Any September Starters?!

Not that long now MrsB :) good luck preeti!
Struggling today, not because of hunger, I actually not remotely hungry!! But I've realised how much I would comfort eat and I have actually never realised this before. I actually found all food comforting and again, I never realised that. I've had such a stressful day and have found it so difficult to not seek comfort in food or think - I'll have a couple of g&t's tonight, it'll be fine!
I'm not actually sure how to deal with it, may post a thread, but I have been fine at least.
Looking forward to you guys starting!
Hi Jem, it is tough at first....but its so good you recognise how muh of what we put in our mouths was purely for comfort. Shocking, isn;t it? It was for me!!

Hang in there - this is when you wil start learning a lot about yourself, and you have the time to come up with other choices.

Good luck and well done for getting through it. :)
Thanks BL :) yes totally shocking, I'm sure I didn't even consciously do it most of the time.
I have 2 sons and realised this week how much I usually "help" them finish their food, I did an online shop this week for my husband and sons and obviously ordered less bu can't believe how full all of the cupboards & the fridge is. God, it's embarrassing to think I was doing that and nit really realising it. I mean, I know I ate too much but I didnt realise just how much and just how often. It's amazing what this diet can teach you!
Hi beautiful ladies, it's lovely to see so much support on here!

Goodluck to everyone, you will soon be out shopping for sexy Christmas party dresses now if that's not an incentive I dint know what is hunnies!

Look forward to seeing your progress xx
hello everyone!

ahhhhh yeh shes my baby blonde Logic! I remember you on here 3 years ago you are a real inspiration!
Got my start date today confirmed by LLC..... 13th Sept which is 8 days away! Very excited altho scared as ive done the diet before 3 years ago and feel like its gonna be 100 time more difficult this time. But im ready for the fight!
Good luck Tia :) , how are you getting pretti? Mrs B, not long now! Can't remember if there is anyone else starting this month? Just had my first weigh in and have lost 8 pounds :)
Great loss Jemima
That's great Jemima!!! Well done!!!

I went for my "last supper" with my best mates today, and got my LL health form signed off - so ready and waiting for my meeting Thursday, and to start Friday!!

It can't come soon enough!!!
It's great isn't it?!? Always makes me smile and good for motivation!!! Xxxx
I'm doing ok but now cannot sleep :( after about 4 hours I wake up and thats it!! So even now sitting here at 5:30 twiddling my thumbs lol
LL is going really well. I had some packs left over so am using then for the next week or so then will go back to my llc. Unfortunately I can only go on my home scales to see how much I've lost which are always different.
Hi guys - i am starting on the 10th - thsi saturday - so excited after reading many of your posts and seeing how well you are doing :D
Welcome Pymster!!! Glad you stopped by - looking forward to taking this jorney with everyone!! My first meeting is tomorrow, so i'll be starting the day before!! Will be good to talk to others in the same boat, so gimme a shout if you wanna rant!! Hahahha!!!

Good luck! And look forward to talking more with you!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Urgh preeti, that's not good.. Actually it's made me realise I wake up about 4ish quite a lot but am always able to get back to sleep at least ... I'm sure it's the no booze lol!
Good luck over the next couple of days mrs b & pym :)
Have been really craving any food in sight today, not helped by the fact I have / young sons that I have to prepare all of their meals - even a plain but if pasta looked amazing! Then was looking at the next website at clothes etc and that definately got me refocused, thinking what size I cud be by Christmas.
Hello all

Am a september started too. Day 3 today. Seems to be going ok.
Jemima ...have u had ur first weigh in yet ?
I am excited !! It will be nice to share this fab journey with u guys. I am sure there will be rough patches which we can tackle with each others support

Good luck !
Definitely on_the_verge :)
Hope it's feeling a but easier today? I certainly found day 3 easier.
Yes, had my first way in on Monday and lost 8 pounds! Which is double anything I've ever lost on first week of a diet before !
Hi everyone,
Welcome and good luck on your journey's to a happier,healthier and slimmer you!!
Stay focused and keep thinking positive ,you can all do it!
Sexy xx
GR8 news Jemima ! 8 pounds wow !!
I will have my WI on monday. Cant wait. I don't feel hungry anymore and my mouth tastes YUCK!! So I think KETOSIS is here !!
Hope u are keeping up the good work u have done.

Hi on the verge!!

I did indeed! Had my first meeting last night and it was brilliant!! Met some fantastic ladies and a really friendly LLC!! Really glad to be doing it!!

On day 1 today and so far so good! Tried a half choc/half vanilla shake for breakfast, had some flavoured water (fruit of the forest), and a coffee and about to try asparagus soup!!

Haven't felt the need to wobble at all, tho think my headache may be starting prematurely!! Haha!! Not helped by my cold though!!

Still onwards and downwards!!

How's everyone else getting on?!? Xxx