Total Solution Angel72's Big Bulge Battle

Your day so far sounds like a mix of stress and bliss. You are doing well with the diet, keep it up and you will be fading away. x
Thanks Mere I hope so. The outlaws arrived this afternoon. Little one slept until 4pm! All is well, especially since my father in law said my weight loss is noticeable. Very pleased :)

dinner smells delicious. I just had a hot choc mint shake. Yum. WI day tomorrow. I feel really bloated so I don't know what the scale will say but hey oh, I know I've stuck to it.

Have a a super evening x
Sounds like you've had a mixed day, well done for staying on track your doing so well! Delivery drivers, I had problems with one today too, putting on their system they'd delivered yesterday when they didn't and turning up today.

Hope tommorows weigh in is a good one and enjoy your evening.
I take it the delivery bloke was probably running late :eek:.

Its always nice when someone mentions that they can see that you have lost weight Angel. Makes up a little for the mornings rudeness.

Good luck tomorrow, hope it a good weigh in x
Good luck for WI tomorrow. x
Thanks guys. I hope it's agood one but I feel pretty bloated. These new meds are yuk. I drank quite a bit today of peppermint tea so I think I reached 2 litres. Only time will tell. Night night x
Friday WI and I'm 3lbs down. Really pleased because that is 3lb of fat gone! If I carry on like that I will be at goal by my birthday in August next year. :bliss:

off to Living North Christmas fair in York. We got free tickets so I'm taking my mum in law.
It's a rainy miserable day but life is good. I'm wearing a size 22 top !!!! :party0011:

got to go, have a great day everyone.


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Friday WI and I'm 3lbs down. Really pleased because that is 3lb of fat gone! If I carry on like that I will be at goal by my birthday in August next year. :bliss: off to Living North Christmas fair in York. We got free tickets so I'm taking my mum in law. It's a rainy miserable day but life is good. I'm wearing a size 22 top !!!! :party0011: got to go, have a great day everyone.

Really fantastic loss Angel! It's just melting off you!

That's a good way to think about it - how nice it'd be to be at goal by your next birthday. You can do it, and you'll look amazing!

Enjoy your day out and congrats on the size 22 top! :)
Wow Angel you are really doing great. I hope you have a super day out. I love York and keep planning a weekend there but Skye gets in the way! My birthday is August 26th and this year I was in Borneo then so it was a special time. When is your birthday? I think your goal is very realistic keep going like you are and you will definitely be at goal by August. x
Wow Angel you are really doing great. I hope you have a super day out. I love York and keep planning a weekend there but Skye gets in the way! My birthday is August 26th and this year I was in Borneo then so it was a special time. When is your birthday? I think your goal is very realistic keep going like you are and you will definitely be at goal by August. x

Thanks Mere. I would dearly live to go to Borneo to see the orang-utans, was it fabulous? My birthday is 22 August. I will be 43. Every time I set a goal with a time limit I never seem to reach it so I panic. I think I will put it down to wishful thinking and have it happen when I get there :)

just think, I have more to lose than you weigh. Goodness!
Thanks Sheridan and Poppy. Lovely to have you guys cheering me on. It makes it exciting to do a WI.

Well, the Christmas fair was huge. Two buildings and stalls on 3 floors. Far too many people. The food court was huge but I didn't touch a thing. MIL (mother in law) did though. Loads of tasters to be had. I actually wasn't tempted by any of it. I didn't drink enough though so I'm trying to make up for it. I'm so tempted to go off track tonight when everyone else gets a take away but I'm not going to. The only thing I bought was a garlic crusher gift set for my hubby at Christmas.

If I breath deeply it'll be like I'm eating it anyway. I think I will try the Exante curry tonight.

Have a lovely evening.
Borneo was fabulous. We saw orphaned orang-utans at Sepalock then a big male wild one when we stayed in the eco village. He sat on our roof calling to ward off any other males. I posted some pictures of him on the site at the end of August. I will try to find my page number and let you know. x
Hi Angel look at page 149 of my diary and you will see the pictures of the orang-utans and the shelter we were sleeping in when the wild one was sitting on our roof! x
Brilliant result all round Angel. Stay strong tonight & you will get another good loss next week x
Angel my sons Birthday is on the 22nd August & he is the naughty one LOL!!

Mine is the 1st August but I'm not naughty in the least :rolleyes: ha x
My sister is born on 1st August. I'm naughty but nice :) got to dash. I have s houseful.

Thanks Mete. Will look at 149 as soon as I get chance.

Have a a good day all x
You too. X
Have a lovely day. x
Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh HELP!!!! Busy day. The outlaws left then a childhood friend arrived. It's the first time we've seen each other for 14 years. She knew I was on a diet and even brought her own lunch and flowers for me. We had a lovely afternoon. She also brought my little one a bag of pressies. A reindeer winter hat and mittens... Sooooo cute...
But there's also a bag of my fav chocolates and choc finger biccies. Everyone has left now, including my hubby so I'm alone with these things.

I had even sent the fresh buns and ham I'd got in case she needed lunch back with her so I wasn't tempted.

So I am feeling the serious pull to the chocs. A voice in my head keeps saying "I deserve a treat, it won't take long to get back into ketosis, it would be a shame to waste them, I won't put on weight eating just one bag....."

so far I've put them in a cupboard. I just need to silence the voice which tells me that a comfy night in watching tv isn't the same without food. I've called 3 friends as a distraction, done my nails and run after my little one. I'm on my second litre of chilled water and it seems to be working.

Vent over... Thanks guys... I can resist, I just needed to get things in perspective. What would I prefer, one bag of chocs or a size 12 figure. No contest (it was close there for a while)

I hope everyone else is doing ok.