and back to normality :)

Well done for completing the race :)
Hope the weather has been lovely for you today?
heres an interesting observation. after running my long run of the week i always drop about a pound which i thought obviously water weight but it seems to stay off afterwards. running almost 8 miles last night, that was a 800 calories off and this morning i weighed in at 11 4, so now 2 to go!

out in half an hour for 2miles then shall make tea..i seem to be stuck eating bagels, lots of protein and salad this last couple weeks. a bit boring some might say but i look forward to it every day..what a sad old git i am lol (no fruit or soya yog today as had something else earlier..cant have both):)

ooo and weather was good yesterday thanks, the run went well although my knees killed for a bit when i got back lol

h xx
ive got a lot to do today..pressies to buy, wrap and take round to my nephews for 4 people this afternoon, buy confirmation pressies for both my girls for next sunday, get a white top for both of them to wear on the day and which hopefully they will wear again lol tidy the house, wash, iron etc etc and also fit another run in today before my rest tomorrow then another 7 3/4 miles on monday. a womans work etcetc lol

at least heidi (my boxer) is better. her eye has improved no end so we can leave her hat off now when we take her for a walk, she looks so naked without it though. i took it off last night and she was looking around for it wanting to put it back on!! lol mad dog

right id better get going!

h x
Wow! Busy, busy, busy!! That should keep you out of mischief ;) !! xx
Wow! Busy, busy, busy!! That should keep you out of mischief ;) !! xx

do you know something i dont!! i wish lol

h xx
i thought id list a few things ive noted since finishing lt and how i feel about things...
1. its great to wake up in the morning and see a flat stomach and hip bones
2. ditto with slim arms and legs
3. im still weighing most mornings but it doesnt frighten me any more knowing im in control
4. when im lying in bed, my knees feel hard against each other cause theres no padding any more!
5. its now normal to have a maintance sachet/bar morning and cereal bars lunchtime and then main meal in the evening. ive tried increasing it at lunchtime and having fruit then but i get terrible stomach cramps . whether this will change over time ive no idea but its what im sticking to at the moment. its ok, i dont feel hungry at all until about 4 when i get home and then i eat something before i go out running cause i need it for fuel. ive had a few biccies now and again and i have to say its not worth it as they dont seem to agree with me any more...wierd how absteining from food gives rise to old problems. im back to eat no diary again, no choccy (or very occasionally) and basically a very healthy diet! amazing for me and im proud of myself :)

h xx
oh and ive lost another 1lb so 1lb to go!

h x
I'm glad you're proud of yourself - you should be!!! :):) xx
Weeeeeeeeeell - sometimes we don't give ourselves credit!! And we should! xx
so ten days to go til we go away....i cant wait :)

ive partially packed my case already im so excited lol i love the travelling bit, even the delays if there not too long :)

im currently using up the remainder of the last lot of maint i bought together with cereal bars so once theyve gone ill have to rethink again. i dont want to buy any more maint you see, i think i should be having proper food and not relying on that so will just have to try stuff out and see what happens.

im still having two tiny meals a day (maint and cereal bars breakfast and lunch) and the main meal for dinner. ive tried a few times to increase the amount i eat at lunch but my body just wont take it?! i still end up with stomach cramps and feeling horrid...not sure what i can do about that? anywayyyyy no matter id rather do that than suffer with a bloated tummy and feeling sick :)

the running is still going well. monday its being increased to 8 3/4 miles and then again the next sunday. i cant do a run the monday cause we have to be in bed like 6 o'clock to get for foranearly flight at 7 the next morning.....yay!!!!!

ok rambled enough

h xxx
Harriet, you are doing so well. Good for you. Hope you really have a fab holiday.
You are so right about getting used to eating different foods. If I have any of the old foods I loved, I don't really enjoy the taste anymore and I feel crampy after them. I am practically wheat free now and I feel so much better for it.
Keep up your great work maintaining.
Harriet, you are doing so well. Good for you. Hope you really have a fab holiday.
You are so right about getting used to eating different foods. If I have any of the old foods I loved, I don't really enjoy the taste anymore and I feel crampy after them. I am practically wheat free now and I feel so much better for it.
Keep up your great work maintaining.

thanks irishmolly. i fully intend to have a great holiday but we are waiting on my daughters as level results this thursday so i guess itll depend a bit on that how good a holiday we get lol stress all round at our house at the moment i can tell you!
i ran 8.61 miles last night and it went ok, thats all i can say really. it was a bit boring in parts, one hedge tends to look like another lol but at least i had my OH with me. he protected me from the cow who nearly frightened me half to death when i mooed at me over a hedge and i screamed, just like that women on catherine OH had to stop his bike he was laughing so hard lol the sod

foodwise ive gained about 3lbs i think but im not overly worried as i know the running will help with that, that and cutting back a bit over the next few days. so far i seem to have levelled out gaining one or two pounds and then losing them just as quickly..thats fine if thats what happens. i can deal with that. i just have to make sure i counteract it with lots of exercise. its when the exercise stops and the weight gain starts with a vengence id have to worry. :)

one thing going back to the running, last night i discovered which was new. i was rubbing my face last night to remove any stray tiny flies lol once id stopped and cooled down a bit and was driving back home and thought my face felt gritty. it was salt that had dried on my face. just shows how much i sweat lol it was straight home and drink a pint of water with salt and juice just like my mate at work suggested..hes a good boy lol

enough rambling for now

h xx
ive got 6 main sachets left so im using them up over the next 3 days then thats it, maybe cereal bars to replace them or even introduce a bit more food? my poor body is rejecting a lot of things lately, its hard to know what to put in it to avoid a crampy tummy or worse :(

im off work today so a short run later but otherwise ive got to go into town to get some euros for the holiday, go to the library, get any last minute bits for katie etc...then come home, finish washing the upstairs carpets etc...i have to leave a spotless house when i go away, its so lovely to come home to! anyone else like that? lol

h x
I used to be like that ... would like to still be like that but my daughter stays to mind the dog so no point as it'll be a tip when I come back however I leave it! :eek: It's either that or kenneling the dog which she would hate and is V V expensive xx
well no update for a few days as things have been pretty busy but i did my last long run yesterday and it went fine, i just missed the rain :)

i weighed myself this morning and ive hit my target so that was good! the final lb gone and just in time for the holiday! itll be interesting to see how that goes with no scales to keep me in check hehe

im so looking forward to this holiday, i cant tell you!!!!

hurray!!! lol

h xx
WOW!! HUGE Congrats on reaching your goal!! :D:D:D Well done! AND on the running too!

I hope you have a FAB holiday - you deserve it xx
WOW!! HUGE Congrats on reaching your goal!! :D:D:D Well done! AND on the running too!

I hope you have a FAB holiday - you deserve it xx

thanks jan, thats much appreciated xxxx :D
Wowser well done Harriet :D Big congrats!

Enjoy your holiday xxx