Anyone got weightwatcher scales?


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Does any of you have any Weightwatcher Body Fat Precision Electronic Scales??

Not sure if the little feet come with all WW scales..

I have had mine for years & as those of you have them will know they have little carpet feet...

Well do you actually use them with the feet on?? just I have been FAB on my water all week, nearly 5l & wanted to have a sneaky peek this morning & I have STS, but take the carpet feet off I have lost 2lb..

Very confused!!

Are the carpet feet just for Thick carpets?
My bedroom carpet is 1 of them thin carpets!!

Any Advice....

I do have the scales hun but have never used them on carpet so cant help you sorry.xx
Try it again in your kitchen (or any other room with a hard floor), that is more accurate then having them on carpet.