and back to normality :)

Padded undies! I bet they are a god send though!!!
didnt go for my run last night. i had so much on and was helping eldest daughter with some sewing, had to take heidi to vet etc by the time i looked round it was 7.45 had not made the dinner or anything so that was it :( i felt guilty but hope to sort that out today. theres only so many hours in a day and lately its not enough..sigh

h x
Just caught up with your posts for the past week or so!

Looking good H! Well done....good luck on the run as well :)
im off for my run in a minute :) its only a 2miler but i didnt want to get too hot as im off to the hairdressers lunchtime and it always takes a little while for my face to go back to pale from red colour :) well that n the fact that ill obv have to take a shower after and i cant turn up at the hairdressers with wet hair,can i lol

my food intake has gone completely awol this last 2/3 days for some reason but i think its prob cause my totm is due and it always has an effect bl@@dy hell hehe

were supposed to go see the new leonardo di caprio film tonight which im looking forward to, INCEPTION?! should be good.

right better get up and into my running skirt...yay! bfn

h xx
Hi H,
I really want to see inception- mainly for the leonardo di caprio though lol. You will have to let me know if it's any good- hubby is not convinced!
Hope you have a good day, you going for anything drastic at the hairdressers?!
T x
If i hadnt of read your post in my diary first about the running skirt i'd be asking you ..running skirt?!!! :rotflmao:

Hope you enjoy the film tonight - im tempted to see it cuz it has good reviews but Toy Story 3 comes first ;) haha
i went for a cycle the other day and my friend had padded cycle shorts and i laughed at her and said, you know, your bum really does look big in those. however, many miles later it was she who was laughing at my poor bruised bum.

padded shorts all the way from now on!

i'm defecting to exante for a month as i was severely attracted by the thought of not having to eat another peanut flapjack or chicken soup again. will pop in to say hi and will try to feel inspired to run consistently like you h!
sorry for not replying but its been manic :)

the film was good but its one where yo uhave to concentrate. if you go out to the toilet then youve had it basically! that said i enjoyed it ..the end is left on a cliff hanger :) wont say anymore

the running is still going well. i did another 7.10 miles monday, 2 miles tues, nothing yesterday as had tummy ache and hopefuly another 2 tonight :)

food is going well too..thats all i have to say at the moment!

h xx
Great to hear you are still doing well chick :) x
Looking good! :) x
im rubbish at this arent i lol still it does help to write things down. i have been keeping a diary at home too writing things out when stuff gets too much and that has helped no end, even if its just a line or two.

yesterday was another mad day running around after the kids, making extra journeys by car etc. subsequently by the time i got home it was 7.30 and had a bad tummy again (period pain) so no running. i hate not going out when ive planned to. it makes me feel bad. still i got my TOTM this morning so im def going out later. doing a bit of exercise does seem to help, though it can be hard going a few days before cause i feel more tired, but i need to do a 2miler before i rest saturday then a 5k race sunday. im a bit nervous but hopefully there wont be too many hills!!

weight wise i weighed this morning expecting to have gained because of TOTM and ive lost a pound which im very pleased about so basically 3 to go! im very gradually getting used to the size i am now but i do still get a shock when i look in the mirror and see a smaller face looking back at me than the one i was used to :) not complaining though lol

h x
you are doing so well Harriet! well done..hope the tummy is better after running...I always find doing some exercise at totm helps a lot...keep up the good work ;-)
Well done on your 1lb ... not far to go now :) xx
thanks guys :)

i had my 5k race today which i was very nervous about as im not used to running with other 'competitive' people lol it went ok but im glad ive been training with lots of hills that all i can say. there wasnt a map of the course for the 5k people only for the 1/2 marathon so didnt have a clue what i was letting myself in for. straight away there was a hill, then another, another and yet another before straightening out to a bit around a village then back down the hill to the start. there were a lot taking part but i did feel everything was geared towards the 1/2marathon runners :( we had a free ice cream whereas the others got a tshirt and a free cake! boo not fair! (well my OH did!) the weather was good though, not hot just cloudy so couldnt have picked better. i dont know what my finishing time was but will update when i know, later in the week (off the dorset race league website, yes there is such a thing!) lol these people are doing races almost every week! i did however have a lovely massage from a group visiting from he was gooooddd!!

anyway, food has been a bit sporadic at times but basically fine. im having the occasional biscuit but NOTHING like i was a packet at a time. i also went into a chocolate shop yesterday (twice) and came out TWICE with nothing!!!! hows that for progress hehe

i also bought some shoes last night celebrate and if i knew how to post pics on here id do it to show you but ive not idea whatsoever ..sigh

tomorrow im running again, this time 7 3/4 miles so im hoping for pretty much the same weather as today. im a bit nervous as some of it is along a busyish A road but im hoping i can move along it quickish :)

ok bye, over n out

h xxx
Sounds like you did really well!! Good luck for tomorrow!! :) xx