I think the problem is that I feel really hungry today - the timing of my shakes was shifted forward by an hour and half because I had to start work really early for overtime, so I've kind of pushed myself a bit off-kilter and I'm starving.
Just feels a bit inadequate for what I'm really craving.
I know that's the sort of behaviour I need to curb, but right now - I just feel awful...

I totally understand! I'm sure that everyone on here struggles with that side more than anything else. We all have coping mechanisms and food is a comfort. Unfortunately, many people including myself, would use it instead of dealing with the issue/problem/emotion. And I can go for months being really focused with my diet and then one thing sets me off and all I can think of, all I NEED is food. What I've been trying to do is "surf" on that wave of craving. Rather than trying to distract myself and ignore it, I consciously allow the feeling to wash over me and think "ok this is how I feel physically and mentally when I have a major food craving". And it seems to subside more easily that way than if I try and really fight it. Does that make any sense at all?
Sorry for my essays. I realise you didn't ask for that. Feel free to ignore :D
No, it's really helpful. :)

I sort of found a compromise.

I didn't get anything unhealthy, I just spent a decent amount of time making of the tomato soups into bread. :) Added plenty of herbs and spices and it's just finished. It's early for dinner, but I'm hungry now, so it'll have to do and I can treat myself to some Coke Zero later.

The bread actually makes the tomato soups nice! I'm amazed. It's weird, slightly soggy bread, but it's my weird slightly soggy bread and I get to enjoy it as if it's some sort of amazing treat.
Hi Quixotic, thanks for your nudge on my diary. You still seem to be so strong, I'm sure your week 2 weigh in will be great too. Can I ask - where did you find the recipe for making bread out of the tomato soup? I haven't even tried mine as the other soups have disappointed me so much but would be keen to experiment!

By the way, how're the cinema outings? I saw the Great Gatsby on Friday and enjoyed it very much. A real 'visual feast' if hag doesn't sound too pretentious.

Am also curious- what costumes do you sew? Sounds intriguing...
That not hag!
I read that you can mix it into a thick paste and then microwave, but I oven cooked it and it worked just as well. Mixed some basil, pepper and rosemary in, mixed it into a paste and spooned it onto a baking paper covered tray - then oven baked it for about twenty minutes on 180C. It was still a bit gooey in the middle though, so I'd advise a bit longer, or maybe turning it over and carrying on.

It actually rises surprisingly well...

Also, I saw the Great Gatsby last week - isn't it just beautiful? I agree with you completely, visual feast is the perfect way of describing it. And the adaptation of all the music, and just the sheer scale of it was stunning.
It definitely helps that I've always loved the book!

With costumes - I'm a LARPer and I perform in light operas (Gilbert and Sullivan/Noel Coward sort of things), so I make all sorts of costumes, from 1890s bustle skirts to medieval beggars. That, and I like making the occasional actually wearable thing for myself. ^_^
So, this week hasn't really been going well overall.
I've been really stressed out at work, I broke up with my boyfriend this afternoon and I'm starting to get breakthrough bleeding which is extremely unpleasant - and all of these brilliant things combined have resulted in pretty much no weight loss at all. I think I've shifted a single pound since my last weigh-in, and I'm feeling really, really awful about it all.

So yeah, cheerful update today.
It's bloody horrible being overweight not only do you have to deal with life like everyone else but you have this baggage affecting the way you deal with things too, you are doing something so positive if your ex cannot see that and support you then they never will. If your friend was in this situation what would you say to them? say it to yourself. Be your own support for this journey, drink some water, have a hot bath, read some minimins inspiration and battle through today. You have done great so far, stay strong and keep trying x x
Look after yourself. Look to the future and a new slim healthier you. Pamper yourself. Don't turn to food. it will only make you feel worse.
Thank you both of you. :)
Honestly, I think the only thing that isn't an issue at the moment is the diet - I've actually found it really easy to stick to this week, even though it's been disheartening hitting a plateau quite so soon.

But I plan to carry on and look forward to the results.