Another LT male steps forth

Day 14: WI tomorrow, kinda looking forward to it, so we will wait and see!

I had a wobble over the last few days, and you guys have been there for me so I thank you, I haven't eaten anything or gone off 100% but I was fed up yesterday especially, really bad, I hate that I have got myself to a point where this is my best option! But I have and here it is!

Today I feel good, I still loathe the shakes, they make me wretch but I am getting them down!

Has anyone noticed that pretty much every advert on tv is food based? Haha I certainly have!

I will let you know how I do tomorrow!
medicine medicine medicine.. just think of it as that. When i started before christmas in the first round i hated them and literally downed them in one and hated the aftertaste. Now i only have the choc ones and i brush my teeth right after so i dont have the yucky taste!

however this is the price we pay for where we want to be :) youre doing really well and its great that your oh is behind you 100 percent!

Everything is food based these days, even the side of buses!,, i hate the way lots of foods sponsor programmes..:( all the more reason to not watch tv and get out and about lol! ...good luck for tomorrow :D x
Everything IS food based isn't it? I thought it was just me! When you think about it, no wonder so many of us have issues with food! It's not an excuse because not everyone has managed to let themselves get as big as me but, my God I despise how food is such a money making machine... I mean you never see an advert for cucumbers or broccoli do you? It's always the processed stuff, the muck they call food in Iceland for a quid, the over-priced "feel fuller for longer" M & S range, blah! I'll get off my high horse in a minute! :D

Good to hear you're feeling a bit better today Cherrycoke, we all get these kind of days and I'm sure we've got a few more to come but the most important thing is we can get through them - hopefully with a bit of help from each other. Look forward to hearing how you get on at weigh in tomorrow! xx
Also meant to say... great to see a picture of you! Hello :wavey:
no probs cherrycoke! the only healthy one i can think off is green giant sweetcorn because of the funny ad... sucks i actually hate sweetcorn so i never crave it after the ad! ....Isn't it crazy how far we have come when it comes to ready available food, after LT im going to try my best to stick with unprocessed food and stick with making foods from scratch. there wasnt such a big overweight problem in the western world back in the day when snacking and fast food was practically non existant !! :) x
Everything=food to me! Weekends (esp Sundays), going anywhere with the family, staying in with the family, people coming to stay.....all revolve around 'what will we eat?' (and drink!) ......
I suppose its all about realising that you can do things without it revolving around food.
2 weeks is a massive acheivement, hope this weeks loss is as good as last weeks!!
8 pounds off, I can hardly believe it, I am so chuffed! Through what was a hellish week I am keeping on going! Good luck to you all!
wooooowww a stone and a half in two weeks!!! thats unbelievable! well done you...:D great job...xx
Well done Cherrycoke, a great loss! Let's hope we will lose another stone in 2 weeks :D
What a great loss Cherry!! You are lucky to be able to lose a stone and a half a month cos you are male, so you should be at your goal weight in just over 2 months.. How fantastic is that.. All in good time for our so-called summer!!

It shows great determination that you didn't cave in, and you rightly got your rewards .. Well done x x
That's fantastic news! Brilliant loss are you noticing any changes in your shape and clothing? Keep it up, week 3 now and rocking & rolling :D
Fantastic weight loss! Huge well done :D xx
Thank you guys, I haven't noticed any change in shape or clothes feeling loose, i hope to soon, i have a bag of clothes in the loft i would like to start wearing!