Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Pretty sure I'm going to be leaving you all on Tuesday again after a very stressful week which has had me reaching for the wine and chocolate, plus a party tomorrow night that I was meant to be saving my syns for (I'm already over). Will let you all know :)

You never know, you might be able to style it out!! ;) if not, I'll eat loooooads before weigh in to keep you company up in the 10s lol x
Yeah, at last I've joined you all after a shocking 4 weeks of playing around with a pound thru no fault of my own........ it was the hormones/water retention, I was 100% on plan! Was very disheartened by it all but being the determined girl that I am, I persevered!!!

5lbs is amazing! Well done, especially as you get closer to target x

I've finally made it!! :)

I vow NEVER to go into the 10's again! Next goal, club 10 then onto the 8's!!

Feels like a long way off but I'm in this for the long haul :)

Welcome x
hey all, can i join please? i was in the 9's but now at 8st 10lb and want to get down to 8 or 8sst 3lb but cant seem to lose anything. I am 4lb less than the weight i was in June last year when i first joined slimming world and go up and down like a yo yo but my last attempt at sw has been from jan this year and its not for budging. Came off plan and gained 2lb, mix of off plan and star week and it came off the following week but been at this weight for while. What would you recommend i do for a kick start? was doing 30day shred so going to attempt that again but do every night as opposed to every 2nd night like i was doing. I have upped my water intake as well and now plan every meal. After the scales weigh in today i am going to change wi day from fri to a sat as a fri WI makes me go off plan fri, sat and sunday...mentally its like a treat so need to give myself a weigh in day of sat which it used to be anyway. Yes want off plan after standing on scales today, was so miffed. Back on tomorrow. We always have take away on a sat and ihave decided i am going to make a prawn salad to ensure i stay on track. Going to have a look at all your diary's to see how to do it - thanks x
Ahhhh! Weigh in this morning puts me at 8 stone 13 and a quarter lbs! I'm so excited - that's 2lb off this week and I've finally made it past 9 stone! I can't remember ever being that weight since I was a teenager and when I started SW I never dreamed I would get this far :) I have been 100% and done exercise every day (except last night) so my efforts paid off!
Well done Charliem! I've changed my WI day to a Sat as looks like things are changing and instead of working 7 days a week I'll now be having Sundays off :D 3lbs off! So 9 stone 8 now :) tbh I drank last night (stress) and is probably dehydration but I'm still claiming it as a positive :p all prepared with low cal wine for house party tonight so fingers crossed I can keep it up. We will get to the 8s ;)
So jealous of you girls! Well done!!
Charliemm, I'm following you on twitter, hope you don't mind! I sent you a tweet saying it was me :) x
downtownsuzie said:
Charliemm, I'm following you on twitter, hope you don't mind! I sent you a tweet saying it was me :) x

Haha no that's fine! I don't tweet too much though :) x
I don't have a notification of you following me or a tweet! :(
Just to check, it's @Charliemm
Your picture is a T-shirt with a dinosaur on?
Ahhhh! Weigh in this morning puts me at 8 stone 13 and a quarter lbs! I'm so excited - that's 2lb off this week and I've finally made it past 9 stone! I can't remember ever being that weight since I was a teenager and when I started SW I never dreamed I would get this far :) I have been 100% and done exercise every day (except last night) so my efforts paid off!

Congratulations being at target! :D Its a wonderful feeling......hit target last year but put it on following surgery........have you anything special planned?
60lbs is a huge amount to must have spent a fortune on new clothes lol!
Good luck with the maintaining, I will be interested in following how you get on
kim63 said:
Congratulations being at target! :D Its a wonderful feeling......hit target last year but put it on following surgery........have you anything special planned?
60lbs is a huge amount to must have spent a fortune on new clothes lol!
Good luck with the maintaining, I will be interested in following how you get on

Thanks Kim :) although I'm at target I want to lost a couple more lbs so that I've got flexibility but will remain under 9 stone, perhaps 8.10 is sensible. I've spent a massive amount on clothes, especially now I can usually find things in my size :)

Good luck with your journey through the 9's :) x
Thanks Kim :) although I'm at target I want to lost a couple more lbs so that I've got flexibility but will remain under 9 stone, perhaps 8.10 is sensible. I've spent a massive amount on clothes, especially now I can usually find things in my size :)

Good luck with your journey through the 9's :) x

Hi Charlie
I know when I was nearing target & buying new clothes, it felt strange seeing a different shaped person....I'm slightly challenged in the height department, so every pound shows on me lol!

Wishing you well in the 8's & hope to be joining you there in the next few months! :D
Hi Charlie
I know when I was nearing target & buying new clothes, it felt strange seeing a different shaped person....

I think my brain still thinks I'm a 14. I'm not very tall either and I just can't get my head around being able to fit in smaller sizes! I'm an 8-10 on top now, although it seems to be taking forever for my hips to follow! I don't want to get too small, only a 10 on the bottom, but they've only gone down half an inch since I started SW in 2009!
kim63 said:
Hi Charlie
I know when I was nearing target & buying new clothes, it felt strange seeing a different shaped person....I'm slightly challenged in the height department, so every pound shows on me lol!

Wishing you well in the 8's & hope to be joining you there in the next few months! :D

It is still very much a shock for me seeing a slim person in the mirror, I know what you mean! Thanks Kim, see you in the 8's soon :)
downtownsuzie said:
I think my brain still thinks I'm a 14. I'm not very tall either and I just can't get my head around being able to fit in smaller sizes! I'm an 8-10 on top now, although it seems to be taking forever for my hips to follow! I don't want to get too small, only a 10 on the bottom, but they've only gone down half an inch since I started SW in 2009!

Totally know where you're coming from, I still get surprised when the size 8'a fit me! My thighs and hips were the last place for me to lose inches from - so don't fear! I found that exercise such as running and Pilates have helped an awful lot recently. Check the Women's Health magazine website - they've got some great hip and thigh toning 15 minute workouts :)
charlotte1985 said:
Well done charliemm. I hope I'm not too far behind you! Thats amazing, and I'm very jealous! x

Thanks :) hope to see you soon in the 8's! X